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2. Goal of Prenatal Care. Assess the risk factors to attempt to predict complicationsInsure the health of the motherAssess the growth of the fetusTo educate the patientTo establish an EDCTo treat conditions that could affect the outcome of the pregnancy. 3. History. Age- Young patients have an
1. 1 Prenatal Care Acer_user
2. 2 Goal of Prenatal Care Assess the risk factors to attempt to predict complications
Insure the health of the mother
Assess the growth of the fetus
To educate the patient
To establish an EDC
To treat conditions that could affect the outcome of the pregnancy
3. 3 History Age- Young patients have an increased risk of preterm delivery, STDs and IUGR, patients over 35 have an increased risk of genetic abnormalities, DM, HTN, and spontaneous losses
Race- Certain races can carry genes that can affect the pregnancy (i.e. sickle cell, thalasemias, tay sachs) also certain medical disorders can be more common
4. 4 History Medical history
Surgical history (cones, D&C,TOP)
Habits- Tobacco use decreases fetal weight, can be associated with increased risk of placental abruption, increases risk of preterm delivery and lowers patients overall health
5. 5 History Tobacco use is associated with an increased incidence of placenta previa, Spontaneous abortion, preterm rupture of membranes, and Sudden infant death syndrome
After birth risk of second hand smoke
6. 6 History Habits continued
ETOH use- Associated with other drug usage, risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, IUGG, poor maternal nutrition, failure to thrive, mental impairment, and preterm delivery
Substance abuse- Cocaine causes increased risk of placental abruptions, IUGR, neonatal and childhood learning disorders, malformations,IUFDs
7. 7 History Opioid abuse- IUGR, preterm delivery, decreased apgar score, meconium stained amniotic fluid, other substances
Marijuana- No hard data implicating it in any complication although long term neurologic problems may occur
Amphetamines- IUGR, preterm delivery, IVH and CNS abnormalities
8. 8 History Medications-Did the patient ingest a medication that is contraindicated or harmful to the fetus (I.e. ACE inhibitors cause fetal death, Accutane orally can cause CNS abnormalities category X, etc.)
Family history- Birth defects, DES use, genetic abnormalities, medical conditions (DM, HTN, etc.)
9. 9 History Childhood diseases or immunizations
OB/GYN history- Gravidity and parity
Menstral history to help establish an EDC
Prior pregnancies- length of gestation, complications, type of birth (C/S, forceps, vacuum, SVD, Induction, length of labor, birth weights, TOPs, ABs, Shoulder dystocias
10. 10 History Marital status- family situation, single has increased risk of preterm delivery
Employment- hours worked, what type of work, environmental exposures
11. 11 Risk assessment Age- Young or old
Substance abuse
Maternal weight-Over or under weight
Medical disorders
Poor obstetric history- preterm delivery is best predictor of preterm delivery, if previous IUGR or IUFD need monitoring, congenital anomalies
12. 12 Risk assessment cont. Previous PIH, how for along, outcome
Uterine anomalies- septum, DES, fibroids
Infections- Chorioamnionitis, Group B strep, GC, Chlamydia, BV
Socioeconomic status
3 deliveries in 2 years
13. 13 Risk assessment cont. Incompetent cervix
Placental accidents or previas ( increased risk with previous previa X 8, and with cesarean sections X2
Maternal hemorrhage
( not all patients will have risk factors)
14. 14 Physical Exam First visit complete physical including speculum exam and pap if indicated. +/- cultures for GC and Chlamydia Bimanual exam to assess uterine size (fundal ht = weeks in gestation from 17-32 weeks
Weight, blood pressure in LLP, dip urine for protein and glucose, and FHR
15. 15 Follow up Ob visits Fundal height
