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Lecture 13 Photodetectors and Experimental Verification of Quantum Nature of Light

Lecture 13 Photodetectors and Experimental Verification of Quantum Nature of Light. Reminder: Lecture notes taker HWK3 due in Wednesday. Course Outline. Part 1: basic review: Optics+Quantum; Part 2: Basic Light-matter interaction; laser; Part 3: Quantum Optics of photons

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Lecture 13 Photodetectors and Experimental Verification of Quantum Nature of Light

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  1. Lecture 13Photodetectors and Experimental Verification of Quantum Nature of Light Reminder: Lecture notes taker HWK3 due in Wednesday

  2. Course Outline Part 1: basic review: Optics+Quantum; Part 2: Basic Light-matter interaction; laser; Part 3: Quantum Optics of photons Part 4: More advanced light-matter interaction Part 5: Quantum information/photonics/ applications Subject to change; Check updates on course web/wiki

  3. Quantum Optics of Photons FQ’Chap5 FQ’Chap6 Chap 7-8: coherent, squeezed, & number states

  4. Photon Statistics FQ’Chap5 • Single photon detector: • PMT (photomultiplier tube) • APD (avalanche photodiode)

  5. Classification of Light by Photon Statistics Poisson Statistics (Nonclassical light)

  6. Subpoissonian Light But: any (random) loss will randomize the photons (det. Subpoissonian challenging)

  7. Photodetectors (experimental & theory) • Critical for quantum optics/photonics • Understand photodetection process: Quantum light or quantum response of photodetectors? • Types of common photodetectors • Photoconductor & photodiode • Single photon/counting detector: PMT & APD • Theory of photodetectors • Semiclassical theory (Poisson) • Quantum theory • Shot/quantum noise, fano factor FO’Chap 3.7; FQ Chap 5.8-5.10

  8. Some Reviews on Photodetectors • Yotter, R.A.; Wilson, D.M. “A Review of Photodetectors for Sensing Light-Emitting Reporters in Biological Systems”, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 3,288, (2003) • Peter Krizan and Samo Korpar, “Photodetectors in Particle Physics Experiments”, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 2013. 63:329–49 • Sochi et al. “Nanowire Photodetectors”, J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2010 Mar;10(3):1430-49 Books: • G.H.Rieke, Detection of Light (2ed. 2003) --- astro appl. • G. Knoll, ‘Radiation detection and measurements’ • Nicholas Tsoulfanidis, ‘MEASUREMENT AND DETECTION OF RADIATION’, 3-ed 2010 [online] – esp. higher energy radiation/photons

  9. Yotter, R.A.; Wilson, D.M. “A Review of Photodetectors for Sensing Light-Emitting Reporters in Biological Systems”, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 3,288, (2003)

  10. Photodetector: photoconductor • Dark current (I0) • Photocurrent I=I-I0 • Responsitivity= photocurrent/power Photoelectric or photothermoelectric?

  11. photodiode

  12. http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/~schubert/Light-Emitting-Diodes-dot-org/chap21/F21-04%20Semiconduct%20converter.jpghttp://www.ecse.rpi.edu/~schubert/Light-Emitting-Diodes-dot-org/chap21/F21-04%20Semiconduct%20converter.jpg

  13. G.Konstantatos et al. ‘12 PbS: Electron dopant Build-in electric field at the interface between QD layer and graphene due to the balance in Fermi level.

  14. Graphene Photodetectors and Phototransistors • Advantage of Graphene Phtotodetectors • Room temperature and broadband operation . • High speed • Graphene is flexible, light, and visually transparent. • Operational wavelength can be tuned. • Potential Applications • High-speed optical communications • Terahertz detection • Remote sensing and Spectroscopy Nature Photonics. 4, 297, (2010) Nature Nano. 7, 363, (2012) • Graphene Photodetectors • Fast photoresponse • Lower photoresponsivity • Due to “Intrinsic” properties of Graphene (carriers generated and transported in graphene) • Photoelectric vs photothermoelectric? • Hybrid Graphene-QD Phototransistors • High photoresponsivity • Slow photoresponse • Carriers generated external to graphene but transferred to /transported by graphene

  15. (single photon) photodetector APD PMT (eg. MgO)

  16. Theory of Photodetection (semiclasical) If I(t)=I constant If I(t) fluctuating, superpoissonian

  17. Theory of Photodetection (quantum) But: any (random) loss will randomize the photons (det. Subpoissonian challenging) Key: high Q.E.

  18. Noise in Photodiodes

  19. Shot Noise (“quantum noise”)

  20. (classical) Noise Reduction Also: feed-forward

  21. Experimental Observation of quantum nature of light: sub-poissonian light Use sub-poissonian electrons to gernerate SubP-light Sub-poissonian counting statistics

  22. Sub-shot noise photocurrent

  23. Next Lecture (10): quantum optics of photons • FQ Chap 5.

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