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Monitoring Enterococci Bacteria for Pathogens in Hudson River

Learn about Enterococci as microbial indicators of pathogens in the Hudson River, sources of bacteria, impact of untreated wastewater, and the significance of sewage treatment plants in NYC. Explore the EPA standards, outfall locations, testing methods, and water quality standards in marine waters. Discover new technologies for testing Enterococci and other essential measurements for water quality monitoring.

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Monitoring Enterococci Bacteria for Pathogens in Hudson River

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  1. Bacteria in the Hudson River Enterococci as microbial indicators of pathogens

  2. Where does bacteria come from? • Untreated wastewater (CSOs) • Improper boat waste disposal • Animal and wildlife waste • Stormwater runoff

  3. Enterococci • Bacteria from the intestines of humans and other warm-blooded animals • Used by the EPA as federal standard to indicate presence of pathogens • Pathogens indicated by presence of enterococci can cause gastrointestinal disease in humans

  4. Sewage • NYC sewer system- 6000 miles of sewer pipes • 14 water treatment plants throughout NYC • NYC produces ~1.4 billion gallons of wastewater per day

  5. North River Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity: 170 million gallons per day 125 mgd, dry weather 340 mgd, wet weather

  6. Combined Sewer Overflow

  7. Combined sewer system (CSS)= combination of street drains and household and industrial wastewater • 494 outfalls in New York City • EPA: CSO Control Policy • separate underground pipes for sewage and stormwater • keep combined pipes, increase capacity

  8. Outfall at West 129th Street

  9. Water Quality Standards • EPA enterococci standards • In Marine waters for bathing, 35 CFU/100mL • Ingestion of contaminated shellfish or surface water can cause gastrointestinal disease

  10. Enterolert New method of testing enterococci by Idexx Laboratories using a nutrient indicator that fluoresces when metabolized by the bacteria

  11. Colilert Similar technology in which nutrient indicator turns yellow when metabolized by coliforms, and flouresces when metabolized by E.Coli.

  12. Other Measurements • Precipitation, turbidity, temperature, tides, suspended matter, organic/inorganic matter, and salinity are monitored along with enterococci, total coliform, and E.Coli.

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