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Semantic Construction. lecture 2. Semantic Construction. Is there a systematic way of constructing semantic representation from a sentence of English? This question is too ambitious for now. Let's begin with a more specific one.
Semantic Construction lecture 2
Semantic Construction • Is there a systematic way of constructing semantic representation from a sentence of English? • This question is too ambitious for now. • Let's begin with a more specific one. • Is there a systematic way of translating simple sentences such as:Vincent likes MiaEvery woman snortsEvery boxer loves a woman • into 1st-order logic?
Meaning flows from the lexicon • Assume the natural language sentence Vincent likes Mia should be represented by the 1st-order sentence like(vincent,mia). • The proper name Vincent is what gives rise to the constant vincent, and Mia is what gives rise to the constant mia, and the verb likes contributes the 2-place relation symbol like. • A simple observation, but it leads to an important generalization: meaning ultimately flows from the lexicon.
What about function words? • Every woman snorts is represented asAx(woman(x) → snort(x)). • What exactly does the word Every contribute to this representation? • How can we be precise about what its contribution is?
Syntax also plays a role • Why did we get like(vincent,mia) as the representation and not (say) like(mia,vincent) • Subject is Vincent • Object is Mia • Notions like Subject and Object come from the syntactic structure of the sentence. • The basic principle here is that the syntactic structure of the natural language sentence should guide the process of semantic construction.
The three tasks This gives us a guide to how to proceed. We need to... • Task 1 Specify a reasonable syntax for the fragment of natural language of interest. • Task 2 Specify semantic representations for the lexical items. • Task 3 Specify the translation compositionally. That is, we should specify the translation of all expressions in terms of the translation of their parts.
Task 1:Specify syntax for NL fragment. • Categorial Grammar • Context Free Grammars • Interaction Grammars • Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) • Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) • Tree Adjoining Grammars (TAG) • Minimalism, GB, TG, or some other Chomskyan framework. • Nice computational choice for a first exploration: Definite Clause Grammars (DCGs)
%grammar s --> np, vp. np --> pn. np --> det, noun. vp --> iv. vp --> tv, np. %lexicon noun --> [woman] noun --> [foot,massage]. iv --> [walks]. tv --> [loves]. tv --> [likes]. pn --> [mia]. pn --> [vincent]. det --> [a]. det --> [every]. Definite Clause Grammar
Definite Clause Grammars • They are a natural notation for specifying grammars which automatically have a computational interpretation. • For example, by posing the query ?- s([mia,likes,a,foot,massage],[ ]) we can test whether this sentence belongs to the fragment the grammar describes. • For more on DCGs, look at Learn Prolog Now! which is available at http://www.learnprolognow.org. • Tasks 2 and 3
The Lambda Calculus • The lambda operator marks missing information by binding variables. • Here is a simple lambda expression λx.man(x) • The prefix λx binds the occurrence of x in man(x); • λx.man(x) can be read as: ‘I am the 1-place predicate man, and I am looking for a term to fill my argument slot.
Functional Application • Functional application The @ operator is used to indicate “functional application”. • That is, it indicates that we wish to perform a substitution. Example: λx.man(x)@vincent • The expression λx.man(x) is called the functor. • The expression vincent is called the argument. • Bracketing: ( ( λx.man(x) ) @ ( vincent ) ) • Schematically: (functor @ argument)
β -conversion • The required substitution is performed by β -conversion (which is sometimes called β -reduction): • From λx.man(x)@vincent • β -conversion produces man(vincent) • Basically, we throw away the λx. at the start of the expression, and substitute the argument for all occurrences of x that were bound by λx.
When can we β-convert? • For β-conversion to be applicable, the functor must have the form λx.expression • Such expressions are usually called lambda abstractions, or abstractions. • That is, given an expression of the form λx.expression @ argument we can β -convert, because the functor expression is a lambda abstraction. • One the other hand, given an expression of the form functor @ argument where functor is not of the form λx.expression, then we cannot β-convert.
More Complex Example • Our semantic representation of a woman will be: λQ. ∃x(woman(x) ∧Q@x) • We use the variable Q to indicate that: • some information is missing • where this information has to be plugged in • We can use lambda notation to build up patterns of meaningor patterns of representation, explicitly indicating where the various bit and pieces have to be glued into place.
Every boxer growls • Step 1: assign lambda expressions to lexical items • boxer: λy.boxer(y) growls: λx.growl(x)every: λP.λQ. ∀x(P@x→Q@x)
Every Boxer Growls • Step 2: associate the NP node with the application that has the DET representation as functor and the NOUN representation as argument.
every boxer (NP)λP.[λQ. ∀x((P@x)→(Q@x))]@ λy.boxer(y) boxer (NOUN) λy.boxer(y) every (DET) λP.λQ.∀x((P@x)→(Q@x))
Beta Conversion • The node for Every boxer is an application, and the left hand expression is an abstraction, so we can β-convert. • every boxer:λP.[λQ. ∀x((P@x)→(Q@x))]@ λy.boxer(y) • every boxer: λQ. ∀x((λy.boxer(y)@x)→(Q@x)) • But the resulting expression contains a subexpression λy.boxer(y)@x. So we can β -convert again. • every boxer: λQ. ∀x((λy.boxer(y)@x)→(Q@x)) every boxer: λQ. ∀x(boxer(x)→(Q@x)
every boxer: λQ. ∀x(boxer(x)→(Q@x) • growls λy. growl(y) • every boxer(growls) • beta-reduction:
Proper Nouns • Quantifying noun phrases can clearly be used as functors. • But what about NPs like Vincent? If the semantic representation of Vincent is just the constant vincent, then we cannot do this. • Here is a bad answer: say that in such cases we apply the verb semantics to the noun phrase semantics. • Note that this seems to work: applying λx.growl(x) to vincent yields growl(vincent), which seems right. So why is it bad?
Handling Proper Names • Fortunately, there is a very easy way to give a representation to Vincenta nd other names which allows us to use the representation as a functor, and, at the same time, puts the constant vincent in the right place. • Vincent: λP.(P@vincent) • Mia: λP.(P@mia) • These representations can be used as functors. In effect they say: apply my argument to the constant I contain!
Vincent growls • We can build up the semantic representation for Vincent growls simple by applying the NP semantics to the VP semantics. • NP semantics: λP.(P@vincent) VP semantics: λw.growls(w) • λP.(P@vincent) @ λw.growls(w)(λw.growls(w)@vincent)growls(vincent ) • Thus the method works. • In effect we are seeing that NPs are generalised quantifiers.
Is beta-conversion safe The representations • λx.λy.bloogle(x,y) • λz.λw.bloogle(z,w) are intended to have the same effect. • There are situations, however, when they do not
Is beta conversion safe • Things can go wrong if we apply a lambda expression to a variable that occurs bound in the functor. • For example, if we apply λx.λy.bloogle(x,y) to the variable w we obtain λy.bloogle(w,y) which is what we want. • On the other hand, if we apply λz.λw.bloogle(z,w) to w we obtain λw.bloogle(w,w). • This is not what we want. The variable w has become accidentally bound.
α-conversion • α-conversion is the process of replacing (renaming) bound variables. e.g. we obtain λx.λy.bloogle(x,y) from λz.λw.bloogle(z,w) by α-conversion • To prevent accidental binding, we always α-convert before carrying out β -conversion. • In particular, we always rename all the bound variables in the functor so they are distinct from all the variables in the argument. • So our fundamental combination method is really α-conversion (for safety) followed by β -conversion.