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Explore Paul's powerful lessons in II Corinthians that emphasize comfort, faith, and ministry. Gain insights on God's promises, Paul's struggles, and living as ambassadors of Christ.
Wonderful Sunday School Children!! II Corinthians www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 1. How did Paul describe God? (II Corinthians 1:3) The Almighty God The Father of Mercies The God of All Comfort B & C None of the above www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 2. For what reason does God comfort us? (II Corinthians 1:4) So we can comfort others So we can get on with life So we can sleep well So we won't excessively sorrow None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 3. How did Paul describe his troubles in Asia? (II Corinthians 1:8-9) Pressed out of measure We despaired even of life We had the sentence of death in ourselves All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 4. What things characterized Paul's life? (II Corinthians 1:12) Simplicity Godly sincerity Fleshly wisdom All of the above A & B www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 5. What was said concerning the promises of God? (II Corinthians 1:20) They are precious They are for us They are yea and in him Amen They are great and exceeding The Lord is not slack concerning them www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 6. Why didn’t Paul go to Corinth as he had originally planned? (II Corinthians 1:23-24) He went to Jerusalem instead To spare them He went to Macedonia instead He went to Antioch instead He went to Ephesus instead www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 7. In what spirit did Paul determine NOT to come to the Corinthian church again? (II Corinthians 2:1-2) Anger Condemnation Heaviness Worrying None of the above www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 8. What are we NOT ignorant of? (II Corinthians 2:11) Satan's devices The fruit of the Spirit The gifts of the Spirit The word of God All of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 9.What showed Paul's care for Titus? (II Corinthians 2:12-13) He remembered his birthday He had no rest in his spirit until he found him He visited him when he was sick He visited him when he was in prison None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 10. What did Paul consider to be his epistle? (II Corinthians 3:1-2) The Corinthian saints The Acts of the Apostles The epistle to the Corinthians The epistle to the Ephesians The book of Romans www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 11. Where did Paul’s sufficiency come from? (II Corinthians 3:5) God The Corinthian saints The Macedonian church All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 12. What condition exists when the Spirit of the Lord is present? (II Corinthians 3:17) Liberty Rejoicing Reproof All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 13. What is the consequence of a hidden gospel? (II Corinthians 4:3) It is hid to them that are lost It will be given to others to declare Judgment will come on those who fail to proclaim it All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 14. Why cannot the lost understand the gospel? (II Corinthians 4:4) They are carnal The god of this world has blinded their minds They do not receive it with faith All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 15. Who did Paul preach about? (II Corinthians 4:5) Christ Jesus Himself The history of Israel All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 16. Why did Paul rejoice in trials and afflictions? (II Corinthians 4:17) They are light They are but for a moment They work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory All of the above B & C www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 17. How do we walk? (II Corinthians 5:7) Circumspectly Righteously Uprightly By faith By sight www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 18. What mistake do some make? (II Corinthians 5:12) They glory in appearance They love money They compare themselves among themselves They love power They love the world www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 19. What constrained Paul? (II Corinthians 5:14) The heavenly vision The love of Christ The terror of the Lord All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 20. What does a person become who is in Christ? (II Corinthians 5:17) A disciple A believer A new creature A saint A witness www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 21. What ministry focuses on the Incarnation? (II Corinthians 5:18-19) Reconciliation Restitution Sanctification Preaching Justification www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 22. What distinguished position do we hold? (II Corinthians 5:20) Ambassador Diplomat King Priest Saint www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 23. How are we NOT to receive the grace of God? (II Corinthians 6:1) Carelessly Disrespectfully Neglectfully In vain None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 24. When is the day of salvation? (II Corinthians 6:2) Before the tribulation During the tribulation After the tribulation Now None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1, 3 Answer: 25. Why was Paul so careful with regards to his life and attitude? (II Corinthians 6:3) Lest he himself would be a castaway Lest he be a poor example to the believers That the ministry be not blamed All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 26. What were some external conditions that Paul endured? (II Corinthians 6:4-5) Afflictions Imprisonments Stripes Tumults All of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 27. What are we to cleanse ourselves from? (II Corinthians 7:1) Those from false religions Those previously divorced All filthiness of the flesh and spirit Fornicators Lukewarm saints www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 28. What are we to perfect? (II Corinthians 7:1) Singing Preaching Holiness Our speech All of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 29. What indicates the great anxiety Paul had in Macedonia? (II Corinthians 7:5) Our flesh had no rest We were troubled on every side Without were fights, within were fears All of the above None of the above 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 30. How was Paul comforted? (II Corinthians 7:6-7) By a vision By the coming of Titus By the prayers of the saints All of the above B & C www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 31. What did the previous epistle to the Corinthians accomplish? (II Corinthians 7:8-11) Anger Denial Godly sorrow Resentment None of the above 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 32. In addition to correcting the offender, what else did the previous epistle show? (II Corinthians 7:12) He was a God fearing Preacher He would be strong when he came in their midst He would not compromise with unrighteousness His care for them That he could rebuke with all longsuffering 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 33. What was their attitude toward giving? (II Corinthians 8:3-4) Cheerfully Dutifully Impulsively Willingly None of the above 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 34. What besides an offering did the Macedonian church give? (II Corinthians 8:5) Food Time Tithes Their own selves None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 35. Who set the greatest example of giving? (II Corinthians 8:9) Apollos Barnabas Paul Stephen None of the above www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 36. What can a person give? (II Corinthians 8:12) According to what he has By faith more than he has Tithes All of the above None of the above 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 37. Why did Paul intentionally NOT handle the money himself? (II Corinthians 8:20-21) For fear of losing it He was not the treasurer Others were more capable in financial matters That he would not be blamed None of the above 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 38. What did Paul encourage the Corinthian church to prove? (II Corinthians 8:24) Faith Love Power Spirituality None of the above www.pjthe3.com
Answer: 3 39.What agricultural example did Paul apply to giving? (II Corinthians 9:6) First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the earth Sowing and reaping A corn of wheat that falls into the ground and dies Fig tree Vineyard www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 40.What attitude in giving does God love? (II Corinthians 9:7) Cheerfully Dutifully Regularly Willingly None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 41. What is the purpose of giving? (II Corinthians 9:12) Supply needs Thanksgivings unto God As part of our tithes and offerings All of the above A & B 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 42. How did Paul describe the gift that God has given to us? (II Corinthians 9:15) Exceeding Great Unspeakable Wonderful Awesome 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 43. What does Paul say about the weapons of our warfare? (II Corinthians 10:3-4) Mighty through God Not carnal Spiritual All of the above A & B 첨성대 www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 44. What are we to cast down? (II Corinthians 10:5) Criticisms Imaginations Thoughts Strongholds None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 45. For what reason did the Lord give Paul his authority? (II Corinthians 10:8) For edification For leadership For power For rebuke For reproof www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 46. What did his opponents say about Paul’s letters? (II Corinthians 10:9-10) Large handwriting Mighty and powerful Well written Spelling errors None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 47. Who does Paul say is approved? (II Corinthians 10:18) Faithful stewards He that commends himself He whom the Lord commends A & C None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 48. Of what is was Paul afraid regarding the Corinthians? (II Corinthians 11:3-4) They despised dominion They loved this present world They spoke evil of dignitaries They were so soon removed from the grace of Christ Their minds had been corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 49. How was Paul behind the other apostles? (II Corinthians 11:5) He did not have the personal training by Jesus His rudeness of speech He started later His lack of fellowship with the other apostles Not a whit www.pjthe3.com