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Streamlining Scottish FA referee operations by reorganizing into 6 regions for efficient management, coaching consistency, and increased benefits for grassroots and elite referees. Proposed sub-committees for better administration. Next stages include establishing guidelines and reporting back.
EXISTING POSITION Inconsistencies between Associations Number of Meetings per year (124 meetings) excluding Council Meetings Attendance (20% - 30% of Total Membership)Length of Business at MeetingsRelevance and Impact of Coaching to all members Consistency with coaching of Elite Referees (i.e. FIFA, CAT 1, 3SAR, etc.)
PROPOSED POSITION12 Associations become 6 Regions (SFA Regions)124 Meetings become 25 Meetings - 4 meetings per Region plus 1 Summer Conference for Grassroots RefereesEach Region controlled by a Referee Manager and Assistant – reporting direct to Scottish FA Business conducted by Secretary & Assistant – No Council elected within each Region Use of Technology - Extranet / SFA Website to support administration
PROPOSED BENEFITSGRASSROOTS REFEREES (Referees from Category 4 downwards) - Education / Coaching / Incentives / no membership fee / contact with Elite referees regularly / less meetings / monies and contacts available under Regions / no postcode lottery / Summer Conference for Grassroots Referees ELITE REFEREES (Category 1, 2, 3 Referees & Category 3SAR) - Less commitments / no duplication of coaching / coaching involvement & participation with Regions
PROPOSED BENEFITSREFEREE COMMITTEE – Increased control of Regions / all disciplinary & administration matters dealt with consistently / comply with UEFA Referee ConventionSCOTTISH FA – Costs saving / more monies to use for recruitment & retention and improving coaching for grassroots referees / uniformity
Grassroots Referees Sub-Committees 1. Administration2. Constitution3. Facilities4. Finance5. Regions & Information Technology
ADMINISTRATION SUB-COMMITTEESandy Roy (Chair) - AberdeenBill Macray – North of Scotland / Moray & BanffMark Doyle - EdinburghDonnie McKinnon - LanarkshireBrian Connelly – Angus & Perthshire
CONSTITUTION SUB-COMMITTEERay Morrison (Chair) - LanarkshireKevin Clancy - GlasgowDoug Ross – Moray & BanffNeil Palmer - Aberdeen
FACILITIES SUB-COMMITTEEBryan Robertson (Chair) - GlasgowRicky Mooney - StirlingshireRod Williamson - South of Scotland Derek Lowe - Fife
FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEEMartin Clark (Chair) - EdinburghJoe McDowall - RenfrewshireJim Horne - StirlingshireMorag Pirie - Aberdeen
REGIONS & IT SUB-COMMITTEEIan Fyfe (Chair) – Edinburgh / Fife Alan Cunningham - GlasgowKevin Toner - RenfrewshireJohn McKendrick - AyrshireLouise McWhinnie – Renfrewshire
CO-ORDINATOR FOR ALL SUB-COMMITTEESCraig Thomson – Scottish FA / RenfrewshireSteven McLean – Scottish FA / Glasgow
NEXT STAGES:1. Guidelines for each Sub-Committee established2. Initial meetings of each Sub-Committee held 3. Timetable on reporting back to Chairman established
NEXT STAGES (Contd):4. Date of Final reports from each Sub-Committee agreed5. Dates agreed for Chairman to visit Associations6. Final report of Working Party issued to Ref. Com.7. Decision on whether to proceed with proposal or retain status quo.