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From me to the € uro. A Grundtvig Project at Cartagena Centre of Education for Adult Persons (CEPA). Project background : a) Formal Perspective. Initial interest to a new European Educational dimension.
From me tothe €uro A Grundtvig Project at Cartagena Centre of Education for Adult Persons (CEPA)
Project background:a) Formal Perspective • Initial interest to a new European Educational dimension. • To focus your attention on Headline issue : Participation into the Economical and monetary Union
Backgrounda) Formal • As citizens we were being affected directly by the participation of our country in a supra nation community and the obligatory mandate to change our PESETA for a new currency. • As Teachers. We focussed our attention inmidiately to a group of students – with a remarckable presence in our Centre ( Basic Training) mainly elder people with particular features might have bigger troubles or threats to face the new coming changes. And they need urgently an specific training. • In addition, we were taking about an speciel training we alos requiere as citizens.
Topic Disscusion and Agreement • Headmasters Team • Teacher’s Directive group (Claustro) • School Departments • Teachers’ Group • Pedagógical Coordination Comission • District Centre (Comarca)
Project backgroundb) Pedagogical Approach • Spread the information with other teachers • Preparing materials • How to apply this in to the classroom • And At the same time: To make a Didactic Unit by tasks for Grundtvig Project.
Didactic Unit • Using pedagogical criteria, making an activity task planning • Global focus • To pay attention to the specific needs on the wide variaty and students background.
Didactical Unit 1.- Knowledge of different cultures, traditions and languages of the UE Countries. 2.- To Improve the EPA students understanding of the Political, economical and administrative issues on the UE to face Euro starting phase as the UE currency. 3.- To develop the feeling to be integrated into a community that is further away of our national frontiers. 4.- To value the enviroment as a relevant element to enjoy by all persons and to promote its conservation without any doubt. 5.- To promote the adquisition of new knowledge related to new technologies and languages to be able to participate on a wider UE work market 6.- To show to the teachers the basic trends of new technologies bto integrate these knowledge in the classroom and they might be useful to motivate the students to use new communications ways that are useful and basic to live on the present society .
In September 1999, Brusselsgavegreen light totheproject“ Going shopping onEurope, usingthe Euro (Europewith no frontiers)” Coordinator Centre: CEPA Cartagena. Associated centres: - Ludwing-Erhard-Schule, Frankfurt (Germany). - Communaute Française de Bélgique Haute École "Albert Jacquerd", Namur (Bélgium). - VUC, Svendborg (Danmak). - Komvux, Västeräs (Sweden).
Initial common AIM “ To contribute on the permanent education of the adult student , mainly coming from ethinc minorities , gypsys, eldder people and women as members of the Supra national community To help them to adapt dealing with new global ways of life and working scenarios plus the approach to the new communication tecnoligies”.
WORK MEETINGS • e-mail, phone, letters… • At CEPA in Cartagena (Spain) • En VUC, Svendborg (Dinamarca). • En Communaute Française de Bélgique Haute École "Albert Jacquerd", Namur (Bélgica). • En Komvux, Västeräs (Suecia).
Comunication between the students • Duringthedesign of thisproject, studentsfromdifferenteducational centres established a comunicationthrough internet ( email) in english and spanish. • This link promote a exchange of knowledgeaboutdiverseways of understandlife. • Theyconcludedthatyouraspirations, willingnesstoknow,leisure, expectations, likes and dislikeswerevery similar. • These similar feelingsfacilitatethedevelopment of thetaskduringthedidacticunitbuilding.
Cartagena Meeting • Political and economical situation of the five UE participant countries in this project with particular enfasis about the unique currency. b) AIMS: • To do some activities which allow to meet the group members. • To visit the city and the surroundings trying to understand natural resources concepts and the environmental impacts. • To contrast the diferent socio- economical environments varying from leisure facilities to cultural places from each of the cities participating in this project. The students also will express their comments about these visits. • To Know the Educational Centre of Adult Persons and working environment in side the classrooms. • To exchange ideas about the funtioning while visisting the Educational centres on each of the participant countries. • To Exchange materials, ideas about the project as a whole. • To design specific working proposals. • To share and distribute the responsabilities and tasks of each one of the group members. • To agree a working time until the next meeting .
Cartagena Meeting (cont.) • Particular idea and focus of theAdultEducation. • Tocarryout a didacticprojectwhichsuchfeatures , one can establic a new metodologicalwork concept and alsotheorganisation, development and thepracticalapplication of thestudytask. • In thismeetingamongstAdulteducationprofessionalsourstudy plan of Basic educationwastheonlyonehaving a particular idea aboutadultpersonseducation • The centres are tighlylinkedwiththeworkingworld , so one of theirprioritiesistogivetheright response tothe training demads and didactic and scientificupdatedrequiredbythefactories and enterprises, and alsotheseorganisationsneedsthesequalificationstotheirworkers.
Cartagena Meeting (cont.) • Thetrainmingopportunities arde considered in a similar way , mainlybasedonthestudentbackground: - Whodidnotfinishbasicschoolcycles. - Thosewhohave a training thatisnowbelowtheobligatorystandard. - Thosewhowanttoworkorupdateyourbasicknowledgetothepresentjobmarket. - Thosewhowanttolearnbythethepleasuretolearn. - Thosewhobytheirownwanttoenhancetheirstudies and knowledge. • Wealsohave in commun: • Tobe in the UE and onlyonecurrency ( EURO) • Tospeak in spanish and english • To use a ComunicationTechnology
Cartagena Meeting (cont.) d) Intercambio de experiencias. A los Centros asociados les resultó altamente interesante: • La existencia de Departamentos didácticos y Equipos Docentes de cada oferta formativa para la coordinación de los profesores que actuamos en diferentes espacios geográficos. Como Centro gestor destacamos en cuanto a los demás Centros: • la estrecha conexión-dependencia que los Centros mantienen con el mundo laboral, • el carácter eminentemente práctico de la formación con el objeto de actualizar los conocimientos del estudiante y favorecer su inserción profesional, • el equilibrio que se pretende conseguir entre la formación teórica y la práctica, • la mentalización de los estudiantes respecto a que su lugar de trabajo puede hallarse en cualquier país (movilidad laboral), de ahí la importancia que le conceden al aprendizaje de los idiomas, • el interés por facilitar la comunicación entre los estudiantes. • Etc.
PROJECT OUTCOMESPermanentAdultEducation 1. “Fromthe I tothe €uro” (A DidacticProposalforTransnationalCooperation) English and Spanishbookversions. 2. “In Searchforthe €uro” (A transnationalproposalforacademic and vocationalguidance) in CD-ROM. English and Spanish
Project Promotion • - Partners and collegues • - Local and regional adminitration • - OtherAdultEducational Centres (Highschools, training centres, etc) • - Press • - PedagogicalReviews and newsletters • - Mailingtheoutcomestoother Regional Governments in Spain (interested). • - Final projectprodutssenttothe UE Commission