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ABES ENGG. COLLEGE GHAZIABAD. ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Slide Plan. Introduction. What & why WPT? History. How it works? What is SPS How it works? Applications & impacts. Current Technology. Future Aspects. Merits and demerits. Conclusion. INTRODUCTION.
Slide Plan • Introduction. • What & why WPT? • History. • How it works? • What is SPS How it works? • Applications & impacts. • Current Technology. • Future Aspects. • Merits and demerits. • Conclusion. n
INTRODUCTION • One of the major issues in power system is the losses occurring during the transmission and distribution of electrical power • The percentage of loss of power during transmission and distribution is approximated as 26%. • The main reason for power loss during transmission and distribution is the resistance of wires used in grid. • According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), India’s electricity grid has the highest transmission and distribution losses in the world – a whopping 27-40%. • Tesla has proposed methods of transmission of electricity using electromagnetic induction. Wireless Power Transmission
What is WPT? • As the word wireless means “without wire”. • Wireless energy transfer or wireless power is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electric load without interconnecting man made conductors. • Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous or impossible. Wireless Power Transmission
History • Experiments performed between 1888 and 1907 by Nikola Tesla • Started efforts on wireless transmission at 1891 in his “experimental station” at Colorado • He lighted a small incandescent lamp by means of a resonant circuit grounded on one end. • William C. Brown, the pioneer in wireless power transmission technology • The idea of Tesla is taken in to research after 100 years by a team led by Marin Soljačić from MIT Wireless Power Transmission
METHODS • Different methods of transmission proposed by different scientist and scholars are: • Atmospheric conduction method of Tesla • Electrodynamic induction method: • Microwave method (S P S) • Laser method Wireless Power Transmission
…SPS… -Solar Power Satellite- • Solar Power Satellites (SPS) have proposed to collect solar energy in space and beam it down to the Earth. Wireless Power Transmission
SPS (contd…) • Solar energy is captured using photocells • Each SPS may have 400 million photocells • Transmitted to earth in the form of microwaves/LASER • Using rectenna/photovoltaic cell, the energy is converted to electrical energy • Efficiency exceeds 95% if microwave is used. Wireless Power Transmission
How Safe is WPT???? • Human beings or other objects placed between the • transmitter and receiver do not hinder the transmission • of power. • Magnetic field tend to interact very weakly with the • biological tissues of the body, and so are not prone to • cause any damage to any living being Wireless Power Transmission
Why to use sps???? • There is no air in space, so the satellites would receive somewhat more intense sunlight, • unaffected by weather. • The SPS concept is simpler than most power systems here on earth. • Solar radiation can be more efficiently collected in space, where it is roughly three timer stronger than an the surface of the Earth and it can be collected 24 hours per day . • (since there are no clouds or night in high Earth orbit). • SPS does not use up valuable surface area on the Earth Wireless Power Transmission
Four basic steps involved in the conversion of solar energy to electricity and delivery are: Capture solar energy in space and convert it to electricity Transform the electricity to radio frequency energy and transmit it to Earth Receive the radio frequency energy on Earth and convert it back to electricity Provide the electricity to the utility grid Wireless Power Transmission
How SPS works????? Wireless Power Transmission
Rectenna • Stands for rectifying antenna • Consists of mesh of dipoles and diodes • Converts microwave to its DC equivalent Rectenna in US Rectenna in US receives 5000MW of power from SPS Wireless Power Transmission
BCREC/EE/2013-14/5TH SEM/WPT Components Microwave Generator Transmitting Antenna Rectenna Wireless Power Transmission
BCREC/EE/2013-14/5TH SEM/WPT Merits • Eliminates the existing transmission line cables, towers and sub stations • Cost of transmission and distribution become less • Power could be transmitted to the places where the wired transmission is not possible. • Loss of transmission is negligible level • Safer by eliminating the sparking hazard • Zero fuel cost • Zero co emission • Low maintenance cost Wireless Power Transmission
BCREC/EE/2013-14/5TH SEM/WPT Demerits • The Capital Cost for practical implementation of WPT seems to be very high. • Interference of microwave with present communication systems. • Common belief fears the effect of microwave radiation. • initial cost is high. • Geosynchronous satellites would take up large sections of space Wireless Power Transmission
Applications • Generating power by placing satellites with giant solar arrays in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit. • Moving targets such as fuel free airplanes, electric vehicles, moving robots. • High-altitude, long-endurance aircraft maintained at a desired location for weeks or months at 20 km for communications and surveillance instead of satellites, at greatly reduced costs • Ubiquitous Power Source (or) Wireless Power Source, Wireless sensors . Wireless Power Transmission
BCREC/EE/2013-14/5TH SEM/WPT Future Aspects • It is one of the biggest challenges in today's world to transmit energy in rough terrain like mountains, forest, and sea. • A verified SPICE model of wireless transmission has been considered for the efficiency calculation along with the mathematical approach. • Numerical calculation shows that 30-70% transmission efficiency can be achieved by using this model of transmission depending upon the transmission distance and diameter of the antenna. • MATLAB simulator and Simulink have been used for the system response and adaptability. Wireless Power Transmission
Conclusion • Transmission without wires- a reality Efficient • Low maintenance cost. But, high initial cost • Better than conventional wired transfer • Energy crisis can be decreased • Low loss • In near future, world will be completely wireless • The power failure due to short circuit and electric faults would not be possible at all. Wireless Power Transmission
BCREC/EE/2013-14/5TH SEM/WPT THANK YOU! Wireless Power Transmission