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Where to Get Help

STAT 541. Where to Get Help. Imelda Go, John Grego, Jennifer Lasecki , 2011.

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Where to Get Help

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  1. STAT 541 Where to Get Help Imelda Go, John Grego, Jennifer Lasecki, 2011

  2. These slides provide information about a number of resources available to SAS users, including SAS technical support, expert opinion from other SAS programmers via conference proceedings and/or e-mail LISTSERVs, and SAS users groups.

  3. Contact SAS Technical Support by Phone North America: Call 919-677-8008 • Support is provided from SAS corporate headquarters in Cary, NC • Support hours for new questions are M-F 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT • Limited support for new questions is available M-F 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT • Support hours for questions with an assigned tracking number are M-F 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT

  4. SAS Customer Support Online • http://support.sas.com/ • Submit a problem online and wait for assistance via e-mail. You will need your site number.

  5. SAS Knowledge Base • http://support.sas.com/resources/ • You can search the same Knowledge Base that SAS technical support personnel search when you call in with a problem.

  6. Online Documentation • http://support.sas.com/documentation/index.html • Content of SAS manuals is available in HTML and PDF form

  7. Proceedings of SAS-Related Conferences • http://support.sas.com/events/sasglobalforum/previous/online.html • Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum (SGF) (formerly named SAS Users Group International (SUGI)) are available online.

  8. Proceedings of SAS-Related Conferences (cont.) • http://www.lexjansen.com/ • Lex Jansen’s web site provides searchable access to thousands of papers from SAS Users Group conferences, such as SAS Global Forum, SUGI, PharmaSUG, NESUG, SESUG, PhUSE, WUSS, MWSUG and PNWSUG.

  9. Participate in SAS Users Group Activities • Go to http://support.sas.com/sasusersupport/usergroups/us.html#s1=1 to contact specific Users Groups. • SAS Global Forum at the national and international levels • Regional level (Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) for South Carolina) • In-house Users Groups are for groups within a single organization. • Special-Interest Users Groups serve users within a specific operational area.

  10. SAS-L LISTSERV • Go to http://support.sas.com/community/rss/ for directions to joining the SAS-L LISTSERV. • SAS-L is supported by SAS users and is sponsored by the University of Georgia. It is an Internet mail list (LISTSERV) that focuses on issues related to SAS software products. • Users post their question for discussion on the list.

  11. sasCommunity.org • http://www.sascommunity.org/wiki/Main_Page • sasCommunity.org is a collaborative online community for SAS users worldwide created by SAS users for SAS users. This wiki site is a resource to find answers, share technical knowledge, collaborate on ideas, and network with other SAS users.

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