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La ropa que llevo. Tips and tools for creating and presenting wide format slides. El arete – the earring . A ella le gusta ponerse los aretes rosados . She likes to put on the pink earrings. la bolsa – the bag. It’s a brown paper bag. . Es una bolsa de papel de color cafe.
I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories La ropaquellevo Tips and tools for creating and presenting wide format slides
El arete – the earring A ella le gustaponerse los aretesrosados. She likes to put on the pink earrings I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
la bolsa – the bag It’s a brown paper bag. Es unabolsa de papel de color cafe. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El bolsillo – the pocket Ella se metiólasmanos en los bolsillos. She put her hands in her pockets. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Las joyas – the jewels Estasjoyas me costaronunafortuna These jewels cost me a fortune. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Las botas – the boots My best friend used to have six pairs of boots. Made of leather. Mi mejoramigateníaseis pares de botas. Hechos de cuero. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El botón – the button There were buttons on the Shoulder, chest and sleeves. Habiabotones en el hombro, pecho y mangas. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La bufanda – the scarf Two scarves – one multicolered stripes and one with a green and white print/design. Dos bufandas – una de rayas de muchoscolores y una con diseno de verde y blanco. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Unacadena - A chain Es unacadena con candado. It is a chain with a lock.. Un candado I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La caja – the cash register, the box Susana trabaja en la caja. Susana works in the cashier’s box. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La camisa - shirt A white shirt with two pockets. Unacamisablanca con dos bosillos. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Unacarnicería – a butcher shop el carnicero The butcher works in the butcher shop. El carnicerotrabaja en la canicería. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Un carrito – a shopping cart I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La chaqueta – the jacket I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Un cinturón – a belt I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El colmado – el mercado - the grocery store I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El cuello – the neck I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Un dedo – a finger I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Unadocena – a dozen I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Un frasco – a jar I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La fruteria – the fruit shop Siemprecompraba la fruta los sabados. She always would buy the fruit on Saturdays. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El hipermercado – super-sized supermarket I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El impermeable – rain coat I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La joya – the jewella joyería – the jewelry I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Tipo de material lana I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
cuero - leather I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
seda I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
algodón I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La manga – the sleeve I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La muñeca – the wrist I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El oído – the (inner) ear I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La oreja – the ear Estaholandeslleva un panueloazul y es famosapor ser la chica con el arete de perla. This girl from Holland is wearing a blue scarf and is famous as “The Girl with the Pearl Earring.” I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Un pan – a bread I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La panadería – the bread shop, bakery I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Un pañuelo – a handkerchief I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El pastel – the pastry I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La pastelería – the pastry shop I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La pescadería – the fish store I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
Un puesto – a stall/stand I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La pulsera – the bracelet I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La rebanado – the slice I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El reloj - the watch/clock I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
La ropainterior - underwear I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
El saco – the man’s suit coat Se creemuyguapo en susaconuevo. He thinks he is very handsome in his new coat. I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories
I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories