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Against Economic:

Arguments for and against free trade. For Economic: societies become richer living standards rise poverty is reduced countries can specialise to gain competitive advantage Moral: less likely there will be wars when nations trade culture is enriched. Against Economic:

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Against Economic:

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  1. Arguments for and against free trade • For • Economic: • societies become richer • living standards rise • poverty is reduced • countries can specialise to gain competitive advantage • Moral: • less likely there will be wars when nations trade • culture is enriched • Against • Economic: • need to protect young local companies so they can become established and compete on the world stage • developing countries get locked into serving the needs of the world market with a limited range of sectors • risk of economic bubbles • Moral: • causes social dislocation and economic pain • causes a “race to the bottom” in terms of environmental and labour regulations • local cultures are destroyed

  2. Phrasal verb brainstorming 1 around away back down in into off on out over through up come go put get take turn run bring look cut We’ve put back the meeting till two. Meetings bring out the best in Jan.

  3. Phrasal verb brainstorming 2 around away back down in into off on out over through up When do you think we’ll come through this downturn? Hopefully, they will come around to our way of thinking. come

  4. Summary of Discussion David argued that the process (1) __________ with a review of the new trading laws. Jin disagreed, saying that this would (2) __________ the time available, proposing instead to immediately (3) __________ with formulating the strategy. Sarah doubted whether the time was right to (4) __________ overseas markets or (5) __________ geographically into overseas markets. Jin’s focus was to (6) __________ a business plan, something he could not instantly do alone. David emphasized the importance of (7) __________ the domestic market, but Jin reiterated the need to (8) __________ the actual plan. Jin warned against the tendency to (9) __________ proposals before they were fully discussed. Dave concluded by saying that the company should (10) __________ bow to what is unavoidable and stop discussing costly ideas. commence erode continue enter diversify produce protecting initiate dilute surrender

  5. Summary of Discussion David argued that the process should (1) __________ with a review of the new trading laws. Jin disagreed, saying that this would (2) __________ the time available, proposing instead to immediately (3) __________ with formulating the strategy. Sarah doubted whether the time was right to (4) __________ overseas markets or (5) __________ geographically into overseas markets. Jin’s focus was to (6) __________ with a business plan, something he could not instantly do alone. David emphasized the importance of (7) __________ the domestic market, but Jin reiterated the needs to (8) __________ the actual plan. Jin warned against the tendency to (9) __________ proposals before they were fully discussed. Dave concluded by saying that the company should (10) __________ what is unavoidable and stop discussing costly ideas. kick off eat into crack on break into branch out come up shoring up start up water down bow to

  6. Ten ways to create new words 1 1 Acronyms: 2 Attach a letter to words: 3 Combine old words and affixes to create new words: 4 Blends: 5 Raid words from other contexts: 6 Shorten words: 7 Change the part of speech: 8 Rhymes: 9 Combine two words in a novel combination: 10 Metaphors: BRIC e-commerce offshoring globaphobic guru max stopover clicks and mortar swarm businesses glass ceiling

  7. Ten ways to create new words 2 1 Acronyms: 2 Attach a letter to words: 3 Combine old words and affixes to create new words: 4 Blends: 5 Raid words from other contexts: 6 Shorten words: 7 Change the part of speech: 8 Rhymes: 9 Combine two words in a novel combination: 10 Metaphors: BRIC, NAFTA, ASEAN e-commerce, e-signature offshoring, presenteeism, downsize Globaphobic, Coca-colonization, ifonomics, blog, agflation guru, marketing crusade max, dotcom stopover, dollarize, Google(d), bookmark(ed) clicks and mortar, al desko, get rich click, brandalism swarm businesses, angel investor, marketing crusade glass ceiling, cappucino / goldilocks / tiger economy, angel investor

  8. Belbin team roles 1

  9. Belbin team roles 2 Which people in a team would you expect to hear say these things during a planning meeting? “Rather than review the project in the usual way, why don’t we consider hiring in a consultant?” “When we’ve finished the meeting, I’ll draw up a detailed plan in Project and send it round to everyone for comment.” “Look, what we’ve got to do this afternoon is reach a consensus on the best way forward.” “It’s really important that we all pull together on this one and not seek to protect our own departmental interests on this project.” “It’s no good making these plans if we don’t put some dates to these milestones.” Plant Implementer Coordinator Team Worker Completer Finisher

  10. Model one-sentence invitation replies 1 Gerrard Stein, Head of Faculty, and guest would be delighted to attend the Festival Celebratory Lunch at the Grand Hotel, on Sunday 12 August at 12.45 pm. 2 Mr Fernando Cabrera regrets he is unable to accept the kind invitation of Dr and Mrs Albert Casey for Saturday 18th December. 3 Gerhard Pohl thanks the Dean and his wife very much for their kind invitation to the Senate dinner on December 9th at Graduation Hall, New Street, and has much pleasure in accepting.

  11. Model formal replies Acceptance Thank you very much indeed for your kind invitation to attend Dr Milagros’s talk on The Price of Trade on Friday 21 October at 7 pm. I would be delighted to attend and look forward to the evening very much. Refusal Thank you very much indeed for your kind invitation to attend Dr Milagros’s talk on The Price of Trade on Friday 21 October at 7 pm. I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend as I will be away on business. I hope the evening goes very well.

  12. Model formal invitations Sir Reginald Hall, Chairman of the Campaign for Pan-European Economic and Political Cooperation, cordially invites you and your partner to a gala dinner-dance in celebration of the first annual summit meeting. Saturday, 16th August 2010 Walthorpe Manor Dinner served at 8 p.m. Business attire RSVP: Mrs Josephine Scott j.scott@cpeepc.org

  13. World population

  14. Population and GDP

  15. Optimum unit price forecast chart by continent

  16. Projected annual return demand worldwide

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