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Understanding Role of Flight Data Processing Across NAS Operational Domains

Understanding Role of Flight Data Processing Across NAS Operational Domains. Elvan McMillen August 24, 1999. Organization: F062 Project: 02991204-O5. Context. Presentations such as this can be used: For developing an understanding of the current operations in order to establish a baseline

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Understanding Role of Flight Data Processing Across NAS Operational Domains

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  1. Understanding Role of Flight Data Processing Across NAS Operational Domains Elvan McMillen August 24, 1999 Organization: F062 Project: 02991204-O5

  2. Context • Presentations such as this can be used: • For developing an understanding of the current operations in order to establish a baseline • As a tool to derive the impact of known alternatives such as ICAO flight plan processing, and flight objects on baseline processes to develop future requirements • As a focal point for discussion to identify additional issues that may become requirements drivers • To draw the boundaries of FDP functionality

  3. Direct User Access Terminal Service (DUATS) Airline Operation Centers (AOC) Weather and ATC briefings, NOTAMs Private Weather Service Airline Pilot Flight Plans NOTAMS from FDC Flight Plans Flight Plans Weather Briefings ARTCC responsible for the departure airport Flight Plans Error Indication Flight Plans Host and Oceanic Computer System Replacement (HOCSR) Flight Data Processor (FDP) Flight Plans Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS) Flight Plans GA Pilot Weather and ATC briefings, NOTAMs Controllers Error Indication Flight Plan Info Flight Plans Bulk Store Files Error Indication ETMS NOTAMs Flight Plans Flight Data Center (Wash, DC) Flight Plans Flight Plans Military Operations Weather and ATC briefings, NOTAMs HOCSR FDP ARTS MilitaryPilot NOTAMS from FDC Neighboring ARTCCs TRACONs Domestic Flight Plan Filing HOCSR FDP: Performs format and logic checks Determines if any PARs or PDRs are applicable Performs route conversion and posting determination Performs initial fix time calculations

  4. ARTCC TRACON ETMS Departure Controller: Radar identifies the aircraft Advises pilot of the radar identification Verifies altitude Vectors aircraft to the route of flight HOCSR FDP: Sends flight information to ARTS and assigns transponder code ~30 min prior to departure Departure, Beacon Code Info Sent when the SSR detects the transmission from aircraft's transponder Track Info En Route Sector(s) HOCSR FDP Departure Control ARTS Departure Message Flight Strip Flight Plan Info Flight Strip Flight Strip Vectoring Instructions Printed ~30 minutes prior to departure Marked-up Flight Strip Departure Clearance Takeoff Clearance (w/heading) Clearance Delivery Local Control Taxi Clearance Flight Strip Info Marked-up Flight Strip Marked-up Flight Strip Departure Clearance Predeparture Clearance W/S Local Controller: Ensures runway separation with other arrivals and departures Assigns heading that keeps the aircraft within the departure airspace Delivers take off clearance Instructs pilot to contact departure control (at the frequency given by clearance delivery) Clearance Delivery Controller: Checks facility directives to verify the route of flight and altitude requested Restricts altitude if necessary Delivers clearance: "as filed" or modified, includes altitude, departure control frequency, transponder code, any changes Ground Controller: Issues taxi instructions Coordinates active runway crossing with the local controller to prevent runway incursion Ground Control Departure Airport Tower Departure Phase of Flight Printed again when the departure message is received

  5. TRACON Neighboring ARTCC ARTCC Departure Control Low Altitude Sector (Departures) High Altitude Sector Departure Controller: Vectors aircraft to en route airspace Initiates handoff to en route sector Handoff Printed ~30 minutes prior to sector entry HandoffAccepted Accept Handoff Handoff Indication Initiate Handoff Flight Strips ETMS Initiate Handoff ARTS Track, Amendment, Boundary Crossing Information HOCSR Accept Handoff Vectoring Instructions Traffic Information Handoff Traffic Information Flight Strips Altitude Clearances Low Altitude Sector (Arrivals) Traffic Management Advisor Traffic Situation Display ATCSCC Altitude Clearances Coordination Weather Information Center Weather Service Unit WARP Weather Data Traffic Management Unit En Route Phase of Flight Flight plans are forwarded ~30 minutes prior to boundary crossings. Interfacility handoffs take place in accordance with facility directives En Route Controller: Accepts handoff from departure Provides separation Gives altitude clearances Hands off to next sector En Route Controller: Accepts handoff from low sector Provides separation Gives altitude clearances Hands off to next sector Position report processing, fix time updates, association checking En Route Controller: Accepts handoff from high sector Provides separation Gives altitude clearances, Prepares to handoff to arrival

