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Top 6 Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents

In this infographic, we will describe the top 6 most common types of Vehicle Accidents which include Serious Car Accident, Truck Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian And Bicycle Accidents, Social Security Disability, Auto Accidents and much more. Contact our experienced Personal Injury Attorneys Youngstown, OH for a free initial consultation...Call Us Today at <br>(330) 792-6033 or visit https://aspands.com <br>

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Top 6 Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents

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  1. COMMON TYPES OF PERSONAL INJURY CASES SERIOUS CAR ACCIDENT 1 Caraccidentscanhappenatanytime. Studies showthatmostpeopleareinvolvedincar accidentswhentheyarelessthanfivemilesfrom home. TRUCK ACCIDENTS 2 Trucksareacommonsightonourcountry’s highwaysandinterstateswhichinvolveheavier vehiclesthanmostothertypesofaccidents. These vehiclesareanimportantpartofoureconomy, carryinggoods. MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS 3 Althoughtakingtotheroadisanenjoyable experience, itcanbeextremelydangerous. Motorcyclesmakesmallervisualtargets, whichare morelikelytobeobscuredbyothervehicles, orby roadandweatherconditions. PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ACCIDENTS 4 Bicycleaccidentscanresultinseriousand sometimesfatalinjuries. Inaccidentcases involvingchildrenonbicycles, courtsholddrivers toahigherstandard. AUTO ACCIDENTS 5 Autoaccidentscanhappenatanytime. Common Autoaccidentinjuriesincludewhiplash, concussion, andinjuriestoarmsandlegs. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY orillnesseswhocannolongerwork. 6 SocialSecurityDisabilityisafederalinsurance programthat’sdesignedtohelpvictimsofinjuries ContactourexperiencedPersonalInjuryAttorneys YoungstownOHforafreeinitialconsultationtotalkabout yourcaraccidentcaseandlearnmoreaboutourservices. CREATEDBYANZELLOTTISPERLINGPAZOLANDSMALL

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