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durgA. dEvi mAhAtmyam shlokam. mAtarmE madhukaitaBAgni mahishaprAnApahAroDhyamE hElAnirmitha DhUmralochanavadhE hE chandamundArdhinI nishEshIkrutha raktabIjadhanujE nityE nishumbhApahE shumbhaDhvamshini samharAshu duritham durgE namastEambikE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. durgA

  2. dEvi mAhAtmyam shlokam mAtarmE madhukaitaBAgni mahishaprAnApahAroDhyamE hElAnirmitha DhUmralochanavadhE hE chandamundArdhinI nishEshIkrutha raktabIjadhanujE nityE nishumbhApahE shumbhaDhvamshini samharAshu duritham durgE namastEambikE My salutations to you, O, Mother DurgA, who destroyed evil forces such as the MadhukaitabhAs, MahishAsurA, DhUmralochanA, ChandA, MundA, RaktabijA, ShumbhA and NishumbhA. I salute you who is eternal. Please destroy my ills.

  3. mahAkAli dyAnam Khadgam chakragadeshu chApapariDAn shulambhushundim shiraha shankam sandhadhathim karaistrinayanAm sarvAngabhushavruthAm yAmhAnthum madhukaitabau jalajabusthUstAvasupteharau nilAshamdyutimAsya pAdadashakAm sevemahAkAlikAm Salutatations to mahAkAli who holds sword, discus, mace, arrow, bow, iron club, spear(piercinginsight), sling, human head, and conch –adorned on all her limbs –sparkling like a sapphire (blue black) –vast night sky and her infinitude -- three eyed (past present future) who was extolled by brahmA.

  4. mahAlaxmi dyAnam akshasra parasum gadeshu kulisham padmam DhanukundikAm dandam sakthimasim cha charmajalajam gantAm surAbAjanam shUlam pAsha sudarshanE cha dadhatIm hastaihipravAla prabAm sEvE sairibhamardhinIm iha mahAlaxmIm sarjoastithAm I revere MahAlaxmi-Durga, who holds in her 18 hands, prayer beads, pot, mace arrow, thunderbolt, lotus, bow, waterpot, staff, lance, sword, shield, conch, bell, chalice, trident, noose and the discus sudarshanA殆hose complexion is radiant like coral who is seated on a lotus, and who is the destroyer of MahishAsurA.

  5. mahAsarasvathi dyAnam ghantA shula halAnishankha musalE chakram Dhanuh sAyakam HastAbjair dhadathIm ganAnthavilasa chitthAmshu thulyaprabhAm gauridehasamudhbhavAm trijagatAm AdhArabhutam mahA purvAmatra sarasvathIm anubhajE shumbhAdhidaityArdhinIm I worship the incomparable mahAsarasvathiwho holds in her hand !bell, trident, plough, conch, mace, discus, bow, and arrow. Who is effulgent like the moon shining at the edge of a cloud 殆ho supports the 3 worlds and who came forth from the body of gaurito destroy shumbhA

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