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This presentation is all about what is ca firm and services which they provide to their clients.<br>Chartered Accountants who work in practice provide professional financial services to businesses. Auditing, taxation, accounting, financial analysis, risk management and advising on financial structures, are just some of the wide-ranging services provided by Chartered Accountancy Firms. And here is some details about these services. For more details visit this website: https://lakshmiassociates.in/<br>
What is a CA (Chartered Accountant) firm and their services? https://lakshmiassociates.in/ M AKE Y OUR T EAM W ORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER
Chartered Accountants who workin practiceprovide professional financial services to businesses. Auditing, taxation,accounting, financial analysis, risk management and advising on financial structures,are just some of the wide-rangingservices provided byChartered AccountancyFirms. And here is some details aboutthese services.
Thinkaboutit! Good Auditmanagement makes happyteams If you are providing audit firm supprot to your accounts department .So, they can prepare accountsproperlyontimewithoutanyproblem anddelay. Poor teammanagement creates stress andheadaches If you are not providing proper support and consultancy to your firm company and accountsdepartment.So,theyhavetofacelot ofpressureandproblemsatthetimeofreturn filing.
GST–Itiscurrentlyrunningtaxationpolicyby Indiangovernment.Cafirmprovidealltheservices related to this taxation policy like gst registration, gstauditing,gstreturnfiling,gstformfiling and manyotherservices. BusinessRegistration-Inthisservice,ithelpsin registration of business and also helps in making their taxation profiles according to their business typeandlevel.Yesatcertainlevelofincomeevery businessneedstoregisterthemselves. List of theservices
AccountingandAuditing–Inthistypeofservice theyprovideassistanceinmaintaingtheiraccounts according totheir taxationpolicyandatthetimetaxsubmissionthey helpinamendmentoftheiraccountsandfindingthe right amount of tax which business owner have to pay. Income tax consultancy – Ca firm helps in maintain all the personal accounts related to their property.Sincetheyhavetomaintaintheirpersonal assets according to their income as they shown in theiraccountswhichtheypresenttotheincometax department if they found any asset other than accounts or we can say that they found any thing otherthanthingstheylistedintheiraccountsthen theyhavetoproofthatitbelongstothemotherwise theycannottakethatasset.
5. Tds (Tax deduction at source)- Tax deduction at sourceisameansofcollectingtaxonincome,dividends orassetsales,byrequiringthepayertodeducttaxdue beforepayingthebalancetothepayee.InIndia,under theIndianIncomeTaxActof1961,incometaxmustbe deductedatsourceaspertheprovisionsoftheIncome TaxAct,1961.Theyhelpsinitto. They provide many other services .This list have only someofit,soifyouneedtheseservicesforanyreason contactca firmforassistanceandgovernmentalsostatesthaton sometypeofbusinessrelateddocumentscainitialsis mandatory.