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“THE GRAVE” OUR NEXT HOUSE. This is the house of everyone such as: President, King, Prime Minister, Bagger, Day Labor, Truck Driver, Rickshaw Puller, just 7 ft length 4 ft wide, Bade is made of just Soil. কবোর. কবোর. بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ. Prepared by: Dr. Abdul Hakim.
“THE GRAVE” OUR NEXT HOUSE This is the house of everyone such as: President, King, Prime Minister, Bagger, Day Labor, Truck Driver, Rickshaw Puller, just 7 ft length 4 ft wide, Bade is made of just Soil. • কবোর • কবোর بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Prepared by: Dr. Abdul Hakim
OBJECTIVE • The objective of this article is just to satisfy Almighty Allah (SWT), not any worldly reward. • Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said that: • “Allah, the angels, the inhabitants of heaven and earth, even the ant in its hole and even the fish in the sea, send blessings upon the one who teaches the people good.” [Tirmidhi].
WHAT IS GRAVE ? Grave in Arabic term Barzakh ( برزخ), Linguistically, “Barzakh” means a veil, barrier or partition between two things. Ibn Abbas (RA) defines Barzakh as, a Hijab. Adh-Dhahhak (a Tab’ieen scholar of Tafseer) says: ‘Barzakh is the stage between this world and the Hereafter. Al-Qurtubi, in his exposition on these various interpretations states: ‘The Barzakh is a barrier between two things. It is the stage between this world and the other world - from the time of death until the time of Resurrection. Thus, whoever dies enters the Barzakh. All these various explanations point to one underlined fact, that the soul after having separated from its worldly body, enters into a realm behind which there is a barrier forbidding any return. Ref: http://qsep.com/modules.php?name=assunnah&d_op=viewarticle&aid=21 Barzakh is mentioned only three times in the Quran, and just once specifically as the barrier between the corporeal and ethereal. A place in which, after death, the spirit is separate from the body. The other two occurrences refer to Barzakh as an impassible barrier between fresh and salt water (Surah: Ar-Rahman: 55: 19-21). Whilst fresh and salt water may intermingle, an ocean remains distinct from a river. Pertaining to Al-Barzakh, this notion implies that although the physical and spiritual realms are distinctly separate, transmigration through Al-Barzakh between the two is possible. Ref:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barzakh Some traditions suggest that a person's deeds in their life will have an impact on their experience in Barzakh. In these traditions, there are two states of Barzakh. In the state known as "Azhaalbul-Qabr," a person will be punished for his or her deeds in their past life. In the other state known as "Tan'eemu Ahlit-Taa'ah Fil Qabr," a person will receive the blessings and bounties of Allah because of his or her faith and good deeds. Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barzakh
IS THERE ANY PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE? • YES See below the Authentic Statement Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said, "Verily the grave is the first stopping place for the Hereafter; so if he is saved therein, then what comes after is easier than it. And if he is not saved there from, then that which comes after is harder." [Hadith: Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]. Narrated Ibn Abbas (RA): Prophet (PBUH) passed by two graves and said, "Both of them (persons in the grave) are being tortured, and they are not being tortured for a major sin. One of them used not to save himself from being soiled with his urine, and the other used to spreading nameemah (make false statements about someone). The Prophet then asked for a green leaf of a date-palm tree, split it into two pieces and planted one on each grave and said, "It is hoped that their punishment may be abated till those two pieces of the leaf get dried. [Hadith: Bukhari]. Abu Huraira (RA) narrateed that: The Messenger of Allah used to make the following supplication: (after last tashahud of every obligatory prayer) O Allah! I seek your refuge from the punishment in the grave and from the punishment in the fire of Hell and from the tribulations of life and death and from the tribulations of the masih al-Dajjal [Hadith: Bukhari].
QURANIC STATEMENT ABOUT PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE 1. Allah (SWT) says: “While an evil torment encompassed Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people. The Fire; they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon, and on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to the angels): "Cause Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people to enter the severest torment”. [ Quran:40: 45-46]. Note: This verse clearly proves the torment in the grave before the Day of Resurrection. 2. Allah (SWT) says: And if you could but see when the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.) are in the agonies of death, while the angels are stretching forth their hands (saying): "Deliver your souls! This day you shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what you used to utter against Allah other than the truth) [Quran: 6:93]. Note: This is the address to the mentioned people in the above verse at the time of death, they are informed that they are going to taste the torment of degradation on that day. If this torment is to be delayed till the Day of Resurrection, then it would not be correct to address them "this day you shall be recompensed". 3. Allah (SWT) Says: “And verily, for those who do wrong, there is another punishment before this, but most of them know not”.[ Quran: 52:47]. Note: This verse clearly shows that the first torment is that of the grave and not the torment during this life, because we observe many unjust people not being punished in this life. 4. Allah (SWT) Says: “We shall punish them twice, and thereafter they shall be brought back to a great (horrible) torment” [Quran: 9:101] . Note: The first torment mentioned in this verse is the torment during the lifetime, and the second one is the torment in grave. After that Allah Says: (And thereafter they shall be brought back to a great torment), this statement implies the Day of Resurrection.
