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BBCBC Staff Orientation. 2009. Agenda. Big Bend Community Based Care Organizational Orientation History of BBCBC BBCBC Mission & Vision Roles of BBCBC Team BBCBC Organizational Chart Organizational Overview Role & Relationship of BBCBC-Community
Agenda Big Bend Community Based Care Organizational Orientation History of BBCBC BBCBC Mission & Vision Roles of BBCBC Team BBCBC Organizational Chart Organizational Overview Role & Relationship of BBCBC-Community Cultural/Socioeconomic Characteristics of Client Population Programs and Services BBCBC Community Involvement BBCBC Annual Report BBCBC Teams & Responsibilities Handbook Review Performance Quality Improvement
Components of Orientation Within 5 days of employment Complete HR paperwork Complete background screening Within 10 days of employment Security Awareness Training HIPPA Training
Additional Components of Orientation • Within 3 months of employment • BBCBC Organizational Orientation Additional Training on the following topics: • Mandatory reporting & indicators of abuse and neglect • Laws – disclosure of confidential info for law enforcement purposes • BBCBC confidentiality policies • Legal rights of service recipients • Documentation; Maintenance and security of case records
BBCBC – Ongoing Training All BBCBC Staff and Child Protection Professionals are required to complete a minimum of 15 hours of continuing education annually.
Organizational Overview History of BBCBC BBCBC Mission & Vision Roles of BBCBC Team BBCBC Organizational Chart Role & Relationship of BBCBC-Community Cultural/Socioeconomic Characteristics of Client Population Programs and Services BBCBC Community Involvement BBCBC Annual Report BBCBC Teams & Responsibilities
History of BBCBC • BBCBC was founded in 2002 in order to meet the need for a community response to the initiative by Florida’s Legislature and DCF. BBCBC is the direct result of a unified effort between the Camelot Community Care, Children's Home Society of Florida, and DISC. A start-up contract between DCF and Big Bend Community Based Care was signed on April 23, 2003. Big Bend Community Based Care became fully operational as the lead agency providing foster care and related services in the 8 counties in District 2B in July 2004. DCF Administration approached Big Bend Community Based Care’s Board of Directors with the proposal that it expand its services and lead agency status to include the 6 counties in District 2A. The proposal was for an interim basis under a one-year emergency contract to become effective March 1, 2005. Subsequently this contract was extended for 5 years beginning July 1, 2007 and expanding Big Bend Community Based Care’s service area to 14 Florida panhandle counties. In 2007, DCF’s District service area structure was changed to mirror the State’s 20 judicial circuits. Our service area changed slightly due to this change and now includes the twelve counties included in Florida Judicial Circuits 2 and 14, Madison and Taylor counties having shifted to Circuit 3. Through these changes, we, along with our DCF partners, are committed to consumer and community involvement in improving the lives of our children and families.
Big Bend Community Based Care Mission: To provide the highest quality child welfare prevention and intervention services to children and their families in their home communities.
Big Bend Community Based Care Vision: To create local ownership of the child protection system in each of our 12 communities. By doing so, we believe that the quality of life for the children and families we serve will dramatically improve and the incidences of child maltreatment will dramatically decrease.
Big Bend Community Based Care Core Value The belief that all children have the right to grow up safe, healthy and fulfilled in families that love and nurture them. We will rely on the following values to guide us in our work.
We will… • Respect the caregivers of children • Be innovative and dedicated to excellence • Be ethically, socially and culturally responsible • Promote family and personal responsibility • Partner with community and faith-based organizations to foster open and collaborative relationships • Earn the trust and respect of our partners, customers and the public by providing exceptional customer service while practicing sound fiscal stewardship • Employ an analytic and systemic approach to planning and performance management • Facilitate a work environment that encourages professional development and growth
Big Bend CBC’s Keys to Success • Community Engagement • Managing Revenue • Quality Services • Professional Development
Understanding the Roles The chain of command keeps the structure working The Board is responsible for everything in the organization The CEO helps the Board do it’s job The Staff helps the CEO
BBCBC Organizational Chart • The current BBCBC Organizational Chart is available on the agency shared drive in the Operations folder.
