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Predstavitev dogajanja na dveh ISACA konferencah. Mag. Stane MOŠKON, CISA, CISM . Ljubljana. Dva dogodka: ISACA 2008 Global Leadership Conference, Toronto, 25. in 26. julij 2008
Predstavitev dogajanja na dveh ISACA konferencah Mag. Stane MOŠKON, CISA, CISM Ljubljana ISACA, 4. november 2008
Dva dogodka: • ISACA 2008 Global Leadership Conference, Toronto, 25. in 26. julij 2008 • ISACA 36th Annual Inetrnational Conference and Annual Meeting of the Memebrship, Toronto, 27.- 30. julij 2008 ISACA, 4. november 2008
ISACA 2008 Global Leadership Conference Program: • General Session • ISACA InternationalHeadquartersUpdate • CobiT, Val IT Updateand IT-ERM Updates • TechniquesforCommunicatingtheCobiTand Val IT andValueProposition • GrowthandRetention in SmallandMediumChapters (Panama) • FindingGreatSpeakersandDevelopingIneterstingTopicsforChapterEvents (Vancouver) ISACA, 4. november 2008
ISACA 2008 Global LeadershipConference 5. Small and Succesfull: How to have Vibrant Chapter in a Smaller Market (Malta Chapter) 6. Meeting their Needs: Examine the Findings of the 2007 Member Needs Survey • Creating, Developing and Improving Academic Relations Programs 8. CobiT Education: Opportunities for ISACA Chapters 9. Succession Planning in the Hong Kong Chapter 10. Chapter Success Story: Hosting CobiT and Val IT Events for C-Suites (Brisbane and Perth) ISACA, 4. november 2008
ISACA 2008 Global Leadership Conference ISACA - statistika: ISACA, 4. november 2008
Analiza članstva ISACA v primerjavi s številom prebivalcev (Franci Tajnik) ISACA, 7. oktober 2008
Membership • Total ISACA membership worldwide: 77,093
CISA Celebration Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the CISA certification program
CISA Certification Current Facts Certified the 60,000th CISA earlier this year Currently there are more than 45,000 current CISAs A 2007 survey of ISACA members who hold the CISA designation revealed: 94% value their CISA certification 72% agreed that CISA has advanced their career
CISAs in the Workplace More than: 9,000 serve as IT audit practitioners 9,000 serve as IS/IT audit directors, managers, or hold senior positions 2,200 serve as chief audit executives (CAEs), audit partners or audit heads More than: 11,000 hold managerial or consulting positions in IT operations or compliance 3,800 serve as CIOs, CISOs, security directors, security managers 1,400 serve as the CEO or CFO of theirorganizations
Recent CISA Program Recognition CIO Magazine, SC Magazine and Foote Partners research continually cite CISA as a credential that earns top pay compared with other credentials Certification Magazine’s 2007 salary survey ranked CISA in the top five highest paying certifications Salary for auditing certifications such as CISA continue to be boosted by compliance requirements and independent auditor control provisions
Current CISAs (more than 500) by Country 1,044 Australia 898 Germany 883 Singapore 870 Spain 597 China 573 Netherlands 541 South Africa
CISM Certification Facts 9,145 CISM Certifications have been awarded since 2003 Currently there are more than 8,000 active CISM members of ISACA This year the total number of CISMs awarded will exceed 10,000
Who are the CISMs? • Most CISMs are consultants (37%) or work in financial services (19%). • As expected most CISMs are directors(32%) or managers (22%). • 16% of CISMs have a “C” level title.
Where CISMs Work • CISMs primarily work in large organizations (34%) with 15,000 or more employees. • 30% of CISMs manage organizations whose security staff is larger than 25 individuals. 61% work in organizations having a security staff larger than 5 individuals.
Years of Professional Experience • A large number of CISMs have more than 14 years of professional experience (63%). 84% report having 10 or more years of experience.
Geographic Representation Member CISMs by ISACA Region Asia Central / South America Europe / Africa North America Oceania 14.4% 3.4% 24.7% 54.2% 3.3%
2008 CISA UPDATE LEADERSHIP MEETING26 JULY 2008Gary Langham, CGEIT Certification Board Member
CGEIT Certification Current Facts 364 CGEITs as of 26 June 2008 All certified via the grandfathering provision Grandfathering provision ends 31 October 2008, has been extended to 31 December 2008
Current CGEITs – Other Demographics • 41% of CGEITs come from the technology services/consulting field • 23% of CGEITs work in the financial services industry • 82% of CGEITs have an Advanced Education Degree • 44% have an Masters Degree • 5% are Ph.D’s
CGEIT Grandfather Applications and Process • 740 applications received as of 26 June 2008 • Approval rate is 94% • Approvals require review and approval of CGEIT Certification Board members • Takes approximately 6-10 weeks to review
ISACA 2008 Global Leadership Conference Udeleženci konference: • 243 predstavnikov ISACA odsekov iz celega sveta • največ iz Severne Amerike • veliko udeležencev iz Azije • 36 iz Evrope ISACA, 4. november 2008
ISACA 36th Annual Inetrnational Conference O konferenci: • 508 udeležencev, • največ iz ZDA in Kanade, • konferenčna predavanja 28., 29. in 30 julij • delavnice: 26. in 27. julij ter 31. julij ISACA, 4. november 2008
ISACA 36th Annual Inetrnational Conference O konferenci – glavne teme: • IT Governance, • CobiT in Val IT, • ERM – Enetrprise Risk Management, • Compliance, • primeri dobre prakse. ISACA, 4. november 2008
ISACA Annual Meeting of the Memebrship ISACA International Board of Directors : • Lynn Lawton, President • George Ataya, Vice President (Belgija) ISACA, 4. november 2008
Vprašanja ? Hvala za pozornost ! ISACA, 4. november 2008