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Learn about symbol tables and hashing techniques. Understand key concepts like hashing functions, collision resolution, open addressing, universal hash functions, and methods for choosing a hash function. Explore collision scenarios, linear probing, double hashing, chaining, hash buckets, and more.
Symbol Table and Hashing • A ( symbol) table is a set of table entries, (K,V) • Each entry contains: • a unique key, K, and • a value (information), V • Each key uniquely identifies its entry • Table searching: • Given: a search key, K • Find: the table entry, (K,V) COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Symbol Table and Hashing • Once the entry (K,V) is found, its value V, may be updated, it may be retrieved, or the entire entry, (K,V) , may be removed from the table • If no entry with key K exists in the table, a new table entry having K as its key may be inserted in the table • Hashing is a technique of storing values in the tables and searching for them in linear, O(n), worst-case and extremely fast, O(1), average-case time COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Basic Features of Hashing • Hashing computes an integer, called the hash code, for each object • The computation, called the hash function,h(K), maps objects (e.g., keysK) to the array indices (e.g.,0, 1, …, imax) • An object having a key value K should be stored at locationh(K), and the hash function must always return a valid index for the array COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Basic Features of Hashing • A perfecthash function produces a different index value for every key. But such a function cannot be always found. • Collision: if two distinct keys,K1 K2, map to the same table address,h(K1) = h(K2) • Collision resolution policy: how to find additional storage in which to store one of the collided table entries COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
How Common Are Collisions? • Von Mises Birthday Paradox: if there are more than 23 people in a room, the chance is greater than 50% that two or more of them will have the same birthday • Thus, in the table that is only 6.3% full (since 23/365 = 0.063) there is better than 50-50 chance of a collision! COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
How Common Are Collisions? • ProbabilityQN(n)of no collision (that is, that none of the n items collides, being randomly tossed into a table with N slots): COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Probability PN(n)of One or More Collisions COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Open Addressing with Linear Probing (OALP) • The simplest collision resolution policy: • to successively search for the first empty entry at a lower location • if no such entry, then ``wrap around'' the table • Drawbacks: clustering of keys in the table COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
OALP example: n = 5..7 N= 10 COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Open Addressing with Double Hashing (OADH) • Better collision resolution policy reducing the likelihood of clustering: • to hash the collided key again using a different hash function and • to use the result of the second hashing as an increment for probing table locations (including wraparound) COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
OADH example: n = 5..7 N = 10 COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Two More Collision Resolution Techniques • Open addressing has a problem when significant number of items need to be deleted as logically deleted items must remain in the table until the table can be reorganised • Two techniques to attenuate this drawback: • Chaining • Hash bucket COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Chaining and Hash Bucket • Chaining: all keys collided at a single hash address are placed on a linked list, or chain, started at that address • Hash bucket: a big hash table is divided into a number of small sub-tables, or buckets • the hush function maps a key into one of the buckets • the keys are stored in each bucket sequentially in increasing order COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Universal Classes of Hash Functions • Universal hashing: a random choice of the hash function from a large class of hash functions in order to avoid bad performance on certain sets of input • Let K, N, and H be a key set, a size of the range of the hash function, and a class of functions that map K to 0,…, N-1, respectively. Then H is universal if, for any distinct k,kK, it holds that • H is a universal class if no pair of distinct keys collide under more than 1/N of the functions in the class COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Choosing a hash function • Four basic methods: division, folding, middle-squaring, and truncation • Division: • choose a prime number as the table size N • convert keys, K, into integers • use the remainder h(K) = K mod N as a hash value of the key K • find a double hashing decrement using the quotient, DK = max{1, (K/N)mod N} COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Choosing a hash function • Folding: • divide the integer key, K, into sections • add, subtract, and/or multiply them together for combining into the final value, h(K) • Example: K=013402122 sections 013, 402, 122 h(K) = 013 + 402 + 122 = 537 COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Choosing a hash function • Middle-squaring: • choose a middle section of the integer key, K • square the chosen section • use a middle section of the result as h(K) • Example: K = 013402122 middle: 402 4022=161404 middle: h(K) = 6140 COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Choosing a hash function • Truncation: • delete part of the key, K • use the remaining digits (bits, characters) as h(K) • Example: K=013402122 last 3 digits: h(K) = 122 • Notice that truncation does not spread keys uniformly into the table; thus it is often used in conjunction with other methods COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Universal Class by Division • Theorem (universal class of hash functions by division): • Let the size of a key set, K, be a prime number: |K| =M • Let the members of K be regarded as the integers {0,…,M-1} • For any numbers a{1,…,M-1};b {0,…,M-1} let COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Universal Class by Division • Then H = {ha,b: 1 a < Mand 0 b < M}is a universal class • Proof: [optional: see in the Coursebook…] • In practice: • let M be the next prime number larger than the size of the key set • Then choose randomly a and b such that a> 0 and use the hash function ha,b(k) COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Efficiency of Search in Hash Tables • Load factorl: if a table of size N has exactly M occupied entries, then • Average numbers of probe addresses examined for a successful (Sl) and unsuccessful (Ul) search: SC -separate chaining; lmay be higher than 1 COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Efficiency of Search: Sl Theoretical / average measured experimental results COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Efficiency of Search: Ul Theoretical / average measured experimental results COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004
Table ADT Representations: Comparative Performance *) also: Retrieve, Update**)To enumerate a hash table, entries must first be sorted in ascending order of keys that takes O(N log N) time COMPSCI.220.FS.T - 2004