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Flood prevention and preparedness in Timi ş County Romania. 9/13/2014. Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania. The Timis County – short presentation.
Flood prevention and preparedness in Timiş County Romania 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
The Timis County – short presentation The Timis County is the most western county of Romania, at the border with Hungary and Serbia 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
Timis County presentation Timis County has 8.697 km² being the greatest Romanian county, more than 650,000 inhabitants in 2002. Timis County has 2 municipalities, Timisoara and Lugoj and 7 cities. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
The Banat Region Timis County is part of a historical region called Banat, in our days divided between Romania, Serbia and Hungary. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
The Banat Region The region of Banat has natural borders – The Carpaţi Mountains, Mureş river, Tisa river, Danube river. The region is also crossed by other important rivers like Timiş, Barzava, Caraş, Nera, Cerna and the Bega channel. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
Floods in Banat Region From the XVIII century, channels and dams had been build to avoid the rivers to broke out. The Bega channel has been made in that time and the mud disappeared. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
Floods in 2005 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
In 2005, Timis Region learnt a lesson. In order to prevent the same experience happen again, we decided to act. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
The programs have specific objectives: Creating the regional and cross-border procedures for preventing and acting in case of flood Creating a Regional and cross-border Center for Prevention and Intervention in Case of Disaster – Flood Rehabilitation of the building of the Regional Center Creating the legal proceedings for the Center; acquisition of materials, equipments, hiring the employees (Total amount of acquisition: 564.202 EURO) Training for specialists and volunteers in emergency Mapping of the region (past flood event mapping, flood risk mapping, assets mapping) 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
SAFER SERVICE APPLICATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE A collaborative project in the frame of FP-7-Theme Space –Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
SAFER aims at implementing preoperational versions of the Emergency Response Core Service to reinforce European capacity to respond to emergency situations 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
SAFER – priorities: -short term improvement of response when crisis occurs -extension to core service components before and after the crisis (in particular the flood related activities) the work will focus on: -Plain Flood risk Assessment -Assets Mapping 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
SAFER –structure: The consortium of 5 European partners is built around a core team of European service providers, already involved in the former or ongoing projects, in the frame of FP6 or ESA programmes. A wide network of scientific partners and service providers will extend the European dimension, in particular in the new member states Romanian partner: ROSA –Romanian Space Agency End user: Timiş County Council 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
An EU policy on flood risk management Based on an agreement between the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers from April 25, 2007 the Flood Directive on the assessment and management of floods (European Commission COM (2006) 15 final) will now become a binding Directive for the Member States. Under the proposed directive they would need to carry out a preliminary assessment to identify the river basins and associated coastal areas at risk of flooding. For such zones they would then need to draw up flood risk maps and then flood risk management plans focused on prevention, protection and preparedness. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
GMES Flood Risk Analysis services support implementation of Floods Directive 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
The GMES Flood Risk Analysis services support the implementation of Floods Directive through: • Providing appropriate information for implementation of flood risk management plans across the countries and regions of the Community; • Considering all steps of the “flood cycle” – prevention, protection, preparedness, emergency response and recovery; • Making best use of Earth Observation data enabling European wide harmonised and comparable mapping and modelling results; • Taking into account the particular geographic, hydrologic and other relevant circumstances of the river basins or sub-basins to provide tailored solutions; • Being interoperable with parallel GMES services like Spatial Planning and Urban Services (e.g. ESA GSE Land, EC FP6 IP geoland). 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
Plain Flood Risk Management Objectives The overall objective is to consolidate and validate a Plain Flood Risk Management service from mapping to modeling, including damage assessment, as complement to the Core Service. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
The Flood Risk Management package is seen as a complementary part of the FP-7 GMES Emergency Response Core Service (ERCS) enabling service evolution to better document the risk vulnerabilities, especially through mapping of risks and potential damages on water basins. • The Flood Directive is closely linked with the Water Framework Directive aiming at integrated basin management comprising flood risk management as well as water quality management. The Flood Risk Analysis portfolio reflects this integrated approach and supports the implementation of integrated management plans by building on a common European Land Monitoring service (LMCS). • Moreover, the GMES service package Flood Risk Management fits into the work programme “Regions for Economic Change (see Commission Staff Working Document / SEC (2006) 1432) under the Theme “Preventing and reducing floods”. 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
For more information please have a look at the following URLs: Infoterra GmbH: http://www.infoterra.de/index.php PREVIEW: http://www.preview-risk.com/en/int/contenu.php?page=portfolio_&arbo=cb RISK-EOS: http://www.riskeos.com/actus/pge/contenu.php?arbo=2&page=02portfolio_FRA&PHPSESSID=b04f48a55f08d015b6aac0e1b4cb5ab7 FloodServer: http://www.floodrisk.eu/FloodServer/ 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania
Thank you for your attention! ☺ Ilie Ernest, Timiş County Council Phone: +40 (0)744 761 449 E-Mail: ilie.ernest@gmail.com 9/13/2014 Local and Regional Risk Management: Integrated Use of Satellite Information and Services, Romania