  6. TRACON ARTCC ETMS Arrival/Final Control TMU Arrival Info Track Info Metering Lists Metering Functions HOCSR FDP ARTS Flight Plan Information Beacon Terminated Includes sequence of a/c, assigned time of arrival, delay information Flight Strip Speed Restrictions Flight Strip To achieve metering delays Printed ~30 minutes prior to entry Flight Strip Handoff Vectoring Instructions Speed Restrictions Speed Adjustments Low Altitude Sector For spacing Ground Control Taxi Clearance Landing Clearance Coordinate Coordinate For sequencing Ground Controller: Issues taxi instructions Coordinates active runway crossing with the local controller to prevent runway incursion For descent clearances Local Controller: Ensures runway separation with other arrivals and departures Redirects if necessary Clears aircraft for landing Advises pilot to contact ground control Departure Control Arrival Control Local Control Arrival Airport Tower Arrival Phase of Flight Arrival/Final Controller: Radar identifies the aircraft Provides radar separation Descends aircraft while coordinating with departure control Sequences aircraft, coordinating with other arrival controllers for ILS approach Ensures spacing using speed adjustment instructions Advises pilot to monitor local control En Route Controller: Provides separation and vectors aircraft to coordination fix Achieves metering objectives and spacing with speed restrictions Hands off to arrival controller

  7. IFR Flight Example • Reference: Fundamentals of ATC, M.S. Nolan, Chapter 10, Operation in the NAS • Three flight legs • From Lafayette, IN to Champaign, IL • From Champaign, IL to Indianapolis, IN • From Indianapolis, IN to Lafayette, IN • Characterization of the flight from Lafayette to Champaign • No FDIO equipment in the departure tower and terminal facilities • Arrival airport is in neighboring ARTCC’s airspace • Flight travels through terminal airspace only

  8. Terre Haute ZAU ARTCC ZID ARTCC LAF Tower Pilot AFSS Computer FSS Specialist FDP FDP Purdue Low Sector Flight Data Control Flight Plan (2nd leg) Flight Plan (3rd leg) Flight Information (verbal) Flight Plan (1st leg) Flight Plan Entry Flight Strip Information Request Flight Plan (2nd leg) Error Indication Corrected Flight Plan Corrected Flight Plan Flight Plan (1st and 3rd leg) Error Indication Weather Briefing Printed 30 minutes prior to proposed departure time. Transponder code is allocated at this time IFR Flight ExampleFlight Plan Filing

  9. LAF Tower LAF Terminal CMI TRACON Pilot Approach/ Departure Flight Data Controller East Arrival Position Ground Control Local Control Contact (ready to taxi) Coordination (verbal) Coordination (verbal) Approved Approved Departure Clearance Taxi Instructions Flight Information (verbal) For coordination fix, altitude, and use of route Flight Strip (manually updated) IFR Flight ExampleLafayette to Champaign - Departure

  10. ZID ARTCC CMI TRACON ZAU ARTCC LAF Terminal LAF Tower Pilot FDP ARTS Approach/ Departure Purdue Low Sector FDP Flight Data Controller Local Control Flight Information Coordination Request to depart a/c Contact Flight Information Contact (ready to take off) DM message Vectoring instructions Contact Champaign Arrival Contact Departure Includes Beacon Code Takeoff Clearance (heading) Approved For airspace usage Flight Strip IFR Flight Example Lafayette to Champaign - Departure (cont’d)

