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E N V I S I O N T H E S H I F T Human Evolution and the Evolving Universe For Beginners. Nina Howard & Hans Posselt , Ph.D. What’s going on? Universal Upgrade. What is Changing? The entire solar system and possibly universe is getting an “system upgrade”. This includes: Mother Earth:
E N V I S I O N T H E S H I F T Human Evolution and the Evolving UniverseFor Beginners Nina Howard & Hans Posselt, Ph.D.
What’s going on? Universal Upgrade • What is Changing? The entire solar system and possibly universe is getting an “system upgrade”. This includes: • Mother Earth: • It’s inhabitants • Plant species • Animal species • Human species • Living Systems: • Interconnected to other • systems • Self-Organizing • Self-Maintaining • Self-Renewing • Transcendent
What’s going on? Phylum & Species Upgrade • 1000 new species in just one region in the past decade (2 new species per week) found in the Mekong Rainforest • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdGXGlfE080 • Source: Discovery 3:03 Elysian chlorotica, a sea slug that lives in salt marshes of New England and Canada, is a unique water animal that also has its own chlorophyll to produce energy-containing molecules from sunlight without having to eat anything.
What’s going on? Human DNA Upgrade • Indigo & Crystal Children first, now us! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6-GFQqTkkg • Source: The Human Ascension – 2012 (www.maya12-21-2012.com) 3:35 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=272eAoBWJcs&feature=channel • Source: Kryon (Tuning In: Lifting the Veil) 1:20
What’s going on? Solar System Upgrade • Every 5,125 years the Earth completes a cycle. • Every 26,625 years Earth journeys through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac known as the Procession of the Equinox • Every 75,000 years the Earth moves into a dimensional shift • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seJ72A9sLho • Source: Gregg Braden 5:17
Past cycles point to future events • Historical data shows us that at the end of such a cycle great cataclysm comes to the planet creating changes by: • Massive earthquakes • Tsunamis • Volcanic activity • Sea level changes (floods) • Rapid decline in the magnetic fields (reversal of poles) • Rise and fall of continents • Continental drift • Mass migrations • Remember: • 24 hours a day is a cycle • Spring/Winter/Summer/Fall • Full Moon/New Moon • All life has cycles!
Good news or bad news? • Cataclysm = cleansing, purification, renewal & rebirth • Humankind’s evolutionary leap in response to cyclic changes and the position of the earth within our galaxy. • Our entire universe is graduating to the next level as well. We are all interconnected.
Recent Interplanetary Changes • Sun: More activity since 1940 than in previous 1150 years, combined • Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field ...for a supposedly “dead”planet • Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years • Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes which are increasing • Mars: “Global Warming,” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps • Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds • Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only ~20 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator
Recent Interplanetary Changes • Uranus: “Really big, big changes” in brightness, increased global cloud activity • Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness • Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun – “None of these statistics are from “fringe” scientists; they are all very, very real, and what you just read is only the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.” • http://www.enterprisemission.com/_articles/05-14-2004_Interplanetary_Part_1/Interplanetary_1.htm
THE MAYAN CALENDAR This evolution is marked by the planets timekeepers and keepers of wisdom, The Mayans
THE MAYAN CALENDAR The great cycle (3113 B.C. - 2012 A.D.) Age of the Fifth Sun, began 8/13/3113Written As as . 13=Baktuns, 0=Katuns, the 2nd 0=Tuns, 3rd 0=Uinals, 4th 0=Kin These are the Mayan words for the periods of time: Day = Kin (pronounced: keen) Month of 20 days/Kin = Uinal (wee nal) Year of 360 days/Kin = Tun (toon) 20 Tuns/years = K'atun (k'ah toon) 20 K'atuns = Baktun (bock toon) a Baktun is 5,125 years
THE MAYAN CALENDAR – Galactic Period, 1999 - 2011 Source: Dr. Carl Calleman
Don Alejandro Cirilo TheMayan Dalai Lama Don Alejandro says every 5200 years, the planet becomes dark for days and we cannot see the sun. Says 12.21.2012 is not necessarily the date of a specific event rather it signifies a timeframe!
