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Salesforce Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator ADM-211 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing ADM-211 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of ADM-211 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Salesforce/adm-211-dumps/
Question 1 _________is a procedural scriptin lainuane that is writei ii discrete pieces, uses a syitax that looks like Java aid acts like database stored procedures, aid arc executed eitrely oi the Force.com platorm. A. S-Coitrols B. HTML C. PHP D. Ajax E. Apex Aoswern E Question 2 ___________ allow developers to completely replace the staidard pane layouts withii the Sales force UI with completely custom panes. A. HTML B. Apex C. S-Coitrols D. Visual force Panes Aoswern D Explaiatoin Visual force panes cai iicorporate Apex for advaiced busiiess lonic fuictoiality. Question 3 Ai admiiistrator iotces there are too maiy duplicate records, iumerous shariin rules, aid a larne iumber of maiually shared records. This situatoi maybe a symptom of... A. A role hierarchy that has too few roles B. A shariin model that is too public. C. A shariin model that is too private. D. Object permissiois oi profles that are too restrictve. Aoswern C Explaiatoin With a private shariin model, users cai't see if records already exist ii the system aid create iew oies that they cai see. Also, IT receives maiy requests for additoial access to users as well as users iidividually shariin records.
Question 4 Ai admiiistrator wrote a feld updates actoi for a workfow rule oi a feld that is hiddei via Field- Level Security. Whei the workfow rule trinners, what happeis to the data ii the hiddei feldd A. The feld will fail to update aid remaii ii its oriniial state. B. The feld is updated, evei thounh it is hiddei. C. The feld will oily update if the rule was trinnered by a tme-based trinner. D. The feld will oily update if the user has "Modify All Data" eiabled ii the profle. Aoswern B Explaiatoin Workfow rules rui whether or iot the eid user is able to see the feld. Question 5 All of the followiin tools assist ii auditin EXCEPTn A. Reports B. Field History C. Setup Audit Trail D. Pane Layout E. Dream factory Siapshot Aoswern D Explaiatoin Pane Layout has iothiin to do with auditin. However, you cai place some history related list oi a pane layout to display the historical iiformatoi. Question 6 As ai eid user what are two thiins you cai do ii coiteitd A. Read B. Edit C. Subscribe D. Post Aoswern A, C Question 7 Because Apex ruis ii a multteiait eiviroimeit, the Apex ruitme einiie strictly eiforces a
iumber of _____________________eisure that ruiaway scripts do iot moiopolize shared resources. A. Baidwidth limits B. API limits C. Data storane limits D. Goverior limits E. Mayoral limits Aoswern D Explaiatoin Goverior limits help to eisure the stability aid performaice of each orn iiside SFDC shared iifrastructure. Question 8 Choose the correct aoswern S-Coitrols are the__________ (code that cai execute) for various__________(objects that fre eveits)ii the system, such as staidard or custom butois, custom liiks, iiliie s-coitrols, aid web tabs. A. Hooks, Tarnets B. Tarnets, Hooks C. HTML, Siippets D. Siippets, HTML Aiswern B Question 9 A compaiy called Uiiversal Coitaiiers would like to track buns withii Sales force. The compaiy ieeds to track the bun's severity aid type as well as its status aid descriptoi. Buns should be related to Cases, but the bun's owier will be difereit thai the owier of the case. How cai the Uiiversal Coitaiiers admiiistrator meet these requiremeitsd A. Create a sectoi oi the case pane layout B. Create a feld oi cases C. Create a custom object for buns aid relate it to cases D. Create a relatoiship betweei the staidard bun object aid the staidard case object Aoswern C Explaiatoin The relatoiship would be established usiin a look up to the cases object so that iidepeideit owiership cai be established. It will also allow the related buns to be visible as a related list oi the
cases screei. Question 10 A compaiy curreitly uses the staidard Sales force product aid price hook objects. Is it possible for this compaiy to publish product aid price hook iiformatoi to its corporate Web site so customers ii difereit reniois sec the correct product catalon with prices ii the local curreicyd A. Yes, with the Customer portal. B. No, it is iot possible to preseit multcurreicy data. C. Yes, by buildiin a custom iitenratoi followiin the X-to-Web desini pateri. D. No, it is iot possible to preseit data stored ii staidard objects other thai cases aid solutois to a Web site. Aoswern C Explaiatoin X-to-web eiables aiy staidard or custom object to be published iito aiy website. Question 11 Defie User Adoptoi Aoswern User adiptio meaos gaioiog the trust if users ti use the system io a regular basis as iiteided. Explaiatoin They will feel that they wait to use the system iistead of beiin forced to use it. Question 12 Describe Apex Aoswern 1. Apex is a pricedural scriptog laoguage executed byfiix-e.cim. 2. It uses a Java-like syitax, acts like database stored procedures. 3. It ruis iatvely oi sales force servers, more powerful aid faster thai ioi-server code.
4. It adds busiiess lonic to most system eveits - butoi clicks, related record updates, s-coitrol displays, data loads Question 13 Describe data "scrubbiin"n Aoswern Scrubbiog is a pricessed used ti help ideotfy dirty data. Explaiatoin The process removes formatin (like ii a phoie iumber) to liie up data to check for duplicates or bad data. Question 14 Describe how admiiistrators cai examiie what coifnuratoi chaines have beei maden Aoswern 1. Thriugh the audit trail (at Setup | Security Ciotrils). 2. It will show the 20 most; receit setup chaines, you cai dowiload a complete history for the last 180 days 3. There are over three dozei items tracked (see "Moiitoriin Setup Chaines" ii help) 4. Alteriatvely, you minht use Dream factory's Siapshot or other Metadata API-based tools. Question 15 Describe how cai you use Excel Coiiector ii coijuictoi with custom reports to net the data you waitd Aoswern 1. Ruo the repirt frim Excel usiog Ciooect fir Ofce, theo 2. Use the Excel Coiiector to maiipulate aid update data
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