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Sieci neuronowe – bezmodelowa analiza danych?. K. M. Graczyk IFT, Uniwersytet Wrocławski Poland. Abstract.
Sieci neuronowe – bezmodelowa analiza danych? K. M. Graczyk IFT, Uniwersytet Wrocławski Poland
Abstract • Podczas seminarium opowiem o zastosowaniu jednokierunkowych sieci neuronowych do analizy danych eksperymentalnych. W szczególności skupię uwagę na podejściu bayesowskim, które pozwala na klasyfikację i wybór najlepszej hipotezy badawczej. Metoda ta ma w naturalny sposób wbudowane tzw. kryterium „brzytwy Ockhama”, preferujące modele o mniejszym stopniu złożoności. Dodatkowym atutem podejścia jest brak wymogu używania tzw. zbioru testowego do weryfikacji procesu uczenia. • W drugiej części seminarium omówię własną implementacje sieci neuronowej, zawierającą metody uczenia bayesowskiego. Na zakończenie pokaże moje pierwsze zastosowania w analizie danych rozproszeniowych.
Why Neural Networks? • Look at Electromagnetic Form Factor data • Simple • Strightforward • Then attac more serious problems • Inspired by C. Giunti (Torino) • Papers of Forte et al.. (JHEP 0205:062,200, JHEP 0503:080,2005, JHEP 0703:039,2007, Nucl.Phys.B809:1-63,2009). • A kind of model independet way of fitting data and computing assiosiated uncertienty. • Cooperation with R. Sulej (IPJ, Warszawa) and P. Płoński (Politechnika Warszawska) • NetMaker • GrANNet ;) my own C++ library
Road map • Artificial Neural Networks (NN) – idea • FeedForward NN • Bayesian statistics • Bayesian approach to NN • PDF’s by NN • GrANNet • Form Factors by NN
Aplications, general list • Function approximation, or regression analysis, including time series prediction, fitness approximation and modeling. • Classification, including pattern and sequence recognition, novelty detection and sequential decision making. • Data processing, including filtering, clustering, blind source separation and compression. • Robotics, including directing manipulators, Computer numerical control.
Artificial Neural Network Output, target Input layer Hidden layer
weights i-th perceptron activation function output input Summing threshold
Q2 Q2 F2 s e x GM Q2 A map from one vector space to another
Neural Networks • The universal approximation theorem for neural networks states that every continuous function that maps intervals of real numbers to some output interval of real numbers can be approximated arbitrarily closely by a multi-layer perceptron with just one hidden layer. This result holds only for restricted classes of activation functions, e.g. for the sigmoidal functions. (Wikipedia.org)
sigmoid tanh(x) Feed-Forward-Network activation function • Heavside function q(x) • 0 or 1 signal • Sigmoid function • Tanh()
architecture • 3-layers network, two hidden: • 1:2:1:1 • 2+2+1 + 1+2+1: #par=9: Bias neurons, instead of thresholds G(Q2) Q2 Linear Function Symmetric Sigmoid Function
Supervised Learning • Propose the Error Function (Standard Error Function, chi2, etc, …, any continous function which has a global minimum) • Consider set of the data • Train given network with data marginalize the error function • Back propagation algorithms • Iterative procedure which fixes weights
Learning • Gradient Algorithms • Gradient descent • QuickProp (Fahlman) • RPROP (Ridmiller & Braun) • Conjugate gradients • Levenberg-Marquardt (hessian) • Newtonian method (hessian) • Monte Carlo algorithms (based on the Marcov chain algorithm)
Overfitting • More complex models describe data in better way, but lost generalities • bias-variance trade-off • After fitting one needs to compare with the test set (must twice larger than original) • Overfitting large values of the wigths • Regularization additional penalty term to error function
Fitting data with Artificial Neural Networks ‘The goal of the network training is not to learn on exact representation of the training data itself, but rather to built statistical model for the process which generates the data’ C. Bishop, Neural Networks for Pattern Recognation
Q2 F2 x Parton Distribution Function with NN Some method but…
Parton Distributions Functions S. Forte, L. Garrido, J. I. Latorre and A. Piccione, JHEP 0205 (2002) 062 • A kind of model independent analysis of the data • Construction of the probability density P[G(Q2)] in the space of the structure functions • In practice only one Neural Network architecture • Probability density in the space of parameters of one particular NN But in reality Forte at al.. did
Generating Monte Carlo pseudo data The idea comes from W. T. Giele and S. Keller Training Nrep neural networks, one for each set of Ndat pseudo-data The Nrep trained neural networks provide a representation of the probability measure in the space of the structure functions
uncertainty correlation
short enough long too long 30 data points, overfitting
My criticism • Artificial data, and chi2 error function overestimate error function? • Do not discuss other architectures? • Problems with overfitting?
