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Contemporary Latin American Politics Poli 56-02 Claudio A. Fuentes

Contemporary Latin American Politics Poli 56-02 Claudio A. Fuentes. DIVERSITY . Latin America (LA) is a complex and diverse region of the world SIMILAR PROBLEMS . LA faces similar problems than other regions: inequality/ underdevelopment/ racism/ gender inequality/ discrimination.

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Contemporary Latin American Politics Poli 56-02 Claudio A. Fuentes

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  1. Contemporary Latin American PoliticsPoli 56-02Claudio A. Fuentes • DIVERSITY. Latin America (LA) is a complex and diverse region of the world • SIMILAR PROBLEMS. LA faces similar problems than other regions: inequality/ underdevelopment/ racism/ gender inequality/ discrimination. • INTERDEPENDENCE OF CONFLICTS. As the world becomes more interconnected, what happens in LA will affect the US and viceversa (economic crises, immigration, drugs, environment, etc)

  2. Questions • Why have Latin America not achieved a higher level of development? • What makes Latin America a politically and socially unstable region in the world?

  3. Schedule • I. Back to History/ 2 classes • test/ map quiz • II. Explaining economic development/ 6 classes • short essay • III. Explaining political instability/ 6 classes • Mid-Term exam (I, II, III) • IV. Case Studies (Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico) 12 classes • Research Paper + Final Exam (II, III, IV)

  4. Required Readings • Textbooks (In the Bookstore) • Alma Guillermoprieto. The Heart that Bleeds: Latin America Now • Skidmore & Smith--Modern Latin America • Child of the Dark: The Diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus • Reserve Readings marked with (*) in the Syllabus • Available at the Undergraduate Reserves or http://www.lib.unc.edu/reserves/ • Texts online • Available in my web page: http://www.unc.edu/~cfuentes • Download from UNC campus • The New York Times

  5. Evaluation • 10% Test and Map Quiz • August 30th- Test on ch. 2 (S&S) and map quiz • 15% Short Essay • September 27th. Question in the Syllabus • 20% Mid-term Exam • All we have discussed until this point • 25% Research Paper • 10-12 pages research paper. • 20% Final Exam • All we have discussed in the course--focus on 2nd half • 10% Class Participation • Attendance + participation

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