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Portiella. Portiella is a village that belongs to the parish of Tebongo in the council of Cangas del Narcea. It has 110 inhabitants and it is crossed by the rivers Narcea and Onón.

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  1. Portiella Portiella is a village that belongs to the parish of Tebongo in the council of Cangas del Narcea. It has 110 inhabitants and it is crossed by the rivers Narcea and Onón.

  2. The village is divided by the Onon's bridge. This bridge has a lot of traffic because it joins several villages in the area with the main road.

  3. This is a photo of the point where river Onón and River Narcea join: River Narcea River Onón

  4. Here we can see the lower part of the village where the bar Xirón is.It is the place where people can buy some essential supplies, such as food. It also offers Internet access. Bar Xirón

  5. And here we can see the upper part of the village where there is a horse-riding school.

  6. Horse-riding school

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