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Experience the Greek tragedy of Antigone defying Creon by burying her brother Polynices, leading to a cascade of fatal events.
Dramatis personæ Antigone Ismene Creon Hæmon Eurydice Teiresias Date: ca. 442 B.C. Not produced with O.T. Plot: Antigone buries Polynices against Creon’s will. Creon has her buried alive, then realizes his mistake too late. Almost everybody dies. The point: themis vs. dike. Antigone
Antigone: Plot Summary • I. Dialogue between Antigone and Ismene (1-99) • A. Ant: Creon has decreed burial for Eteocles, none for Polynices. No-one allowed to mourn him. Anyone caught burying Polynices will be stoned. Will you help me bury him? • B. Ism: No, we women cannot resist the orders of powerful men. • C. Ant: I will bury him without you. • D. Ism: You seek the impossible, but I love you anyway. • II. Parodos: chorus of Theban elders overjoyed to have won the battle (100-152)
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • III. Creon’s decree (153-222) • A. Chorus introduce Creon (153-160) • B. Creon’s speech (161-210) • 1. The state is everything (162-191) • 2. Reiterates his decree (192-210) • C. Chorus give lukewarm approval (211-222) • IV. Messenger speech 1 (223-331) • A. Guard: some mysterious person has buried Polynices (223-277) • B. Chorus: could a god have done it? (278-279)
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • C. Creon • 1. No! The gods couldn’t have cared for this traitor (280-289) • 2. It’s the work of traitors and their bribes (290-301) • 3. All accomplices will be stoned, but the instigator will be hanged (302-314) • 4. To guard: find the criminals or I’ll assume you’re guilty (315-331) • V. Stasimon: “Ode to Man” (332-372) • VI. Debate between Creon and Antigone (373-526) • A. Antigone, Creon, and the guard enter (373-386)
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • B. Guard: We dug up Polynices, then caught Antigone re-burying him (387-440) • C. Creon and Antigone argue (446-526) • 1. Antigone: the laws of the gods and the dead demanded that I bury my brother • 2. Creon: even in death, a traitor is a traitor. Ismene too is guilty. • VII. Ismene joins the debate (527-581) • A. Ismene tries to share the “blame” • B. Antigone refuses to share the “credit” • C. Creon has them ordered inside. It seems both must die.
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • VIII. Stasimon 2 on the fate of the ruling house (583-625) • IX. Debate between Creon and Hæmon (626-800) • A. Chorus and Creon wonder where Hæmon’s loyalties lie (626-638) • B. Creon praises his son’s claim of loyalty (639-680) • C. Hæmon hints that there is civil unrest on Antigone’s behalf (681-723)
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • D. They argue (724-763) • E. Creon reveals to chorus Ismene will live (764-780) • F. Chorus attribute Hæmon’s speech to love (781-800) • X. Kommos between Antigone and chorus. N.B. chorus’ approval (801-882) • XI. Creon has Antigone led away to death (883-943) • XII. Stasimon 3 (944-987)
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • A. Acrisius (and Danaë) (944-953) • B. Lycurgus (954-963) • C. Phineus’ wife (968-984) • XIII. Debate between Creon and Teiresias (988-1090) • A. The altars of Thebes are polluted (999-1033) • B. Creon accuses Teiresias of venality (1034-1047) • C. They argue (1048-1064) • D. Teiresias finally scares him (1065-1090)
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • XIV. Creon changes his mind (1091-1114) • XV. Stasimon 4, calling on Dionysus for aid (1115-1152) • XVI. Messenger speech 1; heard by Eurydice (1153-1255) • A. Creon first buried Polynices (1192-1205) • B. Going to Antigone’s tomb they heard Hæmon weeping (1206-1219) • C. Antigone had hung herself (1220-1225)
Antigone: Plot Summary (cont.) • D. When Creon entered, Hæmon attacked him, but missed (1226-1234) • E. Hæmon killed himself (1235-1243) • F. Eurydice leaves in silence (1244-1245) • G. Frightened messenger follows her in (1246-1255) • XVII. Creon mourns Hæmon (1256-1276) • XVIII. Messenger speech 2: Eurydice has killed herself (1277-1342) • XVIX. Choral coda (1347-1353)