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University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@ agr.hr www.agr.hr. Funded by the European Union. „Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture in Alps-Danube-Adriatic Region“ -LifeADA PMC MEETING.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union „Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture in Alps-Danube-Adriatic Region“ -LifeADAPMC MEETING Prof. Renata Bažok, Ph.D. University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Financial andadministrative support: Davorka Čubelić- financial officer: dcubelic@agr.hr Helena Virić Gašparić- administrativeofficer: hviric@agr.hr
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Role of Coordinator The coordinator shall take all the steps needed to correctly manage the project and monitor its implementation in accordance with the Application Form submitted to the Executive Agency and the Grant Agreement. In addition the coordinator shall: • provide the copy of the Grant Agreement for the partner; • keep the partner informed on a regular basis about all relevant communication between the coordinator and the Executive Agency; • inform the partner about all essential issues connected to the project implementation without any delay; • be responsible for the verification that the expenditure declared by the partner has been incurred only for the purpose of implementing the project and corresponds to the activities agreed between the partners in the frame of the submitted Application Form;
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Role of Coordinator • submit Intermediate Report and Final Report to the Executive Agency for the deadline given in the Grant Agreement and its annexes; • Provide an external audit report together with the Final Report at the end of the project; • transfer funds to the partner in threeinstalments: as pre-financing for staffcost for planned on-going activities of partner for half-time period of those activities, and as payment of invoices and/or other supporting documents requested in Annex IV of the Grant Agreement.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Role of Partner The partner shall respect all rules and obligations set forth in the Grant Agreement. In addition the partner shall: • commit themselves to do everything in their power to carry out the activities as specified in the workplan and foster the implementation of the project; • provide the staff, facilities, equipment and material necessary to perform the project activities; • support the coordinator to fulfil its tasks according to the Grant Agreement; • ensure adequate communication with the coordinator; • ensure that interaction with other partners takes place in continuous and smooth way; • provide the coordinator without any delay with any information needed to draw up the Intermediate Report and the Final Report, to react on any request by the Executive Agency, or provide with any further information needed by the coordinator; • inform the coordinator immediately about any delay in the performance of the activities or any circumstance that could lead to a temporary or final discontinuation of the project;
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Role of Partner • inform the coordinator about any change in personnel, tasks or procedures of its project team; • maintain either a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions relating to the project; • inform the coordinator on the details of the bank account where the part of the Executive Agency contribution shall be transferred by coordinator; • complete the activities foreseen for each reporting period of the project implementation; • have the expenditures incurred and paid in the given reporting period defined in Article X of this Agreement and submit the supporting documents on validation of expenditure to the coordinator every X months. The expenditure of the partner not covered by supporting documents on validation of expenditure in the given reporting period can be requested only for the next reporting deadline following to the reporting period concerned; • comply with Tempus and national rules, including rules on public procurement, state aid, publicity and equal opportunities; • be responsible for the sound financial management of the funds allocated to the project part; • agree with the partners of the project before submission of any request for amendment of the Grant Agreement to the Executive Agency.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Role of both, CoordinatorandPartner • The coordinator and the partners are jointly and severally responsible for carrying out the action in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement; • The coordinator and the partners are responsible for complying with any legal obligations incumbent on them jointly or individually; • The partner is responsible for the due implementation of its respective contribution to the project and for the proper fulfilment of its obligations as set out in this Agreement. Should a partner not fulfil its obligations under this contract in due time, the coordinator shall admonish him to fulfil them within a reasonable period of time. The partner will undertake to find a rapid and efficient solution.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Role of both, CoordinatorandPartner • Should the non-fulfilment continue, the coordinator may decide to debar the partner concerned from the project with approval of the other partners. The Executive Agency shall be promptly informed of such an intended decision by the coordinator and the change in the partnership has to be approved by the Executive Agency according to the provisions of the Grant Agreement. • The partner shall take the financial responsibility for the EC contribution and the related own contribution for the project. In case of irregularities the coordinator bears the overall responsibility towards the Executive Agency for the repayment of the amounts unduly paid. By way of the derogation from this principle if the irregularity is committed by a partner, the concerned partner shall repay to the coordinator the amounts unduly paid.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles For the management of the Action the following groups will be set up: • A Project Management Committee to control the administrative and methodological aspects of the Action, monitor and evaluate the phases of the Action in terms of declared objectives and correspondence with the workplan, intervene for the resolution of any possible incoming problems. • Working groups with specific role and tasks. • An Evaluation boardin charge of the quality control and monitoring
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Project Management Committee • Composition: Contact person, defined in Application Form, of each partner shall be member of the Steering Committee (SC), with a proper mandate to negotiate on behalf of his/her institution. The participants may temporarily appoint a deputy to the SC. • Meetings: the Chairman of each meeting shall be the SC member coming from the host participant. The Chairman and Project Coordinator will jointly prepare in advance the agenda of the meeting, which will be reviewed by the other members and released and circulated by theChairman. Members and/or deputy members will attend the meeting.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union Project Management Committee • The Chairman will take minutes of the meeting and send the minutes for comments to the PMC members within 15 working days; if no objections are raised within 10 working days, the minutes shall be considered as approved. Decision Making: at each PMC meeting, no less than two-thirds of the members shall constitute a quorum. Decision-making will be by qualified majority (greater than 66%) among the present members (one vote per member).
