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Key Stage 1 Presentation (Year 1 and 2) Mr Atkins, Mr Hodson, Ms Bowes, Ms Newlands, Mr Patel, Ms Wilkins, Ms Morgan 2012-2013. Contents. Key Stage 1 Literacy Numeracy Topic Other Elements of the Timetable Assessment Homework How we will communicate with you. Key Stage 1.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Key Stage 1 Presentation (Year 1 and 2)Mr Atkins, Mr Hodson, Ms Bowes, Ms Newlands, Mr Patel, Ms Wilkins, Ms Morgan2012-2013

  2. Contents • Key Stage 1 • Literacy • Numeracy • Topic • Other Elements of the Timetable • Assessment • Homework • How we will communicate with you

  3. Key Stage 1 Overview. The six areas of learning for the Early Years, as below, are continued in KS1 by way of Literacy lessons, Numeracy lessons and Topic work which encompass a wide range of different activities. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Literacy (Communication, Language and Literacy) Numeracy (Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy) Knowledge and Understanding of the World Creative Development Physical Development

  4. Literacy Reading • Whole Class • Individual • Guided/Group • Library • Book Corners Drama Writing • Narrative • Non Fiction • Poetry • Handwriting • Spelling strategies • Phonics

  5. Literacy in Year 1 Small group work with teachers Teaching assistant supported groups Independent learning through play Benefits of outdoor classroom Handwriting practice Reading with teachers, support staff, volunteer readers and peers Daily writing Daily Phonics practice Work is based on a range of exciting texts from the ‘Power of Reading’ series

  6. Pencil Hold • Tripod grip • ‘Froggy legs’ • movement

  7. By the end of Year 1 we expect your child to be able to : • write a golden sentence (Needs a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop) • blend sounds to make words • be able to automatically spell tricky words and magic ‘e’ words.

  8. Example of a Year 1 Timetable

  9. Literacy in Year 2 Whole class teaching Independent work Small group work with teachers Handwriting practice Reading with teachers, support staff, volunteer readers and peers ‘Support for Spelling’ – National Strategy http://www.swanseagfl.gov.uk/literacy/res/Skills_progression/Support_for_Spelling_DFES.pdf Work is based on a range of exciting texts from the ‘Power of Reading’ series

  10. We use the cursive handwriting script at Brandlehow By the end of year 2 we expect children to: Use basic handwriting joins with confidence in independent writing. Brandlehow Letter Styles

  11. SpellingsYr 1 and 2 High Frequency Words By the end of year 2 we expect children to: Read and spell all words on the YR1/Yr2 high frequency word list.

  12. Numeracy in Key Stage 1

  13. Numeracy in Year 1 and 2 Whole class teaching Independent work Small group work with teachers Kinaesthetic learning Year 1 have benefits of outdoor classroom

  14. Cross Curricular and Topic Work Each half term we create a curriculum map based on one topic. This covers all other areas of learning. Year 2 Curriculum Map example on next slide

  15. Understanding English, Communication and Languages: Postcards from holiday destinations/Columbus voyage NARRATIVE Unit 1A- Stories in Familiar settings (3wks) NON – Fiction Unit 1A Instructions & Recipes (2wks) Instructions - Bread making/seed sowing Poetry- shape poems GUIDED Reading text – FISHING/PLAYGROUND Prior learning: • Unit 1A ‘Ourselves’ and on 1B ‘Growing plants’ Literacy & Numeracy prior learning Study of similarities and differences between today and the past Haveinvestigated their school grounds and their immediate locality School level: Assembly Display Food grown in school garden Community level: Visit to park International level: Food markets around the world PSHE, SEAL and Healthy Schools topics: Balanced diet – different carbohydrates Taking care of the environment Healthy option sandwiches Mathematical Understanding: Block A Unit 1 – Counting, partitioning and calculating (2 wks) Block B Unit 1– Securing number facts, understanding shape (3wks)Block C Unit 1Handling data and measures(2wks) Measures – BREAD making Fractions – sandwich cutting Co-ordinates Symmetry Pictograms/Tally charts Visits: WW Park Pond Kew or Wetlands Display/creativity: Literacy – Meadow stories Geog – food around world Maths/DT/Lit - Bread making Assembly: The World came to my Place Today- food from around the world Ideal world, WOW factor: Visit to Borough market – interview market stall owners & play I went to Paris. Supermarket dash – find as many different foods as possible from a named country. Scientific and Technological Understanding: Identifying plants & animals in the local environment Observations flowers/mini beasts Lifecycles Plant & animal food chains. Food chains involving bread. Exploring seeds – relate seeds to plants/trees GLOBAL GARDEN Cohort issues: 19 children in class Groupings for tasks Space/ equipment SEN support nec: Differentiated tasks Adult support Writing frames G&T opportunities: Extension tasks Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding: CELEBRATIONS around the world– Harvest Festival, Jesus’s stories - Seed Sower fable HISTORY- History & origins of chocolate Columbus & his voyages & discoveries Human rights & start of slavery GEOG – food items + bread/cereal around the world Gardens around the world – The World came to My Place Today Cross curricular topics/projects: See attached medium term plans Homework projects/tasks: ½ termly project based tasks Collage/research/poem/pictures Diagrams Personal and Emotional Skills: Support of peers Sharing with peers Social Skills: Paired /group work S & L – sharing of work Learning and Thinking Skills: Independent tasks Understanding of the Arts: ART: Observational drawings – plants/animals Leaf rubbings /mini beasts– study of pattern & symmetry Making tissue flowers Monet garden painting DT: making Bread/sandwiches Music from around the world Resources/Locations (e.g. garden): Pond area WWorth Park Topic box Understanding physical development, health and well-being: GYM/DANCE - Exploring animal movements & sequences GAMES- identifying countries of origin Key dates and half-term’s focus weeks to include in plans: BLACK HISTORY WEEK 24th Sept Wetlands Visit

  16. Assessment in Key Stage 1 • Termly assessments in reading, writing and numeracy • Year 1 Phonics Assessment (summer term) • Year 2 SATs (summer term) • Reading • Writing • Numeracy

  17. Homework in Year 1 outlined in half termly newsletter. Homework books High frequency word lists Reading books Numeracy work Learning through everyday experiences

  18. Homework in Year 2 • Reading books • Times tables to be sent in due course • Homework Books –based on ½ termly topic (Changes after Spring half term)

  19. Teacher-Parent communication We are all available for a chat in the mornings before the bell goes and after school You can book an appointment via Carmelina at the front desk The Early Years (Apple, Mango, Peach and the Nursery) send you a weekly newsletter Year 1 and 2 send half-termly newsletters End of year report Presentations through the year (e.gMaths) Monthly school newsletters Open Day Parents evenings

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