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A company that specializes in accounting services for clients. That is, an accounting firm may handle a client's payroll, accounts receivable and accounts payable, taxes, and/or any number of other services. Many accounting firms also offer auditing or advisory services.But there is one accounting firm name Lakshmi associates who provides every services related to accounting such as accounting , auditing , business registrations, income tax , tds ,gst etc.Since lakshmi Associates is not only accounting firm, it is also a ca firm.It is in Gurgaon. For more details visit this website:<br>https://lakshmiassociates.in/
2020 WhatIsAn AccountingFirm? Accounting Firm InGurgaon https://lakshmiassociates.in/ WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON 02
2020 Today's Agenda WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON Bytheendofthesession,youwill understand the services of an accountingfirm 02
2020 Introduction Acompanythatspecializesinaccountingservices forclients.Thatis,anaccountingfirmmayhandlea client's payroll,accountsreceivableandaccountspayable, taxes,and/oranynumberof otherservices.Manyaccountingfirmsalsooffer auditing oradvisory services.Butthereisoneaccountingfirmname Lakshmiassociateswhoprovides everyservicesrelatedtoaccountingsuchas accounting,auditing,business registrations,incometax,tds,gstetc.Sincelakshmi Associatesisnotonly accountingfirm,itisalsoacafirm.Itisin Gurgaon. WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON 03
2020 Service1: Gst(goods&servicetax) ItisrightnowshowingtaxassessmentstrategytoIndiangovernment. Cafirmgivealltheadministrationsidentifiedwiththistaxcollection strategylikegstenrollment,gstreviewing,gstreturnrecording,gst WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON structuredocumentingandnumerousdifferentadministrations. 03
2020 Service2: BusinessRegistration WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON In this administration , it helps in enrollmentofbusinessandfurthermore helps in making their tax assessment profiles as indicated by their business typeandlevel.Trulyatcertaindegreeof pay each business needs to enroll themselves. . 05
2020 Service3: Accounting &Auditing WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON In this kind of administration theygive helpwithmaintaingtheirrecordsas indicated strategy bytheirtaxassessment andatthetimecharge accommodation they help in correction of their records and finding the perfect measureofexpensewhichentrepreneur needtopay.
2020 Service4:IncomeTaxConsultancy Ca firm aides in keep up all the individual records identified with their property .Since they need to keep up their own benefits as indicated by their salary as they appeared in their recordswhichtheypresenttotheannualassessmentofficeon the off chance that they found any advantage other than recordsorwecansaythattheyfoundsomethingbesidesthings they recorded in their records then they need to verification thatithasaplacewiththemelsetheycan'ttakethatbenefit. WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON
Service 5.Tds (taxconclusio 2020 n atsource) Tax derivation at source is a methods for gathering charge on salary, profits or resource deals, by requiring the payer to deduct charge due before paying the equalizationtothepayee.InIndia,underthe Indian Income Tax Act of 1961, personal dutymustbedeductedatsourceaccording tothearrangementsoftheIncomeTaxAct, 1961.Theyencouragesinitto. WHAT ISAN ACCOUNTIN GFIRM? ACCOUNTIN G FIRM IN GURGAON