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Problem Based Learning (PBL). for Principal led Teacher Induction Facilitator: Joe Brettnacher, PhD. Let us Begin with Prayer.
Problem Based Learning (PBL) for Principal led Teacher Induction Facilitator: Joe Brettnacher, PhD
Let us Begin with Prayer God, send Your Holy Spirit to preside over us during this webinar, as we work to provide our principals with an instructional tool they can use to prepare their teachers for the first days of school. For Everything we will do and learn is for the greater glory and honor of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen
PBL Focus & Objectives Main Focus: PBL for Principal led Teacher Induction Principal Will Be Able To: • Define PBL. • Identify the theoretical foundation for PBL. • Know when to use PBL. • Know the steps necessary to apply PBL at your school. • Apply PBL at your school for teacher induction or any other appropriate topic.
1. Define PBL • PBL is focused on, experiential learning (minds on hands on) organized around the investigation and resolution of messy, real-world problems.
2. Identify the theoretical foundation for PBL. • Constructivism (Dewey) • Plan • Do • Check/Study • Act • Experiential Learning (Kolb) • Concrete Experience • Reflective Observation • Abstract Conceptualization • Active Experimentation
3. Why use PBL? • In-Depth Inquiry • Driving Question(s) • Need to Know • Voice & Choice • Revision & Reflection • Public Audience • Significant Content • College to Career Readiness Skills
4. Explain the nine steps in the PBL Process • Preparation (Prep) • Meet the Problem (MTP) • Know/Need to Know/Ideas (KNKI) • Problem Statement (PS) • Information Gathering & Sharing (IGS) • Generate Solutions (GS) • Determine Best-fit Solution(s) (BFS) • Prepare and Present Solution (PPS) • Debrief the Problem (DB)
1. Preparation (Prep) • Requires advance preparation by the teacher • Good practice to create a unit/lesson plan to guide you. • Focus on basic skills • Introduction to the topic • Shared knowledge (article, website, blog, chapter, etc.)
2. Meet the Problem (MTP) • The Learner Meets the Problem • Select the problem for the learner • Need to Hook the Learner on the problem • Engage the learner in solving the problem • Select a role for the learner (concerned citizen, board member, journalist, etc.
2. Meet the Problem (MTP) • (how to be a happy and healthy first year teacher at our school) Effective and successful teachers make sure that: • Students understand what they are to know and be able to do. (E.g., Rules, Consequences, Assignments, Seating, Getting Started Working, etc.) • Teacher preparation increases student time of task, • Teacher was confident in his/her ability, • The teacher thought about how his or her classroom would be organized • Students were aware of their standing, (Grades), in the class. • Procedures were in place to handle routine items. • Poor Classroom Management and Lesson Planning can cause a lot unnecessary stress on a new teacher and can cause some teachers to get out of the profession all together (Problematic Situation). The first few days of school are CRUCIAL to the success of a new teacher! We want to work with you so that your first year in the LCSS is successful and in order to be successful you (role of teacher) will need good classroom management skills. During the Orientation Program, you will develop classroom management skills. Are you ready to be a Successful Classroom Manager and Lesson Planner to enhance your wellbeing (the hook)?
3. Know, Need to Know, & Ideas (KNKI): • What do you know? • What do you need to know? • What are your ideas for finding out what you need to know in order to solve the problem? • Another way of conducting a KWL Chart!
4. Problem Statement (PS): • What do the participants feel is the problematic situation • Participants respond to: “How can we… in such a way that ...” • Very critical component of PBL • Problem Maps help • Benchmark statement • Helps the group keep on track
5. Information Gathering & Sharing (IGS): • Groups/group members assigned different tasks • Learners become engaged • Research & Share with the group • Takes a lot of time • Leader is more of a coach/facilitator than teacher • Rarely one right answer
6. Generate Solutions (GS): • PBL rarely has one right answer. • Gather as many solutions to the problematic situation you can find. • Share what you have found with the group.
7. Determine Best Fit Solution (BFS) • Wait until the group finds all solutions • Determine Best Fit Solution • Use Pros, Cons, Consequences
8. Prepare and Present Solution (PPS): • Participants need to feel efforts will cause change • Important that the participants get to present their information to some decision making body. • Time consuming • Presentations take many forms (PPP, Letter, panel, etc.).
8. Prepare and Present Solution (PPS): • Daily Tasks • Start of Class • Students will… • enter class and sit down at their assigned seats prior to the ringing of the bell. • engage with the teacher in daily prayer. • watch a five minute recorded segment of the daily news (social studies). • engage in a discussion of the daily news, which will allow for an enlightened • conversation of current world events (social studies). • work on an assignment. Assignments must be posted daily and consistently (general). • Teacher will… • post all necessary assignments prior to the students entrance into the room. • greet students and observe their behavior while entering the classroom. • engage with the students in daily prayer. • record attendance in grade book while class is viewing the news clip (social • studies). • record attendance in grade record book while class is working on the posted daily • assignment. The teacher will look at the class and refer to the seating chart. • Absent students will be noted in the grade record book (general). • Objectives for the Day • The teacher will consistently post objectives for the day. Students will derive from these objectives their daily goals and on task responsibilities for the class period. • The objectives should be displayed in such a manner that students have a clear understanding of the teacher’s expectations for the class period. • Assignment Posting • Daily assignments will be posted in the same place prior to class. • Assignment postings will remain on the board till the end of the week. • Students are responsible for recording all assignment postings and turning work in on time. • All assignments are due the following class period unless otherwise noted. • End of Class • Students will clean the area that they occupied during the class period. • All school materials will be returned to appropriate places (rulers, staplers, pens, pencils, etc.). • Students will remain in their seats till the bell rings.
9. Debrief the Problem (DB): • There needs to be a critique of the PBL process. This helps new teachers to think critically about what could be improved and what worked well in an effort to enhance the process the next time.
PBL Questions & Discussion Define, in your own words, the definition for PBL. 2. What is the theoretical foundation for PBL? 3. Explain why to use PBL. 4. List the steps in the PBL process. 5. Explain how you can apply PBL in your school for the professional development of your students.
Thank you! God, we thank you for sending Your Holy Spirit to preside over us during this webinar. We are grateful that you opened our minds to an instructional tool principals can use to prepare their teachers for the first days of school. Know that we offered up everything we did and learned for the greater glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen
References • Bruck Institute for Education (2013, 2013). What is PBL? Retrieved from http://www.bie.org/about/what_is_pbl/. • Constructivism. (1998-2008). Retrieved from http://www.ask.com/bar?q=define+constructivism&page=1&qsrc=2106&ab=4&title=Constructivism&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.funderstanding.com%2Fcontent%2Fconstructivism&sg=oReymMAG5pV5ymr85smwg9Ryz%2FCDAJQ12tvbxFp1bK0%3D&tsp=1255794501101. • Levin, B. B. (2001). Energizing teacher education and professional development with problem-based learning. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. • Torph, L., & Sage, S. (1998). Problems As Possibilities: Problem-Based Learning for K-12 Education. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. • Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. (4th ed.). Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications.