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Bridge-node Aided Universal Relay (BAUR) Proposal

This document suggests enhancements for inter- and intra-piconet relaying in the IEEE P802.15.3b standard. The proposed bridge-node aided universal relay scheme allows simultaneous inter-relaying of packets across piconets without device location knowledge, maintaining backward compatibility. Prepared for discussion and not binding, this contribution aims to add universal relay capabilities across piconets for improved networking. (Character count: 311)

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Bridge-node Aided Universal Relay (BAUR) Proposal

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  1. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Bridge-node Aided Universal Relay (BAUR)] Date Submitted: [12 March, 2004] Source: [Po-Ning Chen, Cheng-En Hsieh,Hsung-Pin Chang (presentator), David Chang,Ping-Nan Wu, Ming-Chieh Chang, Ting-Chang Huang] Company [Notional Chiao Tung University] Address [1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, ROC] Voice:[886-3-571-2121ext:56656], FAX: [886-3-572-1490], E-Mail:[crtt@os.nctu.edu.tw] Re: [] Abstract: [The document suggests some enhancement points about the inter- and intra-piconet relaying for 15.3b.] Purpose: [For discussion to add universal relay across the piconets.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  2. Bridge-node Aided Universal Relay[BAUR] March, 2004 Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  3. Abstract • We propose a universal approach that can simultaneously achieve both inter- and intra-piconet relaying. • Our scheme can inter-relay packets across piconets without knowing the locations of the devices. • Our scheme is backwardly compatible to IEEE 802.15.3 draft standard. Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  4. Global topology D D The blue color represents the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color represents the packets proposed to be modified The red color represents the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  5. Global topology P P The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  6. Global topology P P The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  7. Global topology D P D P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  8. 2 Commandtype … 1 1 octets:1 2 … Channel 2 Channel n Length(=n) Channel 1 Global topology D Remote scan request P D P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Remote scan request Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  9. 1 2 1 m 1 2 Octets:1 Remote piconetdescription set Number ofpiconets Channelrating list Number ofchannels Reasoncode OptionalIE Commandtype 2 Length(=6+m) Global topology D Remote scan request P D P Remote scan response D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Remote scan response Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  10. Register other piconet request 2 Commandtype 1 2 1 PNID Length(=4) Channelindex Global topology D P D P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Register other piconet request command Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  11. Register other piconet request 1 2 7 8 2 octets:2 Commandtype DEVutility ATP Overallcapabilities DEVaddress Lifetime 2 Length(=20) Global topology D Association Request P D P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Association request Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  12. Register other piconet request 2 Commandtype 1 2 1 8 octets: 0 or Ln 2 Vendor specificIE ATP Reasoncode DEVaddress Length(=12 or 12+Ln) DEVID Global topology D Association Request P D P AssociationResponse D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Association response Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  13. Register other piconet request 2 Commandtype 2 1 ReasonCode Length(=4) Global topology D Association Request P D P Register other piconet response AssociationResponse D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Register other piconet response Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  14. Global topology D P R P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  15. 2 Commandtype 8 2 2 … 8 2 2 8 DEVnlife time Length(=10n+8+1) DEV1address DEV2address … DEV1life time DEV2life time DEVnaddress Global topology D BroadcastPiconet info P R P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Broadcast piconet info Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  16. 8 1 octets:1 2 Max hopno. Hopno. count Relayaddress Relay’s minlife time Global topology D BroadcastPiconet info P R P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Broadcast piconet info Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  17. Global topology D BroadcastPiconet info P R P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  18. Relay _address Relay _address Relay _address DEV_address DEV_address DEV_address Hop number Hop number Hop number Life time Life time Life time Relay1_addr Relay1_addr Relay1_addr PNC2_DEV1_addr PNC2_DEV1_addr PNC2_DEV1_addr 3 3 3 Relay1_addr Relay1_addr Relay1_addr PNC2_DEV2_addr PNC2_DEV2_addr PNC2_DEV2_addr 3 3 3 Relay1_addr Relay1_addr Relay1_addr PNC2_DEV3_addr PNC2_DEV3_addr PNC2_DEV3_addr 4 4 4 Relay2_addr Relay2_addr Relay2_addr PNC3_DEV1_addr PNC3_DEV1_addr PNC3_DEV1_addr 2 2 2 Relay2_addr Relay2_addr Relay2_addr PNC3_DEV2_addr PNC3_DEV2_addr PNC3_DEV2_addr 3 3 3 Relay2_addr Relay2_addr Relay2_addr PNC3_DEV3_addr PNC3_DEV3_addr PNC3_DEV3_addr 1 1 1 Relay3_addr Relay3_addr Relay3_addr PNC4_DEV2_addr PNC4_DEV2_addr PNC4_DEV2_addr 2 2 2 … … … … … … … … … … … … Global topology D P R P D Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  19. Local topology D D P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  20. associationrequest Local topology D D P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  21. associationrequest Local topology D D Association response P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  22. Local topology D D beacon P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  23. 