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The Astronomical Interlibrary Cooperation : The Long and Difficult Plan of a Journals Coordinated Acquisition. The Italian Case. Antonella Gasperini - INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Laura Abrami - INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
The Astronomical Interlibrary Cooperation : The Long and Difficult Plan of a Journals Coordinated Acquisition. The Italian Case Antonella Gasperini - INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Laura Abrami - INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste Emilia Olostro Cirella – INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Cooperation among Astronomical Italian Libraries: a Plan Begun Many Years Ago • Common projects • The need for an “official recognition” of the cooperation between libraries • The cooperative acquisition of journals: The crux of the cooperation policy • The present situation • The comparison with other similar experiences • Conclusions LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
Common Projects 1995-2001 • Astrobib (the Italian astronomical mailing list) • The Common Catalogs : • CUBAI for monographs www.arcetri.astro.it/BIBLIO/cubai-http/ • Astronomical ACNP (Archivio Collettivo Nazionale dei periodici) for journals http://acnp.cib.unibo.it/cgi-ser/start/it/cnr/fp.html?libr_name=Biblioteche+degli+Osservatori+Astronomici+e+dei+Dipartimenti+di+Astronomia&libr_th=ASTRO • Specola 2000 : a projectfor the preservation and inventorying of the Historical Archives of the Italian Astronomical Observatories http://www.archivi.beniculturali.it/divisione_III/progspecola.html LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
Meetings and Workshops • CUBAI 1st National Workshop, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma, June 1995 • CUBAI 2nd National Workshop, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma, June 1998 • CUBAI 2000 : 3rd National Workshop, Arcetri, Firenze, June 2000 • CUBAI 2001 : 4th National Workshop, Cagliari, June 2001 ……… a departing train… LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
a departing train … in Cagliari LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Need for an Official Recognition of the Cooperation between Libraries 2002-2004 • January 2002 : birth of INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics) • February 2002 : preparation by the Italian astronomical librarians of a document to request the creation of a national service • June 2002 : creation of a national working group (librarians/astronomers) to conduct a survey on astronomical libraries and to prepare a proposal for the National Service • May 2003 :completion ofthe survey and the proposal • June 2003: reorganization of INAF due to a new law • April 2004: establishment of the Library and Historical Archive Service. Formation of a new working group (Observatories +National Research Council) with the aim to complete the survey and to implement the projects • January 2005 :the first annual plan and the first national budget LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
It takes a long time to realize institutional policy changes in Italy ! LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
http://www.inaf.it/struttura-organizzativa/dsr_1/biblioteche_archivihttp://www.inaf.it/struttura-organizzativa/dsr_1/biblioteche_archivi LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Acquisition of Journals: the Crux of the Cooperation Policy • It’s a long story … • The impact of the high cost of journal subscriptions on the libraries budget • The periodicals as the most important medium for the dissemination of scientific results • Majority of the INAF institutions were subscribers to the same titles……… LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Cooperative Acquisition of Journals: the 2001 Survey • An indipendent working group of librarians on periodicals (Brunetti, Marra, Schiavone) prepared the first complete survey on the distribution, expenses, category of astronomical journals subscribed by the Italian Observatories . • The cooperation as the solution to an efficient management of journal subscriptions inside astronomical libraries • The survey was published in “Biblioteche Oggi” : Costo dei periodici: il caso delle biblioteche astronomiche italiane. Analisi e prospettive nel quadro delle politiche consortili” www.bibliotecheoggi.it/2001/20011003601.pdf LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Cooperative Acquisition of Journals: the 2003 Survey • First report of the national working group (2003) • The subscriptions to journals : 85% of the whole INAF libraries budget (474 K€ in 2002) • Identification of the objectives: • Rationalization, redistribution and optimization of the informative resources • Extension of the same informative resources to all the INAF researchers independent of their affiliated institutions • Widening of the electronic services • Reduction of the expenses • Protection of the diverse local research activities LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Cooperative Acquisition of Journals: the First Attempt to Realization (2004) • 22 titles divided into two groups (considering also the publisher): • Journals subscribed by more than 9 INAF observatories • Journals subscribed by 5-9 observatories • 3 or 5 libraries subscribing print + online version of all 22 titles repository libraries • Join an Italian consortium for the extension of the online version to all the insitutions • Direct negotiations with other publishers • Development of the Document Delivery service • Unique national acquisition LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Problems and the Reactions • Short time limit to realize the proposal for the year 2005 • Too drastic a change • Hardships in cooperation within the INAF libraries (different kinds of institutions with different information needs) • Print versus online ? A difficult choice • The preservation of the digital : an open question • Problems identifying those libraries which are repository libraries LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
…a lot of fears… • Fear to “empty” some small libraries : a “sudden vacuum” effect • Fear to jump from a local system to a single and centralized service • Fear of creating gaps in the collection and ambiguities in preservation of digital information • Without paper, is a library a real library ? • Astronomical research runs on electronic channels, but … do astronomical libraries exist because of their printed resources ? LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
