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In the world of Irish Dancing there is currently little or no financial support for individuals wishing to develop their talents in creative and innovative ways.
Sponsored by the Marie Duffy Foundation, the seminar is all about professionalizing the teaching of Irish Dancing and will cover a wide range of topics that are crucial in modern Irish Dancing. From investigating where our dance originated, we will be looking at the wellbeing of the dancer from head to toe, including psychology, motivation and nutrition. Sessions on stress management for both the teacher and dancer will be provided – “Stress to Vitality”. A large number of techniques relating to motivation will be shared. Demonstration and advice on proper warm up, stretching, cool downs and physiotherapy are scheduled from fully qualified individuals. Discussions will also be held on Health and Safety in a dance environment and the Duty of Care that is implied and required in a Teacher/Pupil relationship. In depth practical sessions on Traditional Set Dances, including what is meant by “Traditional style” and regional variations are planned. Delegates will also be guided through the imminent changes to ArRinceFoirne –something that we think all teachers, adjudicators and examiners will be hugely interested in.
The Seminar will feature a wide range of lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions and inter-reactive breakout periods to study in more detail specific topics of the participants’ choice. The following modules will feature over the weekend The Foundation will assemble a number of internationally recognised experts in the above fields to contribute to the seminar. Leading experts in all of these areas have already committed to the seminar and we hope that by sharing their in depth knowledge with delegates this will assist in some small way of achieving the Foundation’s motto – “Araghaidhlinn I bhfeabhas” – “We go onwards, improving all the time” hen you have this please apply directly to the University to book accommodation and meals. The contact person is Yvonne Clarke for Plassey Campus email address Yvonne.Clarke@ul.ie University website is www.ul.ie and telephone Number is +353 61 202700 The University will confirm to both us and you that payment has been received and lastly your place will then be confirmed by us.