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PSD Workgroup

Join the PSD Workgroup in addressing the untimely processing of requests for PSD redesignation, aiming for efficient guidance and resource balance. Progress documented from Fall 2002 to the future steps with EPA and Federal Land Managers.

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PSD Workgroup

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PSD Workgroup David Klemp State of Montana

  2. Problem Statements • Redesignation • Untimely processing of PSD Redesignation requests and limited guidance for states to follow when submitting such requests • Increment Tracking • Resource intensive and there needs to be a balance between obtaining reasonable estimates of increment consumption and the resources required to track increment consumption

  3. WESTAR Fall ’02 Business Meeting PSD Workgroup was authorized to partner with EPA on the development of guidance that will facilitate review/approval of redesignation requests submitted by states

  4. Redesignation Policy Progress • Conference call held in October 2002, included CenSARA and other States • Because of the size and varied interest of the PSD Workgroup, it was determined that a smaller group may be able to more efficiently develop the policy • Smaller group was formed which consisted of a SAD, WESTAR staff, and the Chair of PSD Workgroup • Focus on development of draft policy for discussion with EPA

  5. Redesignation Policy Progress, cont • Draft policy prepared for discussion with EPA and Workgroup • Conference call held April 2003 – discussion primarily focused on how best to proceed • EPA prefers to characterize principles regarding redesignation efforts, gain agreement, then move to policy development – similar to procedure followed for Natural Events Policy • Policy progress is temporarily delayed so Workgroup can develop core principles

  6. Redesignation Policy - Next Steps • EPA and Federal Land Managers will work together and draft their principles • States will do the same • Another conference call will be scheduled for early/mid May • Once principles are agreed upon, policy development can proceed in a more logical fashion

  7. Conclusion During the conference call it became very apparent that principles needed to be agreed upon if we are to be successful in the development of a policy to address States’ concerns about redesignation requests and how efficiently they are acted upon.

  8. WESTAR Council Any questions or concerns???

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