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Human Interface where the bits meet the flesh bits meets eyes and ears

Human Interface where the bits meet the flesh bits meets eyes and ears. Think beyond the box. Tom Zimmerman IBM Almaden Research Center San Jose, California tzim@almaden.ibm.com October 2007. Research Theme. Transducers; Converting one thing into another

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Human Interface where the bits meet the flesh bits meets eyes and ears

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  1. Human Interfacewhere the bits meet the fleshbits meets eyes and ears Think beyond the box Tom Zimmerman IBM Almaden Research Center San Jose, California tzim@almaden.ibm.com October 2007

  2. Research Theme • Transducers; Converting one thing into another • User Interface, User Experience, First Person • Hooking people to gadgets • Bits Meet the Flesh • Bits Meet Eyes & Ears • Transducer Examples • Dance into Music (dance synthesizer, suction cup) • Hand into Finger Spelling (DataGlove) • Sound into Light (Singing Coach)

  3. Fantasy & Necessity Are the Mothers of Invention VR Data Glove Personal Area Network Honda Smart Seat Violin Home Health Monitoring Contact Microscope

  4. Discrete Events Converting continuous input into discrete events. Continuous input examples brightness, sound level, pressure Discrete output; 0/1, off/on, mouse click

  5. Comparator- Ideal Signal Sensor + _ Digital Output Threshold Threshold SensorContinuous Input Quantized Digitized Output

  6. Comparator- Real World SignalNoise in input causes output jitter threshold cross high for on cross low for off

  7. Triggering Discrete Events with Hysteresis Hysteresis, “play” High threshold Low threshold Continuous Input (e.g. brightness, sound level, pressure) Quantized/Digitized Output cross high for on cross low for off

  8. TV Synth Interface

  9. Hacking Remotes, Mice, Kbd Mouse Keyboard IR Remote Synthesizer T V Sensor Signal Processing Switch Circuit Board Photo Transistor 60 Hz Filter Comparator w/ hysteresis 4066Quad CMOS Switch

  10. Left button • Right button • X direction • X increment • Y direction • Y increment • 1 to 100 Hz Mouse Sensors • Microphone; Speaker Radiation Pattern • Light; Water Ripple Tank • Ultrasonics; Wavelength, Horn Radiation Pattern • Temperature; Weather Station • Wind speed; See Jet Stream, Car Aerodynamics • Pressure • Tilt • Rpm • Vibration • Pendulum; Simple Harmonic Motion • Acceleration; Seismograph, Earthquakes, Cars/Trucks • Voltage • Current • Resistance • Capacitance • Magnetic field • Electric field

  11. Wireless Doorbell

  12. Wireless Motion Detector

  13. Working with Continuous Output

  14. PowerGlove Protoype (VPL 1983)

  15. DataGlove (Fiber Optic) Young Harvill Fiber Optic Polhemus Magnetic Flex Sensors Position & Orientation sensor source

  16. Head Mounted Display(NASA 1986)

  17. PowerGlove (Mattel 1987) Computer Data Entry And 1.3 Million Sold Manipulation Apparatus And Method $89 Retail

  18. The Spirit Chair (MIT 1994) Mediums use spirit cabinets to guide fields to contact spirits who make sounds ...

  19. Near-Field Communication (MIT/IBM 1995) Data In Data Out

  20. Contagious Information (MIT 1995) Fred 7/11 Jan Bill

  21. Car Seat Sensor (NEC 1998)

  22. Musical Instruments Human Actions Musical Instrument Pitch Amplitude Timbre Duration

  23. Vocalizer (Breakaway 1981)

  24. Singing Coach (Exploratorium 1990)

  25. RePerformer (Zim/Wantman 1992)

  26. Pen Input

  27. Pen That Remembers Everything You Write (IBM 2000-2002) Premiere UI unobtrusive, low cognitive load, small, portable, quick, cheap Modeless text, graphics, doodle comment on document direct manipulation Universal any language popular input method classic form factor BUT hard to index, search, archive, distribute

  28. Other Pen Systems PDA; writing on plastic LCD; writing on glass Tablet; invisible writing CrossPad; writing on 2 lbs.

  29. Toy Pens

  30. Pen Research (IBM 2002) IRDA Ink CPU and Flash Memory Battery (AAA) CMOS Imager Lens Normal or dot code paper Ultrasonic Optical

  31. Electric Field Pen (IBM 1997)

  32. Dynamic Signature Verification“Sign and Go” (2003) • Biometric verification using handwriting cadence (timing) • A means to electronically verify customer signatures • Customer signs on a digital signature capture station • Software checks signature against reference signatures and checks for major changes in signature

  33. Biometrics

  34. Classification of Biometrics • Physical Feature • Iris, face, finger, hand, DNA • Can alter presentation • Behavior Trait • Signature, voice, gait, keystroke • Can change behavior

  35. Identification & Verification • Identification • “Who am I?” • 1:N matching (difficult, big search) • Example: 100k customers @ 0.1% error = 100 errors • Use: Discover identity, Watch lists • Verification • “Am I who I claim to be?” • 1:1 matching (easier) • Requires identifier (not secure but unique) • token (loyalty card) • memory (phone number) • Use: Verify identity

  36. Performance Metrics • False Accepts (FA) • likelihood that someone may be falsely accepted bad guy gets in • False Rejects (FR) • likelihood that a genuine user may be rejected good guy gets rejected • Lower the FA and FR, the better the system performance • Acceptance threshold trade-off FA to FR • Equal Error Rate when FA=FR • Failure to enroll, Failure to acquire • Light eyes (iris), thin skin (finger), simple/changing signature, noisy environment (voice) • Need backup/alternative • Example FA=2% FR=1% • 2 out of 100 good customers get rejected • 1 out of 100 bad guy attempts get in • If 1 in 1000 customers are bad guys, 1 forgery per 100,000 transactions

  37. Biometric Comparison * Equal Error Rate estimates for relative comparison only. Actual results are highly dependent on system design, equipment, user population and experience.

  38. Tangible Programming

  39. Bar code Instruction Usage Definition Example code Logo Cards 35mm slide holder

  40. Students Programming With LOGO Playing Cards

  41. Queuing and Scanning Programs into Computer

  42. Programming Robots with Playing Cards The Robosapian™ robot comes with a remote control to program robot movements. The remote control is replaced with a deck of instruction cards and bar code reader. Students choreograph movements by arranging the cards, then program the robot by scanning the cards with the bar code reader.

  43. Telepresence When you need to be there … but you don’t want to travel there

  44. Dummy Head Electronics (IBM 2003)

  45. Digital Head Components Frame and Handle VGA Camera MegaPixel Camera Tilt Gimble Yaw Motor Speaker Phone Battery Tiny PC w/WLAN Ethernet Ethernet AC Power Analog Phone Line DIGITAL HEADBASE STATION (x-ray view) (100 m range to head)

  46. Techno Head Binaural Mics QVGA Screen Digital Camera 20 W Speaker Seat Clamp

  47. Head Appearances Standards Committee Symposium Trade Show Booth Breakfast Keynote Board Meeting Talk Conference Panel

  48. Shopping Buddy Infrared Beacon Location-aware shopping cart provide real-time “you are here” navigation map and location-based content-driven offers such as coupons and recipes. Infrared Receiver Wireless (Bluetooth) Barcode Scanner WLAN

  49. Museum Interfaces

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