  11. CMI TRACON CMI Tower ZAU ARTCC Pilot FDP ARTS East Arrival Control Local Control Ground Control Radar Contact Advisory ILS Approach Clearance Contact Vectoring Instructions Coordinate Monitor Local Control Frequency Speed Restrictions Altitude Clearance Contains initial runway assignment Informs pilot of distance to final approach fix, heading for intercepting ILS course, altitude to maintain, and the clearance for the runway Final Approach Fix Crossing Report Vectoring Instructions Landing Clearance Contact Ground Control Drop Flight Beacon Terminated Drop Flight For active runway crossing Contact Taxi Clearance IFR Flight Example Lafayette to Champaign - Arrival

  12. IFR Flight Example - Champaign to Indianapolis • Characterization of the flight from Champaign to Indianapolis • Both facilities are FDIO equipped • Arrival airport is a high activity airport in neighboring ARTCC’s airspace • Flight travels through terminal and en route airspace

  13. CMI Tower CMI TRACON ZAU ARTCC Pilot ARTS FDP Clearance Delivery Local Control Ground Control Flight Strip Flight Strip Flight Strip (manually updated) Flight Information Contact (ready to take off) Contact (ready to depart) Contact (ready to taxi) Taxi Clearance Coordination (verbal) Heading Instructions Contact Departure Control Departure Clearance Approved Contains restricted altitude, transponder code, departure frequency For active runway crossing, in some facilities Take off Clearance Departure Message IFR Flight ExampleChampaign to Indianapolis - Departure

  14. IND TRACON ZAU ARTCC CMI TRACON ZID ARTCC Pilot ARTS ARTS HOCSR HOCSR Arrival Control Departure Control Terre Haute Low Sector Flight Strip Flight Information Flight Information Handoff Accepted Altitude Clearance Handoff Accepted Handoff Accepted Contact Flight Strip Altitude Clearances Radar Contact Advisory Contact Indianapolis ARTCC Handoff Indication Handoff Indication Initiate Handoff Initiate Handoff Handoff Accepted Altimeter Setting IFR Flight ExampleChampaign to Indianapolis - Automated Handoff

  15. IND TRACON ZID ARTCC IND Tower Pilot West Arrival Control Departure Control East Arrival Control Terre Haute Low Sector FDP Ground Control Local Control Contact Indianapolis Arrival Initiate Handoff Handoff Accepted Coordination (verbal) Landing Clearance Coordination (verbal) ILS Approach Clearance Vectoring Instructions Altitude Clearance Descent to 11,000 ft Approved Approved For descent from 10,000 ft to 7,000ft Contact Altitude Clearance For sequencing Speed Adjustments Monitor Local Frequency For spacing Final Approach Fix Crossing Report Contact Ground Control Contact Taxi Clearance IFR Flight ExampleChampaign to Indianapolis - Arrival

  16. IFR Flight Example - Champaign to Indianapolis • Characterization of the flight from Indianapolis to Lafayette • No FDIO equipment in the arrival tower and terminal facilities • Flight travels through airspace within a single ARTCC’s jurisdiction • Flight travels through terminal airspace only

  17. ZID ARTCC IND TRACON IND Tower LAF Terminal Pilot Approach FDP Flight Data/ Clearance Delivery ARTS Local Control Ground Control Taxi Clearance Contact (ready to depart) Contact (ready to taxi) Marked up Strip Take off Clearance Contact (ready to take off) Marked up Strip Flight Strip Coordination (verbal) Flight Information (verbal) Flight Information Contact Departure Control Departure Clearance (altitude restriction, transponder code, departure frequency) Approved (with restriction) For entry point Markup Strip IFR Flight ExampleIndianapolis to Lafayette - Departure

  18. IND TRACON LAF Terminal LAF Tower Pilot Approach Departure Control Local Control Ground Control Contact Radar Identification Contact Contact Clearance (to pass coordination fix) Contact Ground Control Landing Clearance Vectoring Instructions (heading, altitude) Clearance (for ILS landing) Monitor Tower Frequency Taxi Clearance Contact Lafayette Approach Also indicates termination of radar service IFR Flight ExampleIndianapolis to Lafayette - Arrival

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