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Mrs. Rivers' 7th Grade Math Class Guidelines and Procedures

Detailed guidelines and procedures for Mrs. Rivers' 7th grade math class, including classroom entry, homework expectations, and school dismissal procedures. Stay organized and prepared for a successful math learning experience.

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Mrs. Rivers' 7th Grade Math Class Guidelines and Procedures

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  1. Day 1 Math classes

  2. Beginning of class (about 5-10 min.) • 1. Bathroom/water needs should be taken care of before entering class. • 2. Line up outside in a single file line until all student have exited the classroom. Only enter the classroom once all students from previous class have left. • 3. Once you enter get your math items out of your bookbag (composition notebook, workbook, folder, loose leaf paper, pencils/pens, highlighter, agenda) anything you think you will need in class. • 4. Place your bookbag in the front of the room (holding area) and you should not return to your bookbag until class ends. • 5. You will be seated and start on your warm up activity, which will be located on the smartboard. • 6. Copy homework in your agenda.

  3. Who is Mrs. Rivers? I have taught in Williston, SC Jackson Middle School, and PKMS My Boston Terrier (Buster) I was born on March 11, 1966 The year I started teaching and married Chris Rivers. Husband started a 5 year job in Las Vegas. I go frequently to visit. I struggled with math in school. I am very spiritual and love my Jesus. I am married with 2 sons.

  4. Daily schedule • 1. Standard will be posted on board daily. (What will we learn?) • 2. Warm up, homework, direct instruction, model, practice, independent time. • 3. Computer lab day each Thursday we will meet in LAB 350. Assigned seating, EDMENTUM, Khan Academy • 4. No specially designated testing days for math. • 5. Essential question (Something to think about)

  5. Textbooks • 1. There is a Volume 1 and Volume 2 math textbook. • 2. Textbooks may not be used daily but need to be brought to class as posted on door. • 3. Do not tear pages out of workbook unless instructed by teacher.

  6. Homework • 1. Homework will be given Monday thru Friday. You should record all homework in your agenda. It will also be posted on my web page. • 2. I will expect all homework to be completed daily with work shown. • 3. Individuals will work problems on board or be asked to explain their work. • 4. Homework will be graded for effort. Homework can either help or hurt you. If you do your homework you will preform better on the class assignments. If you choose not to do your homework you will have more difficulty with assignments. • 5. Need a few extra points at the end of the semester? Did youparticipate daily in class, do your homework, and take notes? If you do your homework you will preform better on the class assignments. If you choose not to do your homework you will have more difficulty with assignments.

  7. End of math class About 5 minutes before the end of class my phone alarm will sound. At this point the following will need to take place. • 1. If group work or partner work is happening stop and return to your assigned seat quickly. • 2. Organize items at desk in preparation for bell. • 3. This time will be used to review what was talked about in class. • 4. This is not time to grab bookbag, talk to your partner, throw trash away, or copy homework.

  8. School Dismissal Procedures

  9. Proceedure for walkers At the 3:10 bell, the students will go down to the car loading areas at the end of the day as was done in past years. Walkers for Pisgah Rd. *All students will meet in the Atrium of the school by the front office by 3:17pm (dismissal at 3:10pm from classes) *School staff will escort the students across Pisgah Rd via the Wells Rd crosswalk and walk along the sidewalk. They will then cross with school-designated adult. No students will cross the road without school personnel. If school personnel are not at location when crossing is needed, the student will need to notify the front office. No students will cross at the school sign at Pisgah Rd. Walkers for Wells Rd. Crossing *Students will follow the sidewalk to the track and walk along the track to meet the safety monitor. *Students should wait for the safety monitor before crossing Wells Rd.

  10. REMIND • Have you and your parents/guardians joined REMIND? Steps to join • Download REMIND app for cell phone. • Text rivers@mat to 81010

  11. How to find Mrs. Rivers’ webpage. • 1. Enter Paul Knox Middle School in your search engine. • 2. Locate academics at the top, left of the page. Use the pull down to go to grade level directory. • 3. On the left you will see grade level directory. Click on the 7th grade teachers tab. • 4. Each of the 7th grade teachers will have a web page located at the bottom of the screen. Look for Mrs. Rivers (Math.) • 5. This is the location for homework, school calendar, important information, etc.

  12. Questions/comments • Any questions or comments concerning math classes?

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