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles WG 2
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles WG 3
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles WG 4
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles WG 5
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles Life longlearning experts
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-1 Distributionofroles
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-2 Partnershipagreements/ Consortiumagreement Decission: a) or b)
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-2 Partnershipagreement/ Consortiumagreement Agreementwillbeprepared on the templatereceivedby EACEA Content of the agreement: 1. Subject of the Partnership Agreement 2. Duration of the Agreement 3. Payment of funds and modalities 4. Irregularities and repayment of funds 5. Management of project and consortium decision making modalities 6. Specific obligations of the coordinator 7. Specific obligations of the partner 8. Obligations of the coordinator and the partners 9. Accounting, Record Keeping and Reporting 10. Intellectual property 11. Audits 12. Information and Publicity 13. Changes in the Project Partnership 14. Language 15. Conflict resolution 16. Competent and applicable law
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-2 Partnershipagreement/ Consortiumagreement Decission???
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-2 Partnershipagreements/ Consortiumagreement
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD-2 Partnershipagreement/ Consortiumagreement
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD- 3 Budgetary issues Annex II
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD- 3 Budgetary issues Budget headings & ceilings Staff costs: ceiling of max 40% of total eligible direct costs Equipment: ceiling of max30% of total eligible direct costs Indirect costs: flat rate of 7% of the total eligible direct costs recalculated at the end of the project
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD- 3 Budgetary issues Budget amendments • For any increase of more than 10% → budget amendment needed • The request to amend the budget (Annex II) must be submitted to EACEA before the changes are implemented and at the latest one month before the end of the eligibility period. • The request must indicate: • financial details of the requested modification (e.g. modified Annex II) • reasons and impact on the activities • the expected outcomes of the modification
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr AD- 4 Financial management Staff costs Point 3. Guidelines for the use of the grant • To cover the costs of staff directly necessary for the achievement of the results and not covered by other sources (3.1 Guidelines): • Administrative or academic tasks • Course development, maintenance of online courses/website, etc. • Language / IT courses, translation services, evaluation activities when performed by internal staff (if sub-contracted Other costs) • Replacement costs for EU staff can also be covered (3.3 of Guidelines) Purpose • Salaries and fees should reflect the employing institution's usual policy on remunerationand respect local salary rates • Maximumreference daily rates per country: seenextslide • Total expenditure for Staff Costs cannot exceed the 40% ceiling (plus 10 % flexibility) -Co-financing is also subject to the 40% ceiling Contractual rules
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Staff Costs as proposedinthe Project proposal – maximum eligible daily rates (in Euro) (gross salary rates)
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Base for calculation: 1 day is 7.5 hoursof work 1 year is maximum 220 days Proposal: Partner is allowed to change themaximumdaily rate ofcertaincategoriesunless it reflectsthe total budgetunderthe line staffcost
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Fundedby the European Union AD- 3 Budgetary issues • In all cases the beneficiary shall retain with project accounts: • Staff Conventions + timesheets • For audits and to justify salary rates the following documents should also be available: • A. If staff is remunerated by the project directly (full-time, part-time, occasional or top-up of regular salary): • Employment contract • Proof of payment (i.e. banktransfer) • B. If staff is remunerated through its normal salary (i.e. Tempus related tasks are part of the regular assignment at the university): • Employment contract • Proof that the tasks is part of regular assignment (i.e. general time-sheets, declaration of the institution, etc.) • Salary slips • Proof of payment (i.e. banktransfer) • The beneficiary shall provide with final report: explanation & supporting documents (i.e. salary slip) if salary rates exceed the Tempus ceilings (Guidelines/Annex 3). Supporting documents
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr II. Travel costs and costs of stay – Staff • To cover the costs of travel and subsistence allowances of staff for mobilities mainly linked to: • teaching/training assignments, retraining • update of courses • practical placements • short visits for coordination and planning • language training • Dissemination • N.B. Travel for research activities is not allowed Purpose • The budget for Travel Costs and Costs of Stay should: • cover only actual travel costs (including visa fee and related obligatory insurance, travel insurance and cancellation costs if justified) • cover the daily allowance: the ceilings per person (per day/week) indicated at point 4.3.3 of the Guidelines must be respected Contractual rules
