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2. APEC Intermodal Experts Group Project TPT 01/2002 Identification of Needed Intermodal Skills and Development of Required Training Programs Phase II: Development of Required Training Programs Pilot Course in Core Competencies for Intermodal Transportation Original Sponsoring Economy: Canad
1. 1 Identification of Needed Intermodal Skills and Development of Required Training ProgramsCore Competencies for Intermodal TransportationUPDATE on Philippines Project Patrick Sherry, Ph.D.
University of Denver
May 22-23, 2006
2. 2 APEC Intermodal Experts GroupProject TPT 01/2002Identification of Needed Intermodal Skills and Development of Required Training ProgramsPhase II: Development of Required Training ProgramsPilot Course in Core Competencies for Intermodal TransportationOriginal Sponsoring Economy: CanadaProject Manager: George Tyszewicz Transport CanadaDecember 6-10, 2004 Bogor, Indonesia
3. 3 Current Overview Current Sponsor – Phillipines
Assessment Phase – designed to assess types of skills and training needed
Identify GAPS in skill sets
Identify venue
Identify Private Sector Partners
Match skills needed to training expertise
Customize the content to the local economy
Implementation planned for October 2006
4. 4 INTRODUCTION The Intermodal Skills Course concept has grown out of three previous APEC ITF sponsored projects:
The Congestion Points Study
The Identification of Needed Skills and
Available Training Programs
The Intermodal Skills Workshop
5. 5 Freight Transportation Perspectives“Today’s business is international business!” The common complaints today are: local government has neither the staff, expertise or resources to master regional and global freight issues; while the private sector has neither the staff, time, or resources to deal with each and every local government project and policy affecting their far-flung transportation operations. The gap is especially noticeable at the regional (e.g., multistate level).
Slow, inflexible public planning and project delivery compared to private sector
Disjointed modal planning
Difficult to engage private sector freight interests in state and MPO planning processes; limited freight representation
Inadequate freight planning data and analysis toolsThe common complaints today are: local government has neither the staff, expertise or resources to master regional and global freight issues; while the private sector has neither the staff, time, or resources to deal with each and every local government project and policy affecting their far-flung transportation operations. The gap is especially noticeable at the regional (e.g., multistate level).
Slow, inflexible public planning and project delivery compared to private sector
Disjointed modal planning
Difficult to engage private sector freight interests in state and MPO planning processes; limited freight representation
Inadequate freight planning data and analysis tools
6. 6 Priority Skill Areas FOUNDATIONAL KNOWLEDGE:
Government Regulations & Policies
Available Transport Technology
Global Business Environment
General Business Environment
Labor Relations
Various Transportation Modes
How Modes Interface
Understanding of Legal Issues
General Managerial Skills
Customer Service Skills
Communications Skills
Listening Skills
Sales Skills
Coalition Building Skills
Teambuilding Skills
Conflict Management & Negotiation
Leadership Skills
7. 7 Recommendations from First Study Develop an Assessment Framework on Training
Apply the Assessment Framework
Analyze Delivery Mechanisms
Create Educational Partnerships
Skill Development in the APEC Economies
Long Term Development of Intermodal Curricular Materials
8. 8 APEC Recognizes the Skills Problem Many economies suffer from the same problems
The challenge of skills shortages
Issues of workforce development
Ensure the availability of adequate human resources for intermodal transportation
Beginning to develop a framework for studying workforce development issues
9. 9 APEC ITF CONTRIBUTION Many dimensions to the problem…
Work of the APEC ITF (IEG) provides an important step to begin to deal with one dimension
From basic to middle management
The current project will produce and test a one-week long seminar that introduces basic skills and concepts in intermodal transportation
10. 10
Intermodal Skills Course Content
11. 11 DEVELOPMENT TEAM Interdisciplinary Project Team is Comprised of representatives from several economies:
Mr. George Tyszewicz – Canada
Professor Joseph Szyliowicz - USA
Professor Anthony Perl - Canada
Professor Patrick Sherry – USA
Professor Tony Eastham – Hong Kong
Professor Piotr Olszewski – Singapore
Professor Timothy Vowles – New Zealand
Professor Andrew Goetz – USA
Dr. Karen Philbrick - USA
Mr. John McDonald – Canada
12. 12 Course Format Each Module
Integrated into the overall course concept
Accompanied by background readings
A case study, which was tested in Manila TPT – WG 20, served as a means of integrating the diverse topics across modules
The modules were developed with the intent to be both practical and useful for the rich variety of APEC economies
An integrating mechanism for evaluating each module as well as the entire course
13. 13 BOGOR
14. 14 Course Overview Module Topics
Knowledge of Modes of Transportation
Managerial Skills
Systems Analysis Skills
Environmental Analysis
Knowledge of Computer Applications
Knowledge of Technologies
Communications Skills
Knowledge of Planning
Knowledge of Security Operations
Understanding Ethical Practices in APEC Intermodal Transportation
15. 15 1. Knowledge of Modes of Transportation Module Objectives:
Modal options for transportation
Techno-economic attributes and operating characteristics
Factors that should be considered in making choices
Social (user) considerations
A systems perspective
16. 16 2. Managerial Skills for Intermodal Transportation Module Objectives:
Common organizational structures
Leadership and motivation concepts
Best practices in major IM transportation
Teamwork and productivity theories
Coaching and development strategies
Improving collaboration, cooperation, and partnership
17. 17 Lessons from Past Leaders “The more horsepower [that] you have, the more likely you are to get a hundred miles an hour.” - Don Orris
