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Empowering Volunteers for Environmental Conservation

Explore the world of volunteering with a focus on environmental conservation. Discover the benefits of volunteering, from skill development to socialization. Learn how to protect natural ecosystems and get involved as a volunteer in restoration projects.

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Empowering Volunteers for Environmental Conservation

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  1. Volunteering www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Volunteeringis generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. In return, this activity produces a feeling of self-worth and respect; however, there is no financial gain. Volunteering is also renowned for skill development, socialization, and fun. Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.

  3. To work as a volunteer in the areas of geo biological sciences, you must have passion, the desire to acquire new skills in difficult conditions, to be healthy and able-bodied sport, have good communication skills, all for the price of a simple diet and modest living. Do youhavethecourage ? Bewareofthem ! 8 6 9 4 10 Wherecouldtheygetlost ? 7 scientist 5

  4. Revegetation Revegetation is the process of replanting and rebuilding the soil of disturbed land. Obrázek 1 Revegetation on the bank of the Potomac River, USA

  5. Restoration ecology Ecological restorationas an intentional activity that accelerates the recovery of an ecosystem with respect to its health and integrity. Obrázek 2 a small area of wetland regeneration in south-eastern Australia, recently constructed

  6. Natural environment Obrázek 3 Hopetoun Falls, Beech Forest, near Otway National Park, Victoria, Australia

  7. Why do we need to protect the natural environment as a whole system? We already have ways to make sure certainaspects of our natural environment protected from direct harm. However, putting more and more pressure on our environmentdamages the way ofall individual bites inthesystems. Definitionofnatural environment? Climate,Weather,andnatural resources that affect human survival and economic activity.

  8. To better understand the context geo-biological processes, we havelearned to better protect the planet Earth, wemust know many- such as : Ecosystem Ekosystemprocesses Typesofecosystems Aquatic ecosystem - primary production - energyflow marine ecosystems - decomposition freshwater ecosystems - nutrientcycling river ecosystem - function and biodiversity Terrestrial ecosystem - ecosystemgoods and services forest - ecosystem management Greater YellowstoneEcosystem - ecosystemecology large marine ecosystem littoral zone riparian zone subsurface lithoautotrophicmicrobialecosystem 11 urban ecosystem movile cave desert

  9. Whatisimportant to protect ? 12 1. Theair 13. h 2. water Tree(s) 3. 4. insect - butterfly 14. 15. 5. tigers 16. 6. rhinoceros 18. 17. 7. Frog(s) 8. 19. flowers

  10. Willyoutranslate these questions ? 1. How to protecttheanimals on theEarth planet ? 1. Jak chránit zvířata na planetě Zemi ? 2. Youcanwork in a variousway....... . 2. Můžete pracovat různým způsobem… 20. 3. – as a volunteer in theNationalParksofAfrica - jako dobrovolník v národních parcích Afriky - to assist in veterinarystations, - pomáhat ve veterinárních stanicích - to takesamplesof skin, hair, blood on theground, - odebírat vzorky kůže, vlasů, krve v terénu 21. - to monitor themovementofendangered species, - sledovat pohyb ohrožených druhů - to publish in professionaljournals - publikovat v odborných časopisech 22. - to buildhomesendangered species - habitats - stavět domovy ohroženým druhům - habitaty

  11. Obrázek 1 Revegetation on the bankof the Potomac River, USA WAGNER, Gary. wikipedia.org [online]. 24 October 2008 [cit. 23.3.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_081024-N-7952W-001_Daniel_Barth_from_Sioux_Falls,_S.D.,_plants_one_of_1,400_small_trees_and_shrubs_along_a_stretch_of_the_Potomac_River_that_the_Navy_is_working_to_stabilize_at_Naval_Support_Facility_Indian_Head,_Md.jpg Obrázek 2 a small area of wetland regeneration in south-eastern Australia, recently constructed CARSON, Nick. wikipedia.org [online]. 17 October 2008 [cit. 23.3.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wetland_restoration_in_Australia.jpg Obrázek 3 Hopetoun Falls, Beech Forest, near Otway National Park, Victoria, Australia DILIFF. wikipedia.org [online]. 27 July 2005 [cit. 25.3.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedna WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hopetoun_falls.jpg Obrázek 4.- 22.: Klipart MS Office [cit.2013-03-26].Dostupný pod licencí Microsoft Office 2010 na WWW:<http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/images/>

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