HADITH CONCERNING PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE Zayd ibn Thaabit (RA) who said: When the Prophet (PBUH) was in a garden belonging to Banu'l-Najjaar on a mule of his and we were with him, it stumbled and nearly threw him. There he saw some graves, six or five or four. He said: "Who knows the occupants of these graves?" A man said: "I do." He said: "When did these people die?" He said: "They died in shirk." He said: "This ummah will be punished in their graves. Were it not that you would not bury one another, I would pray to Allaah to make you hear what I hear of the torment in the grave." Then he turned to us and said: "Seek refuge with Allaah from the punishment of Hellfire." [Hadith: Muslim] The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) said, "Seek Allah's protection from the Punishment of the Grave, since punishment of the Grave is true." [Hadith: At-Tabraanee] Prophet (PBUH) said that "I saw 'Amr ibn 'Aamir al-Khuzaa'i dragging his intestines in Hell. He was the first one to introduce the institution of al-saa'ibah." [ Hadith: Bukhaari]. It was narrated that Haani’ the freed slave of ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan said: when ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affaan stood by a grave he would weep until his beard became wet. It was said to him, “You remember Paradise and Hell and you do not weep, but you weep because of this?” He said, “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ‘The grave is the first of the stages of the Hereafter; whoever is saved from it, whatever comes afterwards will be easier for him, but if he is not saved from it, what comes afterwards will be worse for him.’” And the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “I have never seen any scene but the grave is more frightening than it.” [Hadith: Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah].
HADITH CONCERNING PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE • One day, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw a dream. He told his companions, “Last night, angels came to me in my dream. They took me into Barzakh (grave). We reached a place. I saw a man on the floor lying down on his back. Another man was standing above him with a huge stone. He threw the huge stone and crushed the other man’s head. He would then go to pick up the stone and by the time he got back, the laying man’s head was restored, and he would continue this action. I asked the angels, who is this man and why is this happening to him? The angels told me to move on. I then passed a man who had a hook in his hand. He placed the hook in another man’s mouth and ripped the side of his face. He did this to both sides of his face repeatedly. I asked the angels who is this man and why is this happening to him? The angels told me to move on. After this, I reached a man who was swimming in a lake of blood. Another man put stones in the swimming man’s mouth and made him swim to the other side. He did this repeatedly. I asked the angels who is this man and why is this happening to him? The angels told me to move on. I reached a place where we saw men and women who were naked inside a huge burning oven. They were hanging in there and the fire kept burning them repeatedly. I asked the angels who are these people? - - -.Finally, I said to the angels that I saw many strange things tonight, explain these things to me. The angels then informed me: • The man having his head crushed by a huge stone was a man who used to sleep past his prayers deliberately. • The man having his face ripped by a hook was a man who used to spread lies and rumours about others. • The man swimming in a blood of lake with stones in his mouth used to take interest. • The men and women in the huge oven were those who used to commit fornication and adultery. • [Hadith: Bukhari and Muslim]
actions that may lead to punishment in the grave Shrik1 Spreading slander2 Spreading false rumors3 Lying, backbiting and gossiping4 Not taking precautions to prevent oneself from being soiled with urine5 Stealing from the war booty6 Stealing from the orphans7 Bribery8 Punishing or abusing animals9 Sleeping and thus missing the obligatory prayers intentionally10 Memorizing the Qur’an and then forgetting it 11 Not remembering Allah much 12 Dragging one’s cloths on the ground out of arrogance 13 References: 1. Quran: 6:93, Muslim; 2,3, 4 :Ahmad, Bukhaari, Muslim; 5: Bukhari; 6, 8, 10, 11, 13: Bukhari and Muslim; 9: Muslim