Basic Agreement Between Different Evolutionary Models Source Process Description or Prediction Mayans Nine steps of evolution of consciousness Hinduism Yugas: Evolution proceeds in cycles Hathors Ascension to expanded state of consciousness Kryon Upgrading consciousness through reactivation of DNA Illuminati H-H Harvest of evolved graduates Bible –Revelations Rapture and Armageddon Law of One - RA The Harvest cycle is upon us Sibylline Prophecies B.C. Says 10th Generation (appx 2000 AD) would be last Hopi, Aztec, Lakota Sees similar destruction of planet/inhabitants I-Ching China I Ching Oracle – 64 Hexagrams – Same as Mayans Merlin Europe’s greatest oracle – sees deadly apocalypse Mother Shifton 1500’s/Europe – Saw half the world dying in this time frame Edgar Cayce Massive earth changes and spiritual transformation Nostradamus Apocalyptic changes Web Bot Scans for future events on www – sees destruction in 2012 timeline Modern Day Mystics Most all are sending out an alarm to wake up and transform!
How vast is the Universe? • Our Solar System& the Hubble Deep Field: • The Vastness of the • Universe is unending! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcBV-cXVWFw&feature=related • Source: The Most Important Video Ever Taken 6:38
Emerging Evidence of Transformation -1 • Evolution: • DNA Upgrades – spontaneous appearance of new species • Changes in our solar system and Planet Earth –seen from weather patterns and magnetic changes • Spirituality: • Disclosure of secret teachings • Increased interest in spirituality in last 3 decades • Telepathic messages and channeling • Science: • New Models such as Unified Field Theory are emerging • Advanced scientific understanding
Emerging Evidence of Transformation - 2 Time is speeding up: The internet’s exponential growth, multi- tasking, technology growing at lightening speed Corruption: Finance Corporate Government Disclosure or Cover Up: Crop Circles UFO Sightings Alien technology used by governments of the world Time travel Covert operations (Black Ops) such as FEMA Camps, Eugenics or Population Control, H1N1 False Pandemic, Constitutional rights being stripped from us, war on terror, Codex Aliementarius (Food and supplement bill), problem/reaction/solution, etc.
Messages from our Space Brothers:Crop Circles – Alien Symbols
Messages from our Space Brothers: Crop Circles – Alien Symbols Since 1980 thousands of designs have been investigated and recorded in databases worldwide. This is impressive by anyone's standard. The Study of Crop Circles is based on facts: ~ Crop Circles exist. ~ They are found all over the world. ~ More than 6,000 have been documented since 1980. ~ Over the last twenty years analyses of thousands of plant and soil specimens from hundreds of formations worldwide have been carried out in laboratories in various countries, and most extensively in the UK and in the USA. These analyses show that the cellular structure of the plants has been strongly affected and that the composition of the soil greatly altered in crop circles (man made designs exhibit no such results). ~ Their designs are based on complex geometry, ancient symbology and advanced mathematics. ~ They can be decoded. ~ The message that comes through is important for mankind at present.
Messages from our Space Brothers:Crop Circles- Alien Symbols Avebury Manor crop circle of July 15, 2008 reminds us that the Mayan Long Count calendar will end on December 21, 2012: by showing precise orbital locations for all nine planets of our solar system on that date, plus an accurate elliptical orbit for Pluto. A few days later the circle was edited to show an expanded sun that engulfed some of the inner planets (e.g. Venus). Hoax?
Messages from our Space Brothers:Crop Circles- Alien Symbols
Messages from our Space Brothers: Crop Circles - Alien SymbolsQuetzalcoatl Headdress
Messages from our Space Brothers: Crop Circles- Alien SymbolsSpiral Crop Circle - 2009
Messages from our Space Brothers: Crop Circles- Alien Symbols DNA Symbols Galaxy Symbols
Messages from our Space Brothers: Crop Circles- Alien Symbols Messages from the Stars Decoded 5:59: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4RV2oy3Ea4&feature=related
Nassim Haramein, Swiss Scientist Haramein http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey7xfpSMi8M&feature=related
Conclusion: The Perennial Questions • Who am I? • What is the nature of reality? • Where do I come from? • Where am I going? • What is my life’s role? • Am I ready to open my • eyes and heart to a • new reality?
