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WELCOME TO EMPOWERR YEAR 2! Let’s review project goals: E nhance mathematics instruction through a problem-based/inquiry approach I mprove student achievement N urture collaboration among participating teacher teams. WELCOME TO EMPOWERR YEAR 2! Let’s review project goals:
WELCOME TO EMPOWERR YEAR 2! Let’s review project goals: Enhance mathematics instruction through a problem-based/inquiry approach Improve student achievement Nurture collaboration among participating teacher teams.
WELCOME TO EMPOWERR YEAR 2! Let’s review project goals: Enhance mathematics instruction through a problem-based/inquiry approach Improve student achievement Nurture collaboration among participating teacher teams.
Whole-school teams in building-wide efforts to improve math teaching and learning. All math-teaching teachers participate in workshops and academic year seminars. All teachers participate in LS in-service training. 66 teachers and their principals English Valleys Elementary (North English) Strawberry Hill Elementary (Anamosa) Kirkwood Elementary (Iowa City)
The project work consists of: • SUMMER WORKSHOPS Five full days mathematics content focus, two additional days team work. • ACADEMIC YEAR WORKSHPS Three three-hour meetings 4:30-7:30 pm with math content and other project foci • LESSON-STUDY AT EACH EMPOWERR SCHOOL - Twelve (12) hours of in-school PD time designated for EMPOWERR LS training. - Additional onsite implementation assistance from project staff and SMARTS "veteran" teacher-leaders. - Academic year lesson-study groups (teams of 4-5 teachers) and seminars. - Mathematics-focused research lesson/LS cycles: One cycle in Year 1, two cycles in Year 2, and in Year 3, LS reports documenting process will be generated by teams. •WIKI ENVIRONMENT DISCUSSION FORUMS Mathematics content and pedagogy, lesson study topics, teaching strategies, comment boards for articles and resources related to EMPOWERR work.
E.M.P.O.W.E.R.R. Project (Elementary Mathematics Partnership Opening Windows to Excellence, Rigor & Relevance) MSP Grant from Title II BOR/IDE Additional support from IMSEP 2008-2011 PIs VICKI BURKETTA, UI Clinic Associate Professor Dept of Teaching & Learning WALTER SEAMAN, Associate Professor UI Dept Math and Dept of Teaching & Learning LESSON STUDY PD COORDINATOR JEANNE BANCROFT, M.A. independent consultant and GWAEA science consultant, Coordinator of GWAEA's Van Allen Science Teaching (VAST) Center