Example of punishment in the grave He / she will be shown his position in Paradise had he done good, and his abode in Hell that was substituted for him because of his own wrong deeds. A portal to Hellfire will be in place for him / her. He / she will be given a bed of fire in a grave full of darkness. He / she will be tightened to such an extent that his ribs will break. He / she will be beaten with hammer until he turns to dust, then he will be returned as he / she was. His / her head will be smashed by a rock. He / she will be swimming in a river full of blood and when he swims to the shore, a rock will be thrown to his mouth and push him back. An iron hook will be inserted into the corner of his / her mouth ripping the mouth apart to the back of his head; the same thing will be done to the other side. He /she will be put in a pit of fire naked where the fire will raise him up to the mouth of the pit as if he is almost out of it and then will drop him down. References Hadith: 1: Al-Tirmidhi 2, 3 and 4: Abu Dahood and Ahmed 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9: Bukhari and Muslim,
Our beloved Prophet (S) said, "When a human being dies, all of his deeds are terminated except for three types: an ongoing sadaqah, a knowledge (of Islam) from which others benefit, and a righteous child who makes du'a for him." [Hadith: Muslim] Any good deed that a Muslim starts during his lifetime, and that is of renewed benefit and ongoing use for the Muslims, will continue to benefit him and augment his record of good deeds, even after his departure - as long as its benefits continue to reach others. Allah, the Most High, says: "We record that (deeds) which they have put forward and their traces (that which they have left behind)." [Al-Qur'an 36:12] ON GOING CHARITY DEEDS THAT CONTINUE IN GRAVE Righteous Child who Make dua Knowledge Which benefit others
who will BE your COMPANY IN THE grave? YOUR BELOVED ONE ? YOUR DEAREST ONE ? YOUR WELTH ? YOUR BELOVED FRIEND ? YOUR FOLLOWERS ? YOUR PROPERTY ? YOUR BODY GUARD ? Note: The reality is that, after your death, your dearest wife will be afraid to stay an hour in a dark room at night with your coffin, even you lived together over 50 years. • NONE OF THEM ! JUST YOUR DEEDS
ONLY THREE QUESTIONS WILL BE ASKED 1st Question: "Mar-Rabbuka" (Who is your Creator)?2nd Question: "Maa Deenuka" (What is your faith)?3rd Question: Pointing towards the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), they ask: "Maa Kunta Taqoolu Fee Haazar Rajul" (What did you use to say about him)? How will a Muslim answer these questions?If the dead is believer he will say: (answer to first question) "Rabbi-yal Laah" (my creator is Allah), (answer to second question) "Deeni-yal Islaam" (my faith is Islam) and (answer to third question) "Huwa Rasoolul Laah " (He is the true Messenger of Allah). What will be the reaction of the angels to these answers?A. The angels will say that we had an idea that you would say so. Then a voice calls out from heaven, ‘My slave has spoken the truth, so prepare for him a bed from Paradise and clothe him from Paradise, and open for him a gate to Paradise.’ Then there comes to him some of its fragrance, and his grave is made wide, as far as he can see. Then there comes to him a man with a handsome face and handsome clothes, and a good fragrance, who says, ‘Receive the glad tidings that will bring you joy this day.’ He says, ‘Who are you? Your face is a face which brings glad tidings.’ He will says, ‘I am your righteous deeds.’ He will say, ‘O Lord, hasten the Hour so that I may return to my family.’ [Hadith: Abu Dawood, 4753; Ahmad, 18063].
ONLY THREE QUESTIONS • WILL BE ASKED How will an disbeliever and a hypocrite answer these questions? If the dead is an disbeliever or a hypocrite he will answer every question saying: Alas! I know nothing. I used to say what I heard people said. What will say treatment will be meted out to an disbeliever and a hypocrite? Then a voice calls out from heaven, ‘Prepare for him a bed from Hell and clothe him from Hell, and open for him a gate to Hell.’ Then there comes to him some of its heat and hot winds, and his grave is constricted and compresses him until his ribs interlock. Then there comes to him a man with an ugly face and ugly clothes, and a foul stench, who says, ‘Receive the bad news, this is the day that you were promised.’ He says, ‘Who are you? Your face is a face which forebodes evil.’ He will say, ‘I am your evil deeds.’ He will say, ‘O Lord, do not let the Hour come, do not let the Hour come.’” [Hadith: Abu Dawood, 4753; Ahmad, 18063]. Note: Question is out before the exam, but only the righteous believer would be able to answer those three questions.
Are those dead WILL BE questioned who are not buried? SUCH AS PEOPLE KILLED BY SHARK EAT ANY BODY PEOPLE KILLED BY TIGER EAT ANY BODY PEOPLE KILLED BY LION EAT ANY BODY YES All dead should be questioned irrespective of burial or being eaten away by animals and also get reward of their goodness and chastisement of sins.