Form Factors with NN, done with FANN library Applying Forte et al..
How to apply NN to the ep data • First stage: checking if the NN are able to work on the reasonable level • GE and GM and Ratio separately • Input Q2 output Form Factor • The standard error function • GE: 200 points • GM: 86 points • Ratio: 152 points • Combination of the GE, GM, and Ratio • Input Q2 output GM and GE • The standard error function: a sum of three functions • GE+GM+Ratio: around 260 points • One needs to constrain the fits by adding some artificial points with GE(0)=GM(0)/mp=1
GMp Neural Networks Fit with TPE (our work)
Bayesian Approach ‘common sense reduced to calculations’
Bayesian Framework for BackProp NN, MacKay, Bishop,… • Objective Criteria for comparing alternative network solutions, in particular with different architectures • Objective criteria for setting decay rate a • Objective choice of reularising function Ew • Comparing with test data is not requiered.
Data point, vector input, vector Network response Data set Number of data points Number of data weights Notation and Conventions
Probability of D given Hi Normalizing constatnt Model Classification • A collection of models, H1, H2, …, Hk • We belive that models are classified by P(H1), P(H2), …, P(Hk) (sum to 1) • After observing data D Bayes’ rule • Usually at the beginning P(H1)=P(H2)= …=P(Hk)
Single Model Statistics • Assume that model Hi is correct one • The neural network A with weights w is considered • Task 1: Assuming some prior probability of w, construct Posterior after including data
wMP Constructing prior and posterior function Weight distribution!!! likelihood Prior Posterior probability w0
Computing Posterior hessian Covariance matrix
How to fix proper a • Two ideas: • Evidence Approximation (MacKay) • Hirerchical • Find wMP • Find aMP • Perform analitically integrals over a If sharply peaked!!!
Getting aMP The effective number of well-determined parameters Iterative procedure during training
Bayesian Model Comparison – Occam Factor Occam Factor • The log of Occam Factor amount of • Information we gain after data have arraived • Large Occam factor complex models • larger accesible phase space (larger range of posterior) • Small Occam factor simple models • larger accesible phase space (larger range of posterior) Best fit likelihood
Q2 Misfit of the interpolant data x Occam Factor – Penalty Term Symmetry Factor F2 Tanh(.) change w sign Evidence
What about cross sections • GE and GM simultaneously, • Input Q2 and e cross sections • Standard error function • the chi-2-like function, with the covariance matrix obtained from the Rosenbluth separation • Possibilities: • The set of Neural Networks becomes a natural distribution of the differential cross sections • One can produce artificial data in the wide range of the epsilon and perform the Rosenbluth separation, searching the nonlinearities of sR in the epsilon dependence.
Q2 e GM GE TPE What about TPE? • Q2, epsilon GE, GM and TPE? • In the perfect case the changeof the epsilon should not affect the GE and GM. • training by the NN by series of the artificial cross section data with fixed epsilon? • Collecting data in the epsilon bins, and Q2 bins, then showing network the set of data with particular epsilon in the wide range of Q2.