Agency Mission Long-Term Strategic Plan A documented, coordinated and disciplined process designed to produce a desired outcome 3-5 Years Short Term Strategic Plan One Year Quality Management Plan One Year • Professional Development • Partner Pre- & In-Service Training Plan • Professional Development Plans for BBCBC Staff • Managing Revenue • Cost Allocation Plan • Community Engagement • Community Development Plan • Foster Parent Recruitment Plan • Quality Services • System of Care Plan – Direct Services • BBCBC OPs – Administrative Services
Role & Relationship of BBCBC in the Community DCF BBCBC Provider Agencies Network Providers Community Partnerships Community Volunteers
Area We Serve • Circuit 2 • Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Wakulla • Circuit 14 • Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Washington
Cultural/Socioeconomic Characteristics of Service Population • According to Florida’s Office of Economic and Demographic Research* (EDR), there are an estimated 147,861 children under the age of 18 in Big Bend Community Based Care’s service area as of 2009. • Children come to the attention of Florida’s child welfare system in three principle ways 1) they are abandoned 2) parents voluntarily seek services or relinquish custody to access services that would otherwise be unavailable to the child (particularly mental health care) 3) children are found to be abused, neglected or at risk of maltreatment. In the vast majority of cases, children enter the child welfare system following a protective service investigation
Cultural/Socioeconomic Characteristics of Service Population • Poverty rates in Circuit 2 vary by county, with a low rate of 17.7% in Franklin County to a high of 19.9% in both Gadsden and Liberty Counties. • Poverty rates in Circuit 14 also vary by county, with a low rate of 13% in Bay County to a high of 20% in Calhoun County.
Cultural/Socioeconomic Characteristics of Service Population • 2007 EDR data indicates that 54% of the children in the 2nd Judicial Circuit are white; 43% are black; and 3% are other races. Five percent (5.2%) are Hispanic. For the children living within the 14th Judicial Circuit, 80% are white; 17% are black; and 3% are of other races. Less than 1% of Circuit 14 children are Hispanic.
Child Abuse Prevention • By providing child abuse prevention services we can help families avoid the situations that lead to abuse and neglect. Big Bend Community Based Care works hard to keep a child at home with their parents whenever possible and considers foster care as temporary and a placement of last resort. Services include: • Family counseling • In-home supervision • Voluntary protective services • Parent training
Case Management Services • Big Bend Community Based Care partners with local agencies to provide case management services to the children and families in the child welfare system. Case managers assist children and families in managing difficult life events, monitor living situations, and recommend abuse prevention services such as counseling, parent training, and supervision.
Foster Care Placement Services • Big Bend Community Based Care directly oversees the placement of children in foster homes that can provide standard or specialized care depending on the child’s needs. Placement responses are: • Guided by our commitment to place children in homes that provide stable and supportive environments. • Our partner agencies recruit foster parents through a screening and training process. • Together our goal is to recruit and retain foster parents of the highest quality who can provide stability and support to all of our children.
Independent Living Services • Designed to help youth in foster care become better prepared to live on their own. • Types of services available to youth ages 13 to 23 years old include: • Pre-Independent Living Services • Life Skills Services • Subsidized Independent Living • Aftercare Support Services • The Road to Independence Program, and • Transitional Support Services. • The specific goal of our Independent Living Services program is to help youth who are likely to remain in foster care, as well as youth formerly in foster care, make the transition to self-sufficiency.
Adoption Services • Every effort is made to help a child remain with his or her family. However, in some cases, parental rights must be legally terminated and the child becomes available for adoption. As with foster placement, Big Bend Community Based Care and its partner agencies are commitment to finding stable and supportive homes for children available for adoption. Our program is designed to provide numerous support services to our adoptive families including on-going training and continual staff support.
Programs and Services A current list of community providers within the BBCBC Network is available on the BBCBC website or by contacting the BBCBC Contracts Department.
Community Involvement Champion the vision and mission of the organization Every staff member is expected to participate Board members are powerful advocates – because they believe in the cause! Legislative Issues Community Relations Funding Issues
Annual Report The annual report is distributed after the close of the fiscal year at the annual meeting in October
BBCBC Teams & Responsibilities • Leadership Team • Fiscal Team • Placement Team • Intake Team • IT Team • Client Services Team • Performance Quality Improvement
How Are We Doing… Community Surveys & Interviews Children, Partners, Staff, Courts, PI’s, GAL’s, Community Managing Revenue Reports Child data; Services data; Budget data Quality Services & Processes Reviews Case Records & FSFN Internal Reviews of our compliance with OPs Professional Development Surveys & Reviews Employee surveys and plans Pre- and Post-Tests Services/internal review results
Big Bend’s New Policies & Procedures Shared Drive • BBCBC Plans • Strategic Plan • Quality Management Plan • System of Care Plan • Lots more! • Operating Policies & Procedures – 2009 Intake, Placement, Behavioral Health, Services, Special Pops, Legal, Providers/Licensing, PQI, Data/Records, Network, HR, Training/ Supervision, Finance, Buildings/Facilities, Client Rights
BBCBC Handbook • Equal Opportunity • Americans with Disabilities Act • Sexual Harassment • Political Activity • Drug Free Workplace • Media Communications • Personnel File • Dress Code • Open Door Policy • Client Confidentiality • Technology
Equal Opportunity Employment BBCBC does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or any other category protected by law.