2 Commandtype 2 4 octets:2 Length(=6) Informationrequested Requestindex Local topology D D proberequest P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Probe request Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  24. Local topology D D proberequest ACK P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  25. Local topology D D D1 P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  26. Local topology proberequest D D D1 P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  27. Local topology proberequest D D D1 ACK P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  28. Local topology D D D1 D2 P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  29. 2 Commandtype 1 … 1 1 2 … DEV2 DEV1 Length(=n) DEVn Local topology D D D1 D2 Localtopology info P D The blue color = the packets existing in 15.3 The brown color = the packets proposed to be modified The red color = the newly added packets Local topology info Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  30. dev1 dev1 dev2 dev2 dev3 dev3 dev4 dev4 dev5 dev5 dev6 dev6 dev1 dev1 - - x x x x x x o o x x dev2 dev2 o o - - x x x x x x x x dev3 dev3 x x x x - - x x o o x x dev4 dev4 x x x x x x - - x x x x dev5 dev5 x x o o o o x x - - x x dev6 dev6 o o x x x x x x x x - - Local topology D D P D Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  31. 18 18 18 UniversalCTRqB-n … UniversalCTRqB-2 UniversalCTRqB-1 2 Commandtype 2 Length(=sum of nRemote CTRqBs) Intra-Piconet Relay PNC UniversalCTRq Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Universal channel time request Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  32. 1 1 2 2 8 1 1 Octets:1 1 StreamRequest ID TargetAddress DSPS setindex Desired no.of TUs CTRqcontrol CTA ratefactor CTRqTU Min no.of TUs Streamindex Intra-Piconet Relay PNC UniversalCTRq Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Universal CTRqB Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  33. 2 Commandtype 1 1 2 Relaying stream index Source stream index Length(=4) Intra-Piconet Relay PNC UniversalCTRq IntraPicoRelaying request Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV InraPico Relaying Request Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  34. 2 Commandtype 2 1 Length(=4) Reasoncode Intra-Piconet Relay PNC UniversalCTRq IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV IntraPico Relaying Response Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  35. 1 1 1 octets:1 Reasoncode Availablenumber of TUs Streamindex StreamRequest ID 2 Commandtype 2 Length(=4) Intra-Piconet Relay PNC UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRp response IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Universal Channel time response Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  36. IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response Intra-Piconet Relay PNC UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRp response Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  37. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  38. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC UniversalCTRq Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  39. 1 Octets:1 Desired no.of TUs Min no.of TUs 2 Commandtype 2 2 1 2 8 2 TargetAddress Length(=17) CTRqcontrol CTRqTU SourceStream index CTA ratefactor Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq IntraPicoRelaying request Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV InterPico Relaying Request Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  40. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  41. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRq IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  42. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRq IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  43. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRq IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  44. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRp IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  45. 2 Commandtype 2 1 Reasoncode Length(=4) Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRq InterPicoRelaying response UniversalCTRp IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV InterPico Relaying Response Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  46. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRq InterPicoRelaying response UniversalCTRp UniversalCTRp response IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  47. Inter-Piconet Relay PNC PNC InterPicoRelaying request UniversalCTRq UniversalCTRq InterPicoRelaying response UniversalCTRp response UniversalCTRp IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying request IntraPicoRelaying response IntraPicoRelaying response Relay DEV Target DEV Src DEV Imm DEV Imm DEV Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  48. 2 Commandtype 8 8 8 … 2 8 8 1 2 Des.Address Timeto live SourAddress Length(=8n+27) Relay1 address Seq. no. RelayN address … Relay2 address On Demand Relay 39 28 85 53 10 34 41 20 37 00 04 69 49 07 31 11 78 71 40 33 42 01 Route Discovery command Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  49. 2 Commandtype 8 8 … 8 8 8 1 2 2 SourAddress Length(=8n+27) Seq. no. Relay1 address Timeto live Des.Address RelayN address … Relay2 address On Demand Relay 39 28 85 53 10 34 41 20 37 00 04 69 49 07 31 11 78 71 40 78 33 42 01 Route Discovery command Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

  50. 2 Commandtype 8 8 … 2 8 8 1 2 8 RelayN address Relay2 address Des.Address SourAddress … Seq. no. Timeto live Length(=8n+27) Relay1 address On Demand Relay 78+49 39 28 85 53 10 34 41 20 37 00 04 78+71 69 49 07 31 11 78 71 40 78 33 42 01 Route Discovery command Po-Ning Chen et al, NCTU

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