HELP! A city that has seen a surge in population needs to connect the city’s business area with a major highway that leads out to the suburbs. However, in order to build that bridge the engineers need to connect a span of river that is over 2000 feet wide. The bridge needs to carry multiple lanes of traffic. The city is very particular about what they want. They want a beautiful looking bridge that would add to the welcoming aspects of the city. However, they also want the people who have sailboats to continue to use the river as a place to sail their boats. What kind of bridge should the city invest in in order to keep the boaters happy and the residents happy? A city in need…
ANSWER: • Suspension Bridge
The community of Towns End has run into a problem. They have two bike paths that parallel a small stream, but bikers have to go one mile out of their way to cross the stream. They want the bridge to connect the bike paths across the stream in a location nearer the center of town. The bridge needs to be wide enough for two ways of bike traffic, as well as people crossing the bridge on foot. The span of the stream where the city fathers would like the bridge is 110 feet. What kind of bridge should the city invest in to keep the bikers and the city mayor happy? Help these bikers…
ANSWER: • Beam Bridge
The Forest Park Elementary School has received approval from the City Building Development Board to build a pedestrian walkway from Forest Park Elementary School over a very busy street called New York Avenue. Children need to cross New York Avenue, and a crossing guard has always been at that corner, but the police department has been having difficulty finding a crossing guard. This pedestrian walkway will span the roadway and hopefully help to keep the students safe as they bike and walk to school. What kind of bridge should the school build in order to make sure the students can safely cross over New York Avenue? Help the students…
ANSWER: • Arch Bridge