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr II. Travel costs and costs of stay – Staff • To cover the costs of travel and subsistence allowances of staff for mobilities mainly linked to: • teaching/training assignments, retraining • update of courses • practical placements • short visits for coordination and planning • language training • Dissemination • N.B. Travel for research activities is not allowed Purpose • The budget for Travel Costs and Costs of Stay should: • cover only actual travel costs (including visa fee and related obligatory insurance, travel insurance and cancellation costs if justified) • cover the daily allowance: the ceilings per person (per day/week) indicated at point 4.3.3 of the Guidelines must be respected Contractual rules
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr II. Travel costs and costs of stay – Staff DAILY ALLOWANCES- COVER ALL HOTEL EXPENCES, LOCAL TRAVEL, FOOD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr II. Travel costs and costs of stay – Students • To cover the costs of travel and subsistence allowances of students for mobilities mainly linked to: • study periods abroad • practical placements in an enterprise • intensive courses for Partner Country students • participation of student representatives in management • coordination meetings & Quality Control Purpose • The budget for Travel Costs and Costs of Stay should : • cover only actual travel costs (including visa fee and related obligatory insurance, travel insurance and cancellation costs if justified) • cover an allowance for subsistence / accommodation / local transport and personal insurance: the ceiling per month and per person indicated at point 4.4.3 of the Guidelines must be respected. • The duration of student mobilities should be minimum 2 weeks and maximum 3 months. Contractual rules
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr II. Travel costs/Students: eligible activities and mobility directions
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr II. Travel costs and costs of stay Point 4. Guidelines for the use of the grant • The beneficiary shall retain with project accounts: • a SIGNED & filled-in Individual Mobility Report for each mobility using the standard form (Guidelines/Annex 2) • readable copies of travel tickets, invoices, boarding passes, receipts, etc. • The beneficiary is not requested to send any supporting documents with the Final report. Supporting documents
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr III. Equipment Point 5. Guidelines for the use of the grant • To cover the costs of equipment directly relevant to the project’s objectives such as: • IT equipment (hardware and software) including costs for installing internet connection and laboratory supply (teaching purposes) • books, e-books, publications • access to database • equipment insurance/ transport/ installation, maintenance of equipment • Prior authorisation required for hire of equipment Purpose • The equipment must: • be exclusively for PC Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) included in the partnership (JP) • be exclusively for PC HEIs /institutions/organisations included in the partnership (SM) Not public administration! • be recorded in the inventory of the institution where it is installed • complywith the rule of origin • Total expenses for equipment cannot exceed the 30% ceiling (plus 10% of flexibility). Co-financing is also subject to the 30% ceiling. • Deductible VAT is not eligible. Contractual rules
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr III. Equipment Point 5. Guidelines for the use of the grant • The beneficiary shall retainwith project accounts: • All invoices for all equipment declared costs • Proofs of tendering procedure (min. 3 quotations) for purchases above EUR 25,000 • Certificate of origin for equipment of a unit costabove EUR 5,000 • Proof that VAT is not deductible (if VAT exemption is not obtained and VAT costs are charged to the project budget) • The Beneficiary shall provide with the final report: • Readable copies of invoicesif the purchase is above EUR 25,000. • Names of the firms consulted (min. 3) have to be indicated in the Financial statement of the final report. Supportingdocuments
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr III. Equipment to bepurchased Point 5. Guidelines for the use of the grant
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr III. Equipmentpurchaserules • EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PURCHASED AT COUNTRY LEVEL; • IF TWO PARTNERS FROM COUNTRY- ONE HAS TO TAKE OVER THIS DUTY • ALL PURCHASE SHALL BE EXCLUDED FROM VAT;
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Tendering Procedure Art. I.10.1 Grant Agreement + Guidelines for the use of the grant The beneficiary shall apply the tendering procedure for the purchase of any kind of goods or services WHENEVER the amount of the purchase or sub-contract is above the threshold of EUR 25,000 The purchasecannot be split into smaller contracts withindividual amounts lower than the threshold The selectioncriterion for the offersshouldbe the best value for money
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Rule of origin Art. I.10.1 Grant Agreement + Guidelines for the use of the grant FAQ No. 51 All equipmentpurchased by the project shall comply with the rule of origin and shall thereforeoriginate from any EU Member State or from an eligible country (as defined in the relevant EU Regulations).