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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ;. ; PI REALTIME BULLETIN CALCULATOR v0.2 coded by Mind Twist (05/Jul/95). ;. ; Run as a Door, Bulletin, on your CMD.LST or somewhere on your logon. ; procedure... Just wherever you wish.
; PI REALTIME BULLETIN CALCULATOR v0.2 coded by Mind Twist (05/Jul/95)
; Run as a Door, Bulletin, on your CMD.LST or somewhere on your logon
; Coded on a boring hot night on july a few days after finishing exams...
; I doubt noone will actually run *this* on a bbs, but well, maybe you are
; just curious and would like to check out what this PI crap is... :)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DISCLAIMER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; If you don't like this PPE, too bad... If it formats your HD too bad... If
; it gives all your users sysop level too bad... If your modems start calling
; LD and trading by themselves too bad... If your dog eats this ppe and he
; doesn't like it, too bad... If it installs win3.1 on your HD too bad...
; Basically what I mean is that I will not be held responsible of any nasty
; things that might happen when you run this ppe, so use at your own risk!
; btw: I don't have a clue on what might happen if the ppe happens to run
; twice at the same time on different nodes... neither do I care much :)
; Call my BBS - TWISTED REALITY sysop: Mind Twist (woah that's me!)
; If you are from Spain, what's taking you so long to call?!...
; I usually do not release any of my ppes to the public, just code them for my
; bbs... But hell, I thought that if I had to suffer this one all of you had
; If you want to exchange ideas don't hesitate and get in touch with me.
; Slain, Ones Wally, Macblue, Halcon Solador and Rox(anna la bruja)
; Beavisete the babosete and Juanete the callete en el dedete del pie
; Vig, Barraka (and Pato Loco hehe), Fry Guy, Dom K, Kaioh Shin, Night
; Flavor F (tranquilo que quiz s algun dia me ganes al doom hehehe...!)