2012……...and beyond • “a chaotic node (all energy systems)” is similar to water shifting to a rolling boil, in that it (water moving from being hot to a rolling boil) is a sudden shift that is inherently volatile. It is difficult to predict will happen next. - Tom Kenyon (The Hathors) • Will we return to the “Garden of Eden”? • The “and beyond” life is one of service to others (as opposed to service to self) • Will we still be in our body on Planet Earth or existing in another dimension? • Can we get beyond the fear of the death experience, knowing that we are eternal beings? • We are a planet of free will…..Where your thoughts go, you go!
Part 2 Overcoming Fear Freeing Ourselves Our spiritual destiny
Consciousness evolving itself A change in universal cycles, the magnetosphere and our Earth as well as our entire Galaxy Shift into the Age of Light Ascend with Mother Earth via a frequency change Put an end to the social experiment called DUALITY Clean up your head and heart Devolution Ruling Bloodlines (Power Elite) Plan 9/11 Fear + terrorism + war = greater control Planned demolition of our economy Suppression of free energy & cures for disease Drugs - Medicinal & Illicit Ideological Subversion Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, Normalization Two Plans
Consciousness Evolving Itself “There’s a frequency that Mother Earth puts out when she makes this shift. If you are on that frequency base or any harmonic of it, you’ll be riding that frequency” – Drunvelo “Wake up and prepare for the dimensional shift. Choosing not to would be like meditating for 40 years and saying no thank you when it finally is time to meet God” – Cal Garrison Sick Nation (World) Aspartame Fluoride Mercury Vaccines New World Order RIFD Chip Tasers for 1000 Fema Camps/Coffins The Georgia Guidestones Chemtrails Tasers for 1000 – crowd control Two Plans
As the Shift hits the fan….. • How do we get from here to there? • Where is there? • How will you change your frequency to match the Earth’s frequency?
Now that we have navigated through the veil of Illusions • Where is your water? • Where is your garden? • Where is your community? • How dependent are you on the system? • Are you being truthful in your relationships? • Do you know what your truth is? • Do you have the courage to live it?
Now that we have navigated through the veil of Illusions • Do we have a solid connection to Mother Earth and to Spirit (Prime Creator)? • Do we realize that our thoughts and deeds impact the whole? • Can we let go of our old ways that don’t serve us or anyone? • Can we forgive just 1 person for “wronging us”? The another, then another…..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQBUyaGfFoI&feature=digest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lloGlDzp5vc&NR=1 Solara An Ra Where to put your focus? http://www.solara.org.uk/
http://www.shiftoftheages.com/wandering_wolfs_message Shift Happens…..Wandering Wolf’s Message
Waking up – A spiritual awakening! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bjPZVbXWsw&feature=channel • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSEnJl0klzo&feature=related • Are you ready? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrU5t6ab7Vo
Where are we going… 2012 and beyond…our spiritual destiny!
What others are saying… • Wendy Kennedy – The Pleidianswww.higherfrequencies.net • We are already in the midst of tremendous change. Unless you feel pressured, unless you feel uncomfortable with the status quo you won’t make changes. So right now you have the time to make some adjustments to decide what kind of planet you want to have. In harmony or disharmony and continue on the path you are on. Is it time to let go of being governed and step back into your own self empowerment. 43
What others are saying… • The Galactic Federation of Light–Dear Ones, you are all the actors that have written your own scripts for the purpose of experiencing duality. Now the play nears its end, and you are becoming more conscious of your true reality. You are becoming aware that you are more than you appear, and that your destiny is to return to your real home amongst the stars. You have been attached to Earth for so long, that you have almost forgotten how special you are. Regardless of the many lives spent on Mother Earth, you did not originate from it. As the end time of this cycle comes into sight, you are preparing to move back to the higher dimensions from whence you came. The end times are clearly bringing the changes that you are experiencing now, and it is becoming more apparent that you cannot maintain the old paradigm. All that has no place in your future will fall away, and that will momentarily cause you discomfort and upheaval. It is unavoidable as the cleansing takes place but you are assured that it will be replaced by conditions, more suited to the new Man emerging with an ever-expanding consciousness. It has all been planned well in advance and cannot fail, and we as the Galactic Federation are playing a vital role to ensure the perfect outcome. Do not be distracted from your goal by the turmoil that may touch you. 44
