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Group : d927810 Paul

Enterprise Integration. Group : d927810 Paul. A case study of the cash-flow financing system for purchase orders in supply chain. d927811 Tommy. Advisor : Dr. Amy Trappey. Background Two Company Profiles “As-is model” Traditional Financing Method. Tommy. “To-be model”

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Group : d927810 Paul

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Enterprise Integration Group:d927810 Paul A case study of the cash-flow financing system for purchase orders in supply chain d927811 Tommy Advisor:Dr. Amy Trappey

  2. Background • Two Company Profiles • “As-is model” • Traditional Financing Method Tommy • “To-be model” • Advanced Financing System • An integrated connecting infrastructure • Evaluation level of each P/O stages • The benefits of enterprise integration • Conclusion Paul Agenda

  3. Background • Because of progressing internet technology the enterprises business process has been greatly changed in many fields especially in supply chain. • Enterprises can’t promise to ship goods on time without a well cash-flow even so the orders could be acquired. • Many enterprises and banks cooperate to built a complete cash-flow financing system for P/Os in the supply chain to solve above problem.

  4. Mountain bicycle Comfort bicycle Road bicycle Kids bicycle Indoor Cycling Special bicycle Company Profile(1/2) • Giant-A global bicycle company • Giant’s Main Product

  5. Company Profile(2/2) • Chang Hwa Bank-Global financial service • Receiving demand deposits • Issuing domestic and international letters of credit • Guaranteeing issuance of corporate bonds • Extending short-term, mid-term and long-term loans • and so on

  6. Bank Receive purchase orders Acquire loaning capital or not? Provide lands, machinery equipments, factory buildings to borrow money……. Vender “As-is model” • Traditional Financing method Credit verification

  7. Center Plant Provide order/credit information Provide money Ask for borrowing Cash-flow loaning system Vender Bank “To-be model” • Advanced Financing System

  8. Cooperation Banks Center Plant BizTalk Bank App. BizTalk Internet Internet Financing System Platform Internet ERP ERP Internet Ada- pter Browser Big Vender Small Vender “To-be model” • An integrated infrastructure

  9. “To-be model” • Evaluation levels of each P/O stages

  10. The benefits • The benefits for “center plant” • Receive goods on time,…… • The benefits for “vender” • Acquire loan capital,…… • The benefits for “bank” • Increase income,……

  11. Conclusion Enterprise Integration can ~ • exchange Information smoothly. • reinforce the cash flow in supply chain. • reduce the time to reference the credit. • trade globally. • response quickly. • and so on……

  12. End

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