A New Reorganization of INAFA New Proposal … Some assumptions : • INAF Digital Library : to retrieve and disseminate scientific information through online resources and services • Need to provide the same sources of information to reseachers belonging to institutions with different research characteristics and different local collections • Different kinds of cooperation (among INAF libraries, among European astronomical libraries, among scientific libraries) • The selection of the most important astrophysical journals for all the INAF libraries (not just repository libraries) • Elimination of the multiple printed copies of the same journals in the same geographical area in the spirit of cost savings and efficient management of the informative resources • Promotion of all the initiative favouring the online only • A slow and gradual transition LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
We Looked Around… • Italian experiences • INFER (Italian National Forum on Electronic Resources) www.infer.it • Consortia for the acquisition of electronic resources CILEA (www.cilea.it) CIPE (http://www.unicipe.it/) CIBER (http://www.uniciber.it/) • Initiative of cooperation within the same discipline (architecture, biomedical, social science) • Collaboration with the Research Area of Bologna (a regional, but similar experience): more than 4000 online journals • European experiences: • Max-Planck • Contact with CfA LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The Proposal (June 2005) • A group of 41 titles (online access for all the INAF sites). • Six journals (print+online) for all the INAF sites: Astrophysical Journal, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Astronomical Journal, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. • Other 35 titles for some sites (the INAF repository sites) according to the completeness of the collection and the local research needs • Local titles at the discretion of each institution according to the assigned local budget LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
… but not all the apprehensions have disappeared … LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
At least the project is realized !! • The final proposal comes directly from the INAF with my professional support on the basis of the June 2005 report • Involvement of the Directors of the INAF institutions • A first step, more gradual and cautious • For all the researchers in Italy, the same bibliographic resources • Maintenance of the same 2005 budget for the journal subscriptions in 2006 (a success ? maybe) • Request to save money reconsidering the local collection of journals • Promotion of the online-only subscriptions LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
16 titles for 11 observatories/CNR institutes : Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics The Astronomical Journal Astronomische Nachrichten Astronomy & Astrophysics Astronomy & Astrophysics Reviews The Astrophysical Journal The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Journal of the History of Astronomy Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Nature Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Science Le Scienze Sky & Telescope 28 titles distributed among the INAF institutions: Advances in Space Research Applied Optics Astrobiology Astronomy & Geophysics Astronomy Letters , Astronomy Reports Astroparticle Physics Astrophysics Astrophysics & Space Science Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Celestial Mechanics Chinese Astronomy & Astrophysics Computing in Science & Engineering Earth, Moon & Planets Experimental Astronomy Icarus Information Bullettin of Variable Stars Journal of Geophysical Research A Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Journal of the Optical Soiety of America A and B New Astronomy and New Astronomy Reviews Optics Letters Physics Today Planetary & Space Science Solar Physics Space Science Reviews The final proposal : a group of 44 titles LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The project works ! And the cooperation too ! Some final questions • Our libraries are becoming more and more empty of users, but do the users want to fill our libraries with paper ? • Does having papers justify the existence of libraries ? • The astronomical community has a high level (for a long time) of automation know-how, but show an active resistance (in Italy, at least) to drop the printed journals…why ? • Astronomers anxious for the future : do they believe that the electronic format will preserve the scientific results ? LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
The project works ! And the cooperation too ! Some final questions • And the INAF librarians point of view ? • Are astronomers and librarians worried about the same things ? • Difficulties for the Italian research librarians to accept the transition from collection managers to services managers • Fear of the vacuum effect: job security without books LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
A broader context • Recommendations from the European Commission, Directorate General for Research (January 2006):an analysis of the conditions regarding access and dissemination of research results • Guarantee public access to publicly funded research results shortly after publication • Guarantee perennial access to scholarly journal digital archives • Foster interoperable tools to improve knowledge visibility, accessibility and dissemination LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
Conclusion • The direction is clear : the cooperation is the most important key to front the ambiguities of the scientific publishing market • The road to success has been gradual (step by step) • European Commission guidelines • Promotion of initiatives favouring the Open Access movement ...in Italy • To extend the collaboration to all other library services to create an integrated system • To adhere to a consortium to enlarge the use of electronic informative resources • To open European astronomical collaboration LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006
Thank you for your attention ! LISA V - Cambridge, June 18-21, 2006