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P.M.R. P ersonal, M eaningful, and R elevant Volunteer Retreats

P.M.R. P ersonal, M eaningful, and R elevant Volunteer Retreats. Darcey Dinh, Director of Formation and Recruitment. Introductions. What do you need to know about Darcey? Florida CVIF 2 years Married 5 years Favorite color is green YA ministry, marriage prep in parish/diocese

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P.M.R. P ersonal, M eaningful, and R elevant Volunteer Retreats

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  1. P.M.R. Personal, Meaningful, and Relevant Volunteer Retreats Darcey Dinh, Director of Formation and Recruitment

  2. Introductions • What do you need to know about Darcey? • Florida • CVIF 2 years • Married 5 years • Favorite color is green • YA ministry, marriage prep in parish/diocese • Stetson University-Teacher Ed. • Dr. Cindy Lovell (now the ED of the Mark Twain House in Hartford, CT) is responsible for one of the most memorable statements any professor has said, “Everything you do in the classroom must be personal, meaningful, and relevant to the lives of your students.”

  3. PERSONAL Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8 • Are the retreat activities personal to your volunteers and to your program? • Will the volunteers have a connection to the lessons/material? • Is there enough opportunities for self-evaluation?

  4. MEANINGFUL Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 • What’s the purpose of each activity? • Is it in line with the values and mission of your program? • Is there meaning behind the retreat activity/discussion/project that makes it purposeful for the volunteer?

  5. RELEVANT For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Matthew 16:26 • Are the materials up-to-date? • Do the materials align with current events/news/media/doctrine? • How can you help the volunteers to live out the values this year and afterwards? • How can we apply the church teachings into our daily lives?

  6. RETREAT SCHEDULE • 5 per year: • Orientation- 4-5 days • Fall- 3-4 days • Winter- 3-4 days • Spring- 5 days • Summer/Closing- 2-3 days

  7. BASIC FORMAT • Opening prayer • Sign ups for cooking and cleaning, goals • Community activities/reflections • Morning prayer in different styles • Worship/songs • Book club and discussion • Goal setting • Community free time • Technology Fast • Meal prep • Themed activities • Presentations/visitors • Reflection/Journaling • Awards • Service project • Prayer Partners • Feedback forms and Thank-Yous • Closing prayer

  8. PROGRAM VALUES • Community • Active Spirituality • Social Justice • Living Simply • Personal Growth • Vocation Discernment

  9. ORIENTATION • 4-5 days at the end of July • Great Paper Chase • Presentation on each of the 6 Values • A special focus on community expectations & understanding different personality types • Budgeting- Understanding needs vs. wants • Service Project • Prayer Partners/Alumni Buddies/Community Support • In- depth look at program policies and procedures • Goal sheets • Attend Mass and Commissioning Ceremony

  10. FALL RETREAT • 3 days in October: Thursday-Sunday • Theme: Community and Active Spirituality • Low-Ropes Course • High-Ropes and Zip line • Spiritual journaling/The Examen • Meditation • Community Reflections • Preparation for Winter Fundraising push

  11. WINTER RETREAT • 3 days in January: Thursday-Sunday • Theme: Doing Justice/Living Simply • Social Justice • Immigration • Human Trafficking • Respect Life • Service visit/project • Small Group Activities • Privilege Walk • St. Francis Activity

  12. SPRING RETREAT • 5 days in April • Theme: Personal Growth/Vocation Discernment • Meditation • Silent Day • Letter to God • Prayer Room • Masking • Vocation story • Resume building • Interview know-hows • Talent Show • Service Project

  13. CLOSING RETREAT • 2-3 days in June • Theme: Personal Growth/Transitioning out • Reflections- Where did we see God this year? • What's next- How to transition into real world using values learned. • Year-end awards and recognitions • Presentations • Volunteer Evaluations • Re-Commissioning

  14. SPEAKERS and TOPICS • Non-profit leaders • Mental Health Professionals • Diocesan Ministers • Service Site Partner Professionals • Local Parish Professionals • Alumni • Funders • Seminarians and Religious leaders • ? • Vocation and Discernment • Understanding Personalities- Community living • Leadership skills • Team building • Life Balance • “Your Life Story” • Life Transitions – taking what you learned into each new phase • Resumes and Interviews • Social Justice- Catholic Social Teaching • Living the Gospel • Journaling • Conflict Resolution • Silent Meditation • Respect for Life • Ways to Pray • What is living a Christian life? • ?

  15. EVALUATIONS Quotes from volunteers… … “presentations and activities and most of all the bonding-because bonding is very important for community as we will be in other parts of Florida.”-BM “The day of silence was unexpectedly enjoyable. It challenged me to get to know myself better and helped me to better understand my relationship with God.”-RM “The Lord really spoke with me when we covered discernment. Sr. Kathleen was a breath of fresh air and I was affirmed that I am on the right track and she pointed me in the right direction for the year.”-CS “I thought it was really helpful to start this experience together to know everyone. I thought Jesus Calling was really helpful and listening to a lot of the speakers.”-JG “I wish that we could be doing something else during the paper chase while we waited for others to finish.”-RK “I felt very busy- All of the activities were wonderful but I wish we had more time for a bit of rest and renewal as well as activities.”-TP

  16. HARMONIZING • Invite other Volunteer groups to join you on retreat! • Humility of Mary Volunteers • Covenant House • Any other programs interested?

  17. DESTINATIONS • Facilities with: • Ropes Courses • Quiet Areas • Appealing grounds • Food: Cooking VS Paying • A good distance between sites

  18. RESOURCES • FTE • USCCB • Other Programs: Letter To God (LaSallianVols) • Professional Advisors • CVN • Shared Visions • Books based on values • ? • ? • ?

  19. CLOSING • Retreats are just one of the tools we use in order to help in the growth of the volunteers this year: • Monthly meetings • Quarterly service projects • Book club • Prayer Partners • Community Involvement • Spiritual Direction • Communication (phone, text, email) • ? • ? • ?

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