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CAP POST 2020 PUBLIC MEETINGS FEBRUARY 2018 DAVID BUCKLEY. CAP PUBLIC CONSULTATION 2018. Series of 6 meetings during February All documents can be found on the DAFM website at https://www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmerschemespayments/ Email submissions to - cap_post2020@agriculture.gov.ie

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  2. CAP PUBLIC CONSULTATION 2018 • Series of 6 meetings during February • All documents can be found on the DAFM website at https://www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmerschemespayments/ • Email submissions to - cap_post2020@agriculture.gov.ie • Post to EU Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Floor 6 Centre, Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 marked “Submission on CAP post 2020” • Submissions between 26 January and 23 March 2018

  3. TIMELINE OF CAP POST 2020 PROCESS • The European Commission:- • February 2017 – held a public consultation process to “modernise and simplify the CAP” • February 2017 – published an Inception Impact Assessment • July 2017 – held a stakeholder conference • 29 November 2017 – published its CAP Communication “The Future of Food & Farming”

  4. CAP COMMUNICATION PAPER, 29 NOVEMBER 2017 • This Communication proposes a simpler CAP with more flexibility for Member States and a greater environmental focus. • Number of headline themes. • No substantive reference to funding – MFF proposals, May 2018.

  5. SOME HEADLINE THEMES WITHIN CAP COMMUNICATION • Simplification • Subsidiarity • Direct Payments • Environment • Risk Management • Support for Young Farmers • Research, Innovation, Technology Transfer • Position of farmers in the supply chain • Market Supports • Strengthening the socio-economic fabric of rural areas.

  6. SIMPLIFICATION • To reduce administrative burden and bureaucracy • Focus at EU level on outcomes rather than on compliance

  7. “How can the CAP be simplified for beneficiaries and administrators?”

  8. SUBSIDIARITY • Greater freedom and autonomy for Member States to administer and implement the CAP • EU set basic policy parameters for Member States • Each Member State would prepare “CAP Strategic Plans” covering both Pillar 1 and Pillar 2

  9. “What are people’s views on subsidiarity and giving Member States more autonomy regarding CAP?” “What are people’s views on CAP Strategic plans?”

  10. DIRECT PAYMENTS • Strong commitment to direct payments in Communication • The Communication suggests four options to better target them

  11. DIRECT PAYMENTS OPTIONS • Compulsory capping • Degressivity for large payments to reduce support for big farms • Redistributive payments to small or medium size farms to ensure targeted support • Ensuring support is targeted to genuine farmers and those actively farming

  12. “What are people’s views on potential proposals to target direct payments differently?” “Is capping necessary or not?” “What are people’s views on degressivity? Is it necessary or not?” “Should support be aimed more at small and medium farms?”

  13. THE ENVIRONMENT • Communication considers agriculture needs to do more for the environment • Environmental focus was increased in 2013 CAP reform through Greening • Commission consultation revealed Greening to be complex and burdensome

  14. “What do you believe should be the environmental priorities under the next CAP?” “How can the CAP contribute more in this regard?” “What new environmental measures could farmers undertake in CAP post 2020?”

  15. RISK MANAGEMENT • The Communication recognises more needs to be done in this area • Recognises there is a lack of knowledge and low uptake in Member States • Examples of risk management tools include Income Stability Tools and Insurance schemes

  16. “Do people consider risk management tools necessary?” “If yes, should they be voluntary or mandatory for member states and farmers?”

  17. SUPPORT FOR YOUNG FARMERS • Recognises need for flexibility in CAP to allow Member States to tailor schemes to support young farmers • 6% of EU farmers are below 35 years of age • National governments can do a lot already • Within current CAP we have “the young farmer scheme” and higher rates of grant aid for “TAMS”

  18. “How should the CAP encourage young people into farming and facilitate succession planning?” “What are people’s views on the existing schemes and supports rates for young farmers?” “What type of measures could be included?”

  19. POSITION OF THE FARMERS IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN • CAP should play a larger role in helping farmers make more money from the market • Recognises there is a role for producer organisations as a tool to enable farmers to strengthen their position • Alternative enterprises for farmers helps diversify their businesses, hedge risks and provide additional income

  20. “Can the CAP post 2020 do more to complement other measures to strengthen the position of farmers in the supply chain?” “If so how?”

  21. Strengthening the Socio-Economic Fabric of Rural Areas • Potential and aspirations of rural citizens and communities must be better addressed in EU policies. • CAP has an important role to play. • Improving the complementary relationship between CAP and other EU policies is important. • Development of new rural value chains – for example - eco tourism, byproducts from forestry as inputs for bioenergy. • Bottom up locally led Leader approach important.

  22. “How can the CAP complement other EU and National policies to support the social and economic development of rural communities?”

  23. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER • DAFM CAP Consultation (26 January – 23 March 2018) • MFF proposals expected May 2018 • CAP Regulations expected June 2018

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