What others are saying… • Matthew – The Matthewbooks (Susie Ward)http://www.matthewbooks.com/ • Members of the highest council that designed the master plan of Earth’s Golden Age have been observing the pace of flux in the collective consciousness, and they have agreed that the day is nearing when the presence of your celestial brotherhood must become widely known. There are “open windows,” universally speaking, that offer the leaps in consciousness and spiritual clarity that enable a civilization to ascend into a higher density. These windows have opened for Earth’s peoples before, but they closed because the darkness that permeated the planet prevented the peoples from looking up at the stars instead of down at “feet of clay.” This is the time of another open window, and as ordained by the Supreme Being of this universe, Earth will fly through on her way into the higher densities where love, peace and harmony is the basis of life. In her love for all her resident souls, she wants them to go with her. 45
What others are saying… • Magenta Pixie (White Winged Collective Consciousness of 9) www.magentapixie.weebly.com • The Ascension of the Earth is the raising of the electro-magnetic frequencies that surround her & that she exists within. It is a freeing from a static place into a place of Growth. It is natural evolution that eventually occurs within all consciousness structures be they Planetary, Humanoid or Otherwise.The Ascension means to transmute fear and all it’s derivatives into it’s polarized opposite…love and all its derivatives. It is to remain within balanced polarization so that all electrical frequencies and vibrations are within the love fields. It is to shift consciousness from ignorance into knowing and from separation into oneness. • 46
What others are saying… • The Law of One – The Ra Materialhttp://www.lawofone.info/ • Q: Do any of the UFOs presently reported at this time come from other planets, or do you have this knowledge? • Ra: I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation. This Confederation contains those from your own planet who have attained dimensions beyond your third. It contains planetary entities within your solar system, and it contains planetary entities from other galaxies. It is a true Confederation in that its members are not alike, but allied in service according to the Law of One. 47
What others are saying… • Barbara Marciniakwww.pleiadians.com • Our ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth, orchestrators who seeded worlds and civilizations with creativity and love. Because of their qualifications, they liked to orchestrate worlds just as conductors love to conduct. Our ancestors are also your ancestors, and we like to call you our ancient family, as indeed you are. Our ancestors gave their DNA to the Original Planners, and this DNA became part of the DNA of the human species. • We Pleiadians come from your future. In a version of our "now," there exists a place of tyranny and turmoil, and they have seen probable futures of Earth that include that same tyranny and decay. 48
What others are saying… • The Hathors (Tom Kenyon) www.tomkenyon.com • We wish to speak with you about a dangerous and treacherous passage that you are now entering. We spoke to this in our last communication when we discussed Chaotic Nodes. From our perspective you are getting closer to the manifestation of such chaos. There are several reasons for this, which we wish to explore. But first we wish to affirm to you our belief in the sovereignty of human consciousness. We believe that you can, as individuals and as a collective, change your destinies, even as they unfold before you. • Therefore this message is not one of doom, but a call to presence and spiritual mastery. 49
What others are saying… • Hidden_Hand http://home.comcast.net/~readingnews/Hidden_Hand.html • “Our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded “history”, and beyond, our Family has been ‘directing’ the ‘play’ from behind the scenes, in one way or another. Before the rise and fall of Atlantis. (Yes, that was indeed perfectly real). We are ‘born to lead’. It is part of the design for this current paradigm.” 50
What others are saying… • Alex Collier.http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bb/collier.htmI wanted to talk about a couple things. I wanted to give you some history that has been shared with me. We're going to deal pretty much with Jehovah and Nibiru, and I also want to talk to you about the Hopi prophecy, • …. The old testament "God" is an extraterrestrial. Is that simple enough? Does everybody get that? The new testament "God" is also an extraterrestrial. They are not one and the same. But, we are just going to deal with the one who the Hebrews call Jehovah. • …. Now, the Hebrews are what is left of an ancient tribe of Chaldeans. The word Jehovah, in the original tongue, meant "Is, Was and Will Be". It never meant, at any time, "creator of all things". That meaning was added later. 51