Weight (total for pregnancy 25-35# if normal wt, if obese 15#, if underweight 35-40#)
Blood pressure (lowest in second trimester)
Fetal heart rate (120-160)
Urine for protein and glucose
16. 16 Follow up OB visits Check for edema
Ask patients about any problems
+/- pelvic exam
Prenatal vitamins
17. 17 Laboratory tests CBC (H&H at 24-28wks)
Type Rh and antibody screen
Rubella titer
Hepatitis B surface antigen
+/- GC and Chlamydia cultures
+/- MSAFP at 16-20wks
+/- HIV
18. 18 Laboratory tests 1 hour post glucola 50gm load at 24-28 wks
+/- Group B Strep at 34-37 wks
+/- toxoplasmosis
+/- Varicella zoster antibody titer
+/- Parvovirus B 19 antibody titer
H&H at 34-36 wks
Wet prep if indicated
19. 19 Tests Ultrasound at 20 weeks for anatomy
Earlier if poor dates or size
U/S to follow IUGR q 2-3 weeks
NST at 41 weeks with AFI, NSTs for IUGR, previous IUFD, medical conditions, etc
U/S at 39 weeks for EFW
20. 20 Follow up test If 1 hour BS over 140 then 3 hour glucose test (3 days carbohydrate loading)
If MSAFP is elevated repeat, if second is elevated offer genetic amniocentesis
If MSAFP low offer genetic amniocentesis
If older than 35 at delivery offer Amnio
21. 21 Frequency of visits Every 4 weeks to 28wks
Every 2 weeks 28-36
Weekly 36 weeks to delivery
Alter this based on pt problems
22. 22 Weight Gain 25-35#
Underweight 28-40
Overweight 15-25
Twins 35-45
If weight gain is low watch for IUGR with U/S
23. 23 Weight First trimester 3-6#
to 1# week in second trimester
# a week in last trimester
Low weight gain is associated with low birth birth weight
24. 24 Diet 25-30Kcal/Kg (2400kcal)
Balance diet 6 meals
Prenatal vitamin
25. 25 Activity Normal levels of activity are acceptable if no complications are present
Exercising is OK (80% target HR)
Avoid traumatic activities (snowmobiling, dirt bike riding etc.)
Travel is alright, pressurized aircraft do not affect the pregnancy
Intercourse is acceptable
26. 26 Establishing gestational age Naegeles rule- add 7days and subtract 3 months from FDLMP
280 days from FDLMP
266 days from conception
Ultrasound 1st trimester within 7 days, second trimester within 10 days, third trimester 2-3 weeks
Quickening 19weeks +/- 2 weeks 1st
Quickening 17 weeks +/-2 weeks 2nd on
27. 27 Establishing EDC FHR is auscultation at 20 week with fetascope +/- 2 weeks
FHR with doppler at 12-14 weeks some earlier
FHR seen with U/S at 7 weeks
28. 28 Definitions Nulligravida- Never been pregnant
Gravida- has been pregnant
Nullipara- GxP0
Primipara- Has had 1 delivery
Multipara- 2 or more births
29. 29 Counseling VBAC- Only for LTCS not vertical uterine incisions
1/200 chance of uterine rupture
Limited to 2 or less C/S
Failed VBAC
Assess risk and reason for C/S
30. 30 Counseling Encourage smoking cessation
Smaller babies
Increased risk of fetal loss, mental retardation, and PTL
CO inactivates maternal and fetal Hgb
Decreased caloric intake
IUGR. PTL decreased perfusion of placenta
31. 31 Counseling Watch caffeine intake and nutra sweet intake
Tylenol , Benadryl, Robitussin, Pseudophed, actifed are OK
Avoid alcohol. Asa, tobacco, any medication unless cleared by physician, and avoid street drugs
32. 32 Common complaints N/V- usually to 13 weeks
Eat small amounts frequently
33. 33 Common complaints Back ache
Round ligament
Heart burn
34. 34 Warning signs Decreased fetal movement
Vaginal bleeding
Edema of hands and face
Severe headache
Blurred vision
RUQ pain
Leakage of fluid
35. 35 Pre-Pregnancy counseling Terminate bad behaviors
Avoid environmental hazards
Start folic acid supplementation 8 weeks prior to conception
Plan management of medical disorders
Rubella, HIV, Tay sachs, sickle cell, cystic fibrosis
Determine genetic risks
36. 36 Conclusions Bad prenatal care is worse than no prenatal care
History tends to repeat itself
Best prenatal care starts with Preconceptual care