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High Throughput Computing with Condor at Purdue XSEDE ECSS Monthly Symposium

Condor. High Throughput Computing with Condor at Purdue XSEDE ECSS Monthly Symposium. Topics. What is Condor? What is High Throughput Computing? Why Condor? Why not Condor? Condor at Purdue Submitting and managing jobs Suitable jobs. What is Condor?.

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High Throughput Computing with Condor at Purdue XSEDE ECSS Monthly Symposium

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  1. Condor High Throughput Computing with Condor at Purdue XSEDE ECSS Monthly Symposium

  2. Topics • What is Condor? • What is High Throughput Computing? • Why Condor? Why not Condor? • Condor at Purdue • Submitting and managing jobs • Suitable jobs

  3. What is Condor? • A product of the University of Wisconsin-Madison • A job scheduler • A resource manager • A workflow management system • Focused on High Throughput Computing

  4. What is High Throughput Computing (HTC)? • Large amounts of processing • Long period of time

  5. HTC v. HPC • FLOPS extracted v. FLOPS • Distributed Ownership v. Central Ownership • Capturing Idle Cycles v. Losing Idle Cycles • Throughput v. Response Time • Distributed Memory v. Tightly-coupled Memory • 1,000 Jobs v. 1 Job

  6. Why Condor? • Wasted compute cycles • Scheduling of related jobs • Access to more cores

  7. Advantages of Condor • Many tasks running at once • Access to more powerful computers • Using wasted cycles • Minimal impact on remote computers • Security • Little or no code modification

  8. Disadvantages of Condor • Compete for access • Task may take longer to complete • Processing can be lost • Parallel jobs aren’t available • Large files can impact the remote computer • Heterogeneity of the remote computers • Few compatible compilers

  9. Condor at Purdue • Installed on large cyberinfrastructure clusters • Installed in distributed desktops • Used as a scavenger of free cycles • Parallel jobs not supported • ~27K Linux cores and 1K Windows cores • Several more kilocores at DiaGrid partner sites

  10. Condor at Purdue • Jobs are vacated when a PBS job starts • Long running jobs may never complete • Common home directory across clusters • Scratch directories roughly per-cluster • ~7 TB of checkpoint storage for standard universe jobs

  11. Job Universes • Vanilla universe • Doesn't require a recompile • No native checkpoint mechanism • Standard universe • Streams I/O (can overload the submit node) • Supports checkpointing • No fork(), shared memory, pipes

  12. File transfer • A vanilla universe feature • Allows jobs to flow to other sites

  13. Compiling for Condor • A standard universe requirement • The condor_compile command wraps a limited compiler set. • Links against Condor libraries to add support for I/O streaming and checkpointing

  14. Checkpointing • Saves all state information • Transfers state information to Condor management • Deletes job from processor • Restarts interrupted job on another unused processor

  15. Job lifecycle • Job is submitted • Scheduler process contacts negotiator process • Negotiator matches job to an available slot • If no slots are available, scheduler contacts remote negotiator • Execute node runs job • If job gets evicted, scheduler process contacts negotiator process again

  16. Submitting a job • Create a submit file: # Simple Condor job file Executable = bin/simpletest Arguments = 600 Universe = standard Log = log/$(Cluster).$(Process).log Error = log/$(Cluster).$(Process).err Output = log/$(Cluster).$(Process).out +TGProject = TG-STA060013N Queue 10

  17. Submitting a job • With file transfer: # Simple Condor job file Executable = bin/process_files.sh Universe = vanilla ShouldTransferFiles = if_needed Transfer_input_files = input.dat Transfer_output_files = output.png Log = log/$(Cluster).$(Process).log +TGProject = TG-STA060013N Queue

  18. Submitting a job • Job submitted with the condor_submit command: condor_submit myjobfile.condor

  19. Managing jobs • Get all jobs in queue: condor_q • Get only user's jobs: condor_q user • Why isn't my job running? • condor_q -better-analyze jobid • Remove a job: condor_rm jobid

  20. Getting the most cores: Requirements = ... • Condor tries to be helpful by inserting automatic job requirements • OpSys • Arch • FileSystemDomain • Memory >= ImageSize • This sometimes over-constrains jobs

  21. Getting the most cores: Requirements = ... • The Requirements attribute gives you the flexibility to add or remove execute nodes • Example: job files are in your home directory • Requirements = regexp(“rcac.purdue.edu”,FilesystemDomain) • Example: job executable is a Windows binary • Requirements = (OpSys==“WINNT61”)

  22. A special note about Memory • Condor sometimes overestimates the memory usage of a job • Condor reports totalmemory/cores, but jobs are not memory constrained • It’s best to put a dummy memory requirement in the submission file

  23. Getting the most out of your cores: Rank = ... • You can prefer a job land on particular nodes • Example: prefer 64-bit nodes with lots of memory • Rank = (ARCH==“X86_64”)*1000 + Memory

  24. Workflow management with DAGman • Directed Acyclic Graph Manager • Defines parent-child relationships among jobs • Allows pre- and post-execution hooks • Submit with condor_submit_dag

  25. Diamond DAG A B1 B2 C

  26. Diamond DAG # Diamond-shaped DAG Job First p_00060.A.sub Job Second_1 p_00060.B1.sub Job Second_2 p_00060.B2.sub Job Third p_00060.C.sub PARENT First CHILD Second_1 Second_2 PARENT Second_1 Second_2 CHILD Third

  27. More complex DAGs

  28. Who Benefits from Condor? • Monte Carlo simulations • Parameter sweeps • “Embarrassingly parallel” jobs

  29. Purdue’s Condor Users • Structural Biology • Education • Chemical Engineering • Bioinformatics • Climate Visualization • Distributed Rendering • High Energy Physics

  30. For more information • University of Wisconsin website: • http://research.cs.wisc.edu/condor • Email: • bcotton@purdue.edu • rcac-help@purdue.edu

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