Reward in the grave The grave will be a place of extreme pleasure and happiness for the true believers. Referring to these rewards, our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said: “… A caller from heaven will say, ‘My slave has said the truth. Therefore, furnish him (in his grave) from (the pleasures of) Paradise, and dress him from (the clothes of) Paradise, and open a door for him to Paradise.’… He will receive from its tranquility and beautiful smell. And his grave will be enlarged for him as far a distance as his sight reaches.” [Hadith: Ahmad and Abu Dawood] The Messenger of Allah (S) said, "The souls of the Believers are inside green birds in the trees of Paradise until Allah returns them to their bodies on the Day of Resurrection." [At-Tabraanee] examples of reward in the grave [Abu-Daud & Ahmed] He will be shown his place in Hellfire had he been a sinner, and his position in Paradise that Allah substituted for him because of his beliefs and righteous deeds. A portal to Paradise will be established for him and he will enjoy the fragrance of Paradise. He will be given a window to see his place in Paradise. His soul will be in green birds flying in Paradise. The grave will be widened and illuminated for him. The grave will be made cool and green for him. He will be given a very soft bed; will enjoy a deep and comfortable sleep. He will be given a special dress or covering. His good deeds will come as a good looking person to give him company in his grave
PRAYER DEEDS THAT WILL PROTECT YOU IN THE GRAVE Observe optional Fast ZAKAT Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that Prophet (PBUH) said: 'The deceased can hear their footsteps as they depart from him. If he was a believer, prayer stands by his head, fasting stands to his right, zakah stands to his left and good deeds such as honesty, upholding ties of kinship and treating people kindly stand at his feet. HONESTY,KINSHIP, KINDNESS
rescue from punishment in the Grave • Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “There is a chapter in the Quran (Al- Mulk) that has thirty verses; it will intercede for the one who continuously recites it, until he is forgiven.” [Hadith: An-Nasaa’i & Ibn Maajah]. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The one who dies as a result of a stomach sickness will not be punished in his grave.” [Hadith: At- Tirmithi]. Note: This reward will be for those who do not despair upon their sickness, but rather persevere through it and hope for the reward from Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Allah will protect from the trials in the grave any Muslim who dies on a Friday – day or night.” [Hadith: Ahmad)] • Fulfilling piety, Allah (SWT) says: “Verily, those who say: Our Lord is (only) Allah, and thereafter stand firm (on the Islamic Faith of Monotheism), on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [Quran: Fussilat: 41:30] Dua: Abu Huraira (RA) narrates: The Messenger of Allah used to make the following supplication: O Allah! I seek your refuge from the punishment in the grave................. [Hadith: Bukhari].
rescue from punishment in the Grave Imaam ibn Al-Qayyim (RA), said that the best way to avoid punishment in the grave one needs to sit for a while before he goes to bed. Then he hold himself accountable for what he gained during that day and what he lost. Then he needs to renew his sincere repentance to Allah and sleep after having repented. When he wakes up, be determined not to commit the same sins again. He should do this every night; if he dies that night he would die after having repented, and if he would wake up, he would wake up happy because he was delayed and given a chance to strive hard in good deeds to make up for what he missed out on. There is nothing better or more beneficial than such a way of going to sleep, especially if he follows this accountability with mentioning Allah and follows the recommendations of Prophet (PBUH) in how to go to sleep and supplicate until he falls asleep. The one whom Allah wills good for, He will guide him to doing so.” • Salmaan Al-Faarisi (RA), narrated that the Prophet (PBUH), said: “Ribaat (guarding the front lines of the Muslim army) for one day is better (in reward) than fasting for a full month and praying during its nights; and the one who dies while in that position will have the reward of the deeds he was doing to continue (until The Day of Resurrection) and he will be saved from the punishment of the grave.” [Hadith: Muslim].
THINK ABOUT IT মাটির বিছানা How much afford we usually put in our worldly house ? Such as: money, time, energy etc. We may be reside that house only for: 30Y, 40Y, 50Y or 90Y max. How much afford we need to put for our next house / Grave? Where we may have to be reside hundreds & hundreds /thousands yrs. until Day of the Judgment. Note: Even though the grave is made of just soil, but that would be place of pleasure if we: 1. spend our money, time and energy etc. according to the Quran and the Sunnah. 2. If you obey Allah (SWT) and Prophet (PBUH) and follow the guide line of the Holy Quran and do good deeds.
CONCLUSION It is proved both from the Quran and the authentic hadiths that either punishment or reward of grave is a reality and the people who deny this reality actually deny the clear verses of the Quran and authentic sayings of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) . May Allah guide all of us to the right path and make us believe in all the realities mentioned in the Quran and the authentic hadith. • The one who makes Allah angry in this life and did not repent, and dies while in that • state will be punished in the grave. So people who die with sins have punishment in the grave. Please make your sincere “tawba” now, who knows when we will die. So before you die make sincere “tawba” and never repeat those sins any more. Oh Allah give all of us a chance to make sincere “tawba” prior to die and protect all of us from the punishment in the grave. Ameen. Best Regards, • Dr. Abdul Hakim, Research Scientist • 8624 FESTIVAL DRIVE CALIFORNIA, USA • PHONE: (916) 525-1594 খোদা হাফেয