18. 18 3. Intermodal Systems Analysis Skills Module Objectives:
Basic concepts of transport systems and their components
Analysis of systems operation in terms of capacity, costs and performance
Understanding the technical and operational issues of intermodal connections
Basic techniques of solving routing and scheduling problems
Principles of total logistics cost analysis
19. 19 4. Environmental Analysis Module Objectives:
Principles of sustainable development as they apply to transportation
How concerns about local and global pollution from transportation are assessed and dealt with
How Intermodal transportation options will be shown to offer potential solutions that allow systems to offer more mobility with less negative environmental impacts
Advantages of integrating self-assessment of environmental issues into intermodal designing and planning efforts
How to introduce, or advance, intermodal options to address disputes over the environmental effects of transportation activities
Incorporating key components of different cultural motifs into communication style
20. 20 5. Knowledge of Technologies Module Objectives:
Role of technology in intermodal transportation
Applications of technology to the various elements of the international supply chain
Use of various technologies can enhance productivity and efficiency in intermodal operations
Of the challenges posed by the development of electronic commerce
21. 21 6. Knowledge of Computer Applications Module Objectives:
Role of computers in the intermodal transport system
Various uses of computer software in the assurance and enhancement of intermodal efficiencies
Examples of leading software in the international intermodal transport field
Examples of Leading Software in the Intermodal Field
22. 22 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN TERMINALS Gate handling and security procedures
Enhanced yard planning
Container location and control
Pre-ship load staging and lot preparation
Continuous movement to/from crane
Reduced congestion, delays and unproductive movement and handlings
23. 23 Software 3P Software - Planning, Demand Forecasting, OLAP Software
3P Software provides solutions for Business Intelligence, OLAP and Demand Forecasting for manufacturing, retail, utilities and pharmaceuticals.www.3psoftware.com
A.L.D. Reliability, Logistics, Quality Assurance Software & Services
Reliability Software, Life cycle costing software, Quality Assurance, ILS consulting, Total Cost of ownership.www.ald.co.il
ABAS Software AG: ERP, PPS, E-Business.
ABAS Software AG - bietet betriebswirtschaftliche Komplettl÷sungen rund um die IT-Landschaft von ERP bis eBusiness fnr den Mittelstand.www.abas.de
ABASSE ERP Selection Software
Acronym for A Business Application Software Selection Enterprise. Selection tool for software, programs and applications, pertaining to ERP, MRP, production, planning, scheduling, financials and reporting. helps managers select ERP/MRP software by price...www.abasse.com
ABBASOFT E-Commerce ERP Manufacture Extranet
ABBASOFT E-Commerce ( Ecommerce ) amp; Manufacturing ERP software combined provides a complete Extranet solution for any manufacturer to sell and communicate to Reps, Vendors amp; Customers (manufacture or distributor) using supply chain manag…www.abbasoft.com
ABOL Software
Provides shipping software featuring flexible support for most major shipping agencies, including UPS and FedEx.www.abolinc.com
Supply Chain Management systems are our specialty. At ADS, we develop customized bar code software to provide you with a complete inventory management solution. We can provide your company with a total integrated solution including portable or mounted bar...www.actmo.com
Advanced EDI and Barcoding
Find details on Win95 inventory applications, including inventory software for the paper industry.www.edi-barcoding.com
AGRASmartÖ Software
AGRASmartÖ software is an integrated logistics of Material Purchasing Warehouse Logistics Sales Ordering System
24. 24 7. Communication in Intermodal Transportation Module Objectives:
Importance of effective communication in transportation situations
Common problems of communication in intermodal transportation
Problems of cross modal transportation
Conflict management and negotiation
Incorporate the key components of different cultural motifs into their communication style
25. 25 8. Planning for Intermodal Transportation Module Objectives:
Learn about the importance of planning in the development of the intermodal transportation system
Learn about the purposes and processes of public sector infrastructure planning across a range of different scales and international contexts.
Learn about the key elements and effectiveness of strategic planning in private and public sector decision-making.
Learn about planning practices in both the public and private sector through several case studies
26. 26
27. 27 9. Intermodal Transportation Security Module Objectives:
Why intermodal security is a critical issue
Vulnerabilities of intermodal transportation
Potential threats it is facing
Problems involved in securing intermodalism
Planning principles that can be used to enhance security
28. 28 10. Understanding Ethical Practices in APEC Intermodal Transportation Module Objectives:
Role of ethics in intermodal transportation
Moral principles and ethical guidelines
Discussion of examples of ethical issues resulting from cultural norms
Principles for decision making and planning
Ethical transportation organization
29. 29 Local Case Study Visit to JIT
30. 30
31. 31 Participants A total of 47 transportation professionals from four economies participated in this seminar
Indonesia: 42
China: 3
Philippines: 1
Viet Nam: 1
32. 32 Course Evaluations The average course rating was 3.4
1=Below Average
3=Above Average
5=Really, Really Great
80% of participants indicated that the seminar was above average, excellent, or really, really great
33. 33 Course Evaluations 7% indicated that the course was:
Really, Really Great
41% indicated that the course was Excellent
32% indicated that the course was Above Average
14% indicated that the course was Average
2% indicated that the course was Below Average