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In today’s highly competitive digital world, any business is as dynamic as the apps that power it. Nothing is more baffling than a mobile application that continuously freezes, hangs or crashes. The voracious speed of technological evolution has coerced enterprises to upgrade or die! Choosing the right mobile app development platform is the ‘Keeping up’ strategy and with each passing day, the challenge doesn’t become any smaller!<br>
How to Decide upon The Right Mobile App Development Platform for your Billion-DollarApp As quoted by Steve Jobs: “Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really howit works.” Intoday’shighlycompetitivedigitalworld,anybusinessisasdynamicastheappsthat power it. Nothing is more baffling than a mobile application that continuously freezes, hangs or crashes. The voracious speed of technological evolution has co erced enterprises to upgrade or die! Choosing the right mobile app developmentplatform is the ‘Keeping up’ strategy and… with each passing day, the challenge doesn’t become any smaller! Successful apps are determined by their staying power, it’s a magnetic feel for the customer to download the app and use them often. Wondering…. how does such apps come into existence? Strategizing right from the start, even be fore laying the first foundation brick – Successful enterprises build sustainable mobile app that is sufficient to fight for survival with minimal marketing. Helping you in your quest and marching ahead in the app-war, this guide will assist you with insights on cost, development concerns, demographics, identifying revenue potential and lotmore… Who is your targetaudience?
When you approach any company with your billion-dollar app idea, the most crucial question that arises is who are your targeted users? Before you invest a penny in your project development, a preferred pre-requisite is to begin researching on your target audience since it will help you get a clear picture of the devices they use and like and will enable you to develop the customer profile. You need to give a close consideration to the geographic criteria as the usage of various platforms vary considerably according to the region. Image via:(http://www.pvsm.ru/news/117719) According to a research, out of the 440 million smartphones sold by the end of the last year, about 80% ran Android. In contrast, just 18% ran iOS while Windows managed some 0.4% of the totalmarket. The ultimate key to make a successful app is to understand the demographics of your audience. Recognizing the target market can reward huge dividends; if done right, which is the most crucial thing while starting your mobile app development. Among a few most important pieces of information that you must go through whi le identifying your target audienceareeducation,age,gender,socio-economicstatusandtheiroccupation. Real-worldexample Consider the Instagram app, which has mind boggling impact on the current generation. Why? Because it is precisely crafted for them! The developers had precise information about the age group who would be using this astonishing app, before they got the app designed. The USP of Instagram is its image editing feature along with its engaging InstagramStories.
Although the concept wasn’t brand new, yet the app managed to bag billions of downloads within a short span of time, just because the team knew which audience to target! Cool, isn’tit? What is the Right Platform for your Application? Native Vs Hybrid Vs Cross platform: Who wins this ferociousbattle? Before, plunging into the nuts and bolts and figuring out which platform is the best, it is equally important to know that User Experienceis the paramount factor in your business. Consider the segments like user-friendliness, interactivity, reliability, responsiveness, app development time, app updates and app customization before selecting theplatform. Native platform enables a user to experience to use inbuilt features in the app and interact in a lucid manner. For example: Assume that in your concept of app, camera support is needed. In that case, Native Development offers hassle free integrat ion of your device camera to theapp. With digital transformation knocking on the doors and seamless ease of usage topping the charts, enterprises refrain from investing additional time on development and designing of the applications for a separate platf orm. Cross platform saves the day and enables the developers to reduce the market time and share the same code in a different platform. At one end, the users are looking for new advancements in the apps they use whereas on the other end the enterprises are not willing to waste time in developing apps for individual platforms. In this case, a unique solution of using the Hybrid platform comes into picture, where it serves the purpose of both the parties which enables a user to run anapplicationonallmajorplatformsevenonlowerversionsofvariousdevices. Choosing the right platform for your mobile application doubles the ratio of revenue generation and user engagement. Thus, while you select a platform for your app, make sureyouhavesomepreciseanalyticsoftimespentonmobileanddesktopbytheusers. Ready to close yourbid? Ideally, the best approach is to develop your application on both these platforms synchronously. But mostly due to the restraints in budget and time, developers prefer to begin with one platform and then gradually explore wider horizon of the market by moving to the other OS. It is important to understand the business need of an app before its development,alsothecapacityofthemarketyoutargetisneededtobeassessed. AppRevenues:
Let us consider Prisma, which was launched sometime in June 2016. This app made its beginning on iOS and grabbed the largest audience with over 7 million downloads in its 1sttwoweeksitself.Later,whenit’sandroidversionwaslauncheditnotedsome2million downloads in its initial weeks. Again, this app was a big shout out with its USP being the imageeditingfeature.Decideyourappbasedonyouraudience’sreach. ApplicationDownloads: One more key decision variable in deciding on the OS is app downloads. It signifies how strong is your market presence. Apple’s iOS might be dominating the globe in terms of App revenue market, but Google’s Android is ruling the market incessantly in the App download market. Google Play’s victory over App Store has been of remarkable help in notable growth in usage of Android’s low-cost handsets in the looming markets like Philippines andMexico. It is recommended to pick either of the platform by focusing on the market, business growth and its stability. This shall enable you to study the user behavior and other aspects that would relateotherwise. What Are Your Development and TimeCosts? • Theevaluationofthecostandtimeoftheappislargelybasedon: • Type ofapplication • Projectcomplexities • Resourcesrequired • Technologyused • The app development time and cost are closely intertwined. Business analyst shall present a set of queries after pondering over your app concept and analyzing your requirement which shall include various factors like time, budget, technology and features used in the app. The complete evaluation of the manpower then narrows down to complexities and time. Complexities refers and relates to various technical issues, UI design, types of OSesetc. What about lifecycle management of the application? • Mobile application development doesn’t stop once the application is developed. There is a chain of procedures to follow even after that. The application needs to be tested, hosted,deployed,maintainedandevenanalyzedifholdtheirstandinthemarket. • Developers needto • Store thedata • Secure thedata
Integrate the data with othersystems • Developers further need to frame the updating mechanisms for the applications for each different type of device that the app supports. Whether it is outsourced or in-sourced, you must make sure that each of the mobile application development tools work dynamically throughout the application’s lifecycle. Have yousecuredyourself? What are the securityconnotations? Quintessentially, mobile app development platforms should reasonably allow various administrators to use the device’s built-in security controls. iOS devices comparatively haveabettersystemofstoringauser’sprivatedata. On the other hand, data storage on the cloud makes it less vulnerable to hack (taking to consideration that it might happen). Android gives you the flexibility to customize the app security according to yourwish. Regardless of the development tools you use, you need to consider government rules and regulations when it comes to applications. Thus, even if a developer is willing to use the cloud service, he must be extremely sure to have covered all the government rules and regulations that would apply to their data. Thus, the developers will have t o consider that they might not get the highest level of security while taking up a service that is easy to engage in cross platformdevelopment. THE FUTURE IS APPS. Now the choice is entirely yours. Take the charge and be the decision maker for your app idea. Remember, it is entirely your data and money in the pipeline, so not plugging the security up early is beneficial in the long and the short term both. If you have got an app idea, this is a high time to convert your billion -dollar idea into reality. Get in touch with us now atinquiry@cygnetinfotech.com