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SCRUM for Startups

SCRUM for Startups. Innosquared – Providing expertise on demand. Who I am…. Stephan Haupt Born in 82‘ in Leverkusen, Germany Studied „Technical Informatics “ (Information Engineering ) Lead Software Developer @ Innosquared. Who is INNOSQUARED….

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SCRUM for Startups

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SCRUM for Startups Innosquared – Providing expertise on demand.

  2. Who I am… • Stephan Haupt • Born in 82‘ in Leverkusen, Germany • Studied„Technical Informatics“ (Information Engineering) • Lead Software Developer @ Innosquared

  3. Who is INNOSQUARED… • Founded in 2010 in Duesseldorf, Germany • Provides global accesstoindustryexpertsenablingthousandsofinteractionseachyear • Network ofexpertsfrommorethan 50 countries • Flat hierarchies • Young, good-humoredteam • Alwayslookingfortalentedpeopletojoinourteam

  4. Whatwe do… Identify – Recruit – Manage

  5. Expertscanbesourcedaccordingtoourclientsneeds Consultations Discussion between client and expert(s) via phone or face-to-face Project Staffing Series of consultations to complement client’s know-how Workshops/ Seminars Expert participates in client’s meetings or gives presentation Surveys Custom web-based survey of selected experts

  6. Whatthe hell is SCRUM ?

  7. SCRUM Process

  8. Ball Point Game • Youareonebigteam • Ball must haveair-time • No ball toyourdirectneighbors • Start Point = End Point • Iteration = 2 min • We will play 3-4 iterations

  9. Problems before SCRUM • Very long release times • Difficulties to react to changed requirements • Not enough time for quality management • Problems in requirement engineering

  10. Improvements we made with SCRUM • Short release times • Clear responsibilities • Clear requirements • Flexible dealing with changed requirements

  11. Problems implementing SCRUM • No SCRUM Master • Code Quality Issues • Estimation without Story points

  12. Key Learnings • Keep it simple • Implement a base version • Define a target for every sprint • The devil is in the implicit

  13. Whatyou‘ll not learnfrombooks… • Sprint Planning I • Askforrequirements / specificinformation • Discover User Acceptance Tests • Talk aboutconstraints • DiscussAcceptancecriteria

  14. Whatyou‘ll not learnfrombooks… • Sprint Planning II • Create architecturediagrams • Diveintothecodebase • Get an ideaaboutthetechnicalsolution • Tasks will comeupas a sideproduct

  15. Whatyou‘ll not learnfrombooks… • Estimation • Once a sprint / week • Do not usetimesforestimation, betteruse Story points (1, 3, 5, 8, 13) • Play „Magic Estimation“

  16. Links • http://borisgloger.com/ • Search on Youtubeforborisglogerandthesprintmeetings

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