Americans with Disabilities Act BBCBC complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and does not Discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of disability.
Sexual Harassment BBCBC does not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace. Therefore, the following behaviors are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination: • unwelcome sexual advances • requests for sexual acts or favors • insulting or degrading sexual remarks or conduct directed against another staff member • threats, demands or suggestions that a staff member's work is contingent upon toleration of, or acquiescence to sexual advances • any other unwelcome statements or actions based on sex, that are severe • or pervasive enough to unreasonably interfere with a staff member's • work performance, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment
Political Activity • BBCBC recognizes that employees have a right to take an active interest in and participate in political affairs. Employees who participate in political activity, however, need to be aware that such activity is subject to the following conditions: • Non-partisan nature of the organization. BBCBC will not infringe on the right of its employees to choose and support candidates or positions. • Individual actions. Employees engaging in political activity are not allowed to give the impression that their political activity, or the position they hold, in any way represents the official views of BBCBC. • All political activity by employees will be understood to be the actions of individuals only, on their own time, and away from BBCBC premises.
Drug-Free Workplace • Employees are prohibited from unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing or using controlled substances. Employees violating this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination, for a first offense. Controlled substances can include, but are not limited to: • cannabis (marijuana, hashish) • stimulants (cocaine, amphetamines, "speed," etc.) • depressants (tranquilizers) • narcotics (heroin, morphine, etc.) • hallucinogens (LSD, PCP, "designer drugs," etc.)
Speaking To the Media • Employees at BBCBC are not authorized to speak to the news media about BBCBC issues without first being cleared by the CEO. All inquiries from the media should be directed to the CEO or designee. • Should representatives of the news media ask a staff member a question about the organization, that staff member should say, “I have no authority to speak to the media on behalf of BBCBC, but I will refer you to the BBCBC CEO or designee."
Personnel Files • All staff personnel files are the property of BBCBC and will be treated with strict confidentiality. Employees may review their personnel files, which are located in the Human Resources Specialist office. Staff reviewing their personnel files: • Must do so in the presence of the Human Resources Specialist. • May request a copy of their personnel file or documents in the file. Such copies will be duplicated in the Human Resources Specialist office only, and only by the Human Resources Specialist or the staff member's immediate supervisor.
Dress Code Employees of BBCBC are expected to show a well-groomed, neat appearance. Radically unconventional dress or personal grooming, including, but not limited to, excessively long hair on male employees, untrimmed male facial hair, excessive makeup on female employees, short skirts or tank tops are prohibited. • BBCBC observes a business casual dress code during business hours. Business casual does not allow the following: • jeans with holes • dyed jeans • shorts • tee shirts • tank tops • flip-flops • sweats • dirty clothes
Open Door Policy • BBCBC recognizes that staff may feel uncomfortable bringing a question or concern to their immediate supervisor. For this reason, the CEO of BBCBC operates in an "open door" manner. • Employees are encouraged to make brief visits to the CEO's office to discuss a workplace issue, give input, or make a work-related suggestion. However, it should be understood that this open door policy does not eliminate the need to follow the chain of command and the BBCBC grievance policy.
Client Confidentiality • In the course of their jobs, employees at BBCBC may gain information of a confidential nature about the people the organization serves. Employees are directed not to discuss such information outside the organization. Violation of this policy may result in termination and possible legal action.
Technology BBCBC respects the right to privacy of its employees. However, privacy does not extend to employees' use of BBCBC- provided technology, including computers, voice mail, e-mail and the Internet.
Training Documentation Thank you for completing this online training presentation. • To document your participation please immediately send an email listing your name and position to the BBCBC training department at: training@bigbendcbc.org • Please let us know any training topics you would like to be provided with in a classroom training, online presentation or training resource materials. • BBCBC Training Coordinator contact: Carol Edwards 850-694-0728