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Medium Access Control. MAC Is Need for Multi-Access Channel. A multi-access channel (e.g., a copper wire, the air) is a channel on which multiple stations can send their data. (Widely used in LAN such as Ethernet because of amortized low cost)
MAC Is Need for Multi-Access Channel • A multi-access channel (e.g., a copper wire, the air) is a channel on which multiple stations can send their data. (Widely used in LAN such as Ethernet because of amortized low cost) • Different than a point-to-point link where only one station can send its data. (Widely used in WAN such as T3 for connecting two remote cities) • MAC is used to avoid multiple data transmission at the same time (collision) on a multi-access channel. • If multiple data packets collide with each other, their data will be garbled and become useless.
Classification of Various MAC Protocols MAC is still an active research area.
MAC’s Performance Metrics • Network goodput • Packet retransmission, corruptions, and system overhead make goodput less than throughput • Mean delay • Will you need to wait a long time before getting a turn to send a packet? Is there a bound? • Stability • Will goodput decreases as the offered user load increase ? • Fairness • Will roughly every one get the same throughput? • Priority or Quality-of-Service • Can I get more BW and shorter delays than others if I am willing to pay more ?
FDM and TDM Result in Longer Delay and Lower Throughput • Static partition of frequency or time may result in unused frequency or idle period when user data is dynamic and bursty. • “Queuing theory” also tells us it is better to have one queue serving M customers than N queues each serving M/N customers. • Because in the N-queue case, the customer waiting time will be N times that in the one queue case.
A Simple M/M/1 Queuing System • Packet arrival rate: L • Server service rate: U • Let p = L/U • The average waiting time of a packet in the system is T = 1/ (U – L) • If FDM or TDM is used to create N channels, T’= 1/(U/N – L/N) = N*T
Polling Results in High Delay and BW Overhead • A station needs to play the role of the master asking each slaves if he/she has data to send. • Problems: • Need to know the number of slaves and who they are • What if the master dies? • If the propagation delay is long and data transmission time is short, network utilization is low. • A slave who just missed his/her turn needs to wait a long time • Polling and slave’s reply messages waste bandwidth
Reservation Supports Priority and QoS But Needs a Master • Time is divided into the reservation and data transmission interval. • During the reservation interval, time is further divided into slots, each for a slave. (can also be shared) • If a slave wants to send its data, it indicates its intent by marking its assigned slot. (or contending for a slot) • The master then makes a schedule for these slaves and announce the schedule to all slaves. • Problems: • What if the master dies? • Need to know how many slaves for maintaining reasonable number of slots
Distributed MACs Are More Reliable • There is no station playing the master role. Every station is equal. • More reliable • Don’t need to know the number of participating stations • The number of participating stations can change dynamically over time • Stations’ clocks need not be synchronized. • A station determines to send its data solely based on its local knowledge of the network. • No control message bandwidth overhead • Easier to implement
Distributed MACs Cannot Guarantee Priority, Delay Bound, or QoS • Because each station makes its decisions solely based on its local knowledge (may not reflect the true global condition of the network), decisions made may not be the best. • Because there is no coordinator (like a policeman) to regulate packet transmissions, priority, delay bound, or QoS cannot be guaranteed. • Fortunately, all of the above problems go away when the network bandwidth is large. • If a packet can be immediately sent anytime, why would we need a QoS guarantee? • Upgrading 10 Mbps to 1000 Mbps is not hard.
Pure ALOHA • Users transmit their data to a base station whenever they have data to send. • Feedback from the base station indicates whether a transmitted packet is destroyed because of collision. • If the packet is destroyed, the user waits a random amount of time and sends it again. • Frames may partially overlap.
Slotted ALOHA • Time is divided into slots. • Participating stations’ clocks need to precisely synchronized. • Frame transmissions can only begin at the slot boundary. • If a station wants to send a frame during a time slot, it needs to wait until the beginning of the next time slot. • Of course, frame length is fixed. • Frame collisions, if happen, are total overlaps. • No partial frame overlaps
The Vulnerable Period of Pure ALOHA 2 * Frame periods
Slotted ALOHA’s Vulnerable Period is ½ of that of Pure ALOHA Send attempt time Vulnerable period 1 frame period
Performance of Pure and Slotted ALOHA Idle more Collisions more The probability that k frames are generated during a frame time is assumed to be the Poisson distribution: Pr[k] = (G^k * e ^(-G) )/ k! G: average attempts per frame time
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) • A station senses the carrier to see if there is a ongoing packet transmission. • If no, then it can send its packet immediately. • If yes, • then it waits until the current transmission is finished, and then send its packet immediately (1-persistent) 802.3 Ethernet • or it waits a random time to retry the attempt. (nonpersistent) 802.11 Wireless LAN • or when the channel becomes idle, it sends its packet with a probability p or defers to the next slot with a probability 1-p (p persistent, only applicable for slotted channel) • However, collision can still occur! • Due to signal propagation delay of the link • The vulnerable period is the one-way signal propagation delay of the link.
Performance of Various CSMA Schemes Normally, we will keep an Ethernet’s load < 50%. High delay, but low collision rate What we care is here. Low delay, but high collision rate
CSMA with Collision Detection • If a station can detect that its packet collides with other packets, it can abort the current transmission immediately to not waste link bandwidth. (Ethernet uses 1-persistent CSMA/CD.) • Not every type of network can detect collision • E.g., Wireless radio • A station needs to wait 2*(one-way link propagation delay) to detect if its packet experiences collision. • Therefore, there is a minimum packet length requirement (64 bytes) for Ethernet. • If a link’s BW is increased (10 -> 100 -> 1000 Gbps), the minimum packet length also needs to increase proportionally. • Or the maximum length of the link should decreases proportionally!
Ethernet Uses Binary Exponential Backoff When a Collision Is Detected • A congestion widow (cw) is dynamically changed to reflect the current network congestion level. • Initially, cw = 1. • After n’th consecutive collision, cw is set to 2 ^ n. • Maximum allowed value is 1024. • The amount of random time that a station must wait after n’th collision is a random variable between [0, cw] * slot_time. • If a transmission is successful, cw is immediately reset to 1. • This scheme provides low delay and high throughput with different numbers of active stations.
CSMA/CA for Wireless LAN • Wireless radio cannot detect collision. • The power of the transmitted packet is too strong than that of the received packet. • Therefore, the goal is to avoid collisions (CA). • A wireless LAN is composed of multiple radios, each having a fixed signal range. • Base station mode • Ad hoc mode
Collision happens at B. A B C CSMA Is Not Appropriate for Wireless LAN (I) • Do carrier sense on the sending node does not prevent collisions • What really matters is whether packets will collide on the receiving node. • E.g., the hidden terminal problem. • A cannot hear C and C cannot hear A.
A B C D CSMA Is Not Appropriate for Wireless LAN (II) • Do carrier sense on the sending node may unnecessarily prohibit a transmission that causes no harm to other transmissions. • E.g., the exposed terminal problem. • B and C and hear each other. • B’s signal cannot reach D and C’s signal cannot reach A. B->A and C->D are prohibited to happen at the same time. However, they can!
RTS/CTS Scheme Solves The Hidden and Exposed Terminal Problems • The sender broadcasts a RTS packet before sending its data packet. • Any station receiving this RTS is within the sender’s range and should be silent for the CTS packets to come back to the sender. • The receiver returns a broadcast CTS packet to the sender. • Any station receiving this CTS is within the receiver’s range and should be silent for the following data transmission time. • The sender then can send its data packet to the receiver.
RTS/CTS Scheme Solves The Hidden and Exposed Terminal Problems
Performance of CSMA/CD Ethernet • Link utilization = 1 / (1 + 2* B * L * e / (c * F)) • B: link bandwidth • L: Cable length • c : speed of signal propagation • F: Frame length • e: 2.71828 Long cable, short packets, high link bandwidth are three killers for Ethernet!