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Introduction To Internal Tables www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Internal Tables • Internal tables fulfill the function of arrays. • Stores data extracted from database tables. • Internal tables can be nested. • It consists of Body and Header line. • Body – Holds the rows of the internal table. • Header line – Has same structure as row of the body holding a single row only. • Work Area : • To change or output the contents of an internal table, you need a work area. • When processing an internal table, the system always fills the work area with the contents of the current table line. • You can then process the work area. • Header line is the default work area for internal tables with header line www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Internal Tables www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Declaring Internal Tables TYPE typ OCCURS n Defines an internal table without header line. Example TYPES: BEGIN OF LINE_TYPE, NAME(20) TYPE C, AGE TYPE I, END OF LINE_TYPE. DATA: PERSONS TYPE LINE_TYPE OCCURS 20, PERSONS_WA TYPE LINE_TYPE. PERSONS-NAME = 'Michael'. PERSONS-AGE = 25. APPEND PERSONS_WA TO PERSONS. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Declaring Internal Tables TYPE typ OCCURS n WITH HEADER LINE Defines an internal table with header line. Such a table consists of any number of table lines with the type typ and a header line. Example TYPES:BEGIN OF LINE_TYPE, NAME(20) TYPE C, AGE TYPE I, END OF LINE_TYPE. DATA: PERSONS TYPE LINE_TYPE OCCURS 20 WITH HEADER LINE. PERSONS-NAME = 'Michael'. PERSONS-AGE = 25. APPEND PERSONS. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Declaring Internal Tables • Referencing data dictionary object • With header line • DATA FLIGHT_TAB LIKE SFLIGHT OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE. • Without header line • DATA FLIGHT_TAB LIKE SFLIGHT OCCURS 10. • DATA FLIGHT_TAB LIKE SFLIGHT. • Including structures • You can Include another structure into Internal table. DATA : BEGIN OF T_TAB1 OCCURS 10, FIELDS1 LIKE BKPF-BELNR, FIELDS2 LIKE BSEG-BUZEI, END OF T_TAB1. DATA : BEGIN OF T_TAB2 OCCURS 10. INCLUDE STRUCTURE T_TAB1. DATA : END OF T_TAB2. In this example, T_TAB2 will also contain the fields FIELD1 & FIELD2. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Filling Internal Tables APPEND Statement APPEND [wa TO | INITIAL LINE TO] itab. • Appends a new line to the end of the internal table itab. If you specify wa TO, the new line is taken from the contents of the explicitly specified work area wa. • If you use INITIAL LINE TO, a line filled with the correct value for the type is added. If the specification before itab is omitted, the new line is taken from the internal table itab. • After the APPEND, the system field SY-TABIX contains the index of the newly added table entry. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Filling Internal Tables INSERT Statement INSERT [wa INTO | INITIAL LINE INTO] itab [INDEX idx]. • Inserts a new line into an internal table. If you specify wa INTO , the new line is taken from the contents of the explicitly specified work area wa. • When using INITIAL LINE INTO , a line containing the appropriate initial value for its type is inserted into the table. If you omit the specification before itab , the new line is taken from the header line of the internal table itab. • INDEX idx specifies the table index before which the line is inserted into the table itab . www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Assigning internal tables • Internal tables without header line • MOVE ITAB1 TO ITAB2. • ITAB2 = ITAB1 • Internal tables with header line • MOVE ITAB1[ ] TO ITAB2[ ]. • ITAB2[ ] = ITAB1[ ]. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Extracting data from database table SELECT c1 c2 … cn|* FROM <dbtable> INTO TABLE <itab> WHERE <condition>. • dbtable – Name of the database table • c1,c2,…cn – columns in the database table • itab – Internal table that holds the data • condition – WHERE clause condition www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Retrieving Internal Tables LOOP AT Statement LOOP AT itab. LOOP AT itab INTO wa. • Processes an internal table (DATA) in a loop which begins with LOOP and ends with ENDLOOP. Each of the internal table entries is sent to the output area in turn. • When LOOP AT itab. is used, the header line of the internal table itab is used as output area. • In the case of LOOP AT itab INTO wa , there is an explicitly specified work area wa. • If the internal table is empty, all the statements between LOOP and ENDLOOP are ignored. • In each loop pass, SY-TABIX contains the index of the current table entry. After leaving a LOOP, SY-TABIX has the same value as it had before. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Retrieving Internal Tables READ Statement READ TABLE itab INDEX idx [INTO WA]. READ TABLE itab WITH KEY <k1> = <f1> <k2> = <f2>… <kn> = <fn> [INTO wa] [BINARY SEARCH]. • Reads an internal table entry. An entry can be chosen using a key or its index idx. • With "READ TABLE itab.", the header line of the internal table itab is used as the output area; with "READ TABLE itab INTO wa." the explicitly specified work area wa is used for this purpose. • For BINARY SEARCH, the internal table itab should be sorted by the keys k1,k2…kn. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Modifying Internal Tables MODIFY Statement MODIFY itab [FROM wa] [INDEX idx]. • Changes an entry in the internal table itab . • If you specify FROM wa , the line is replaced by the explicitly specified work area wa . If the FROM specification is omitted, the line is replaced by the header line from itab . • With INDEX idx, you can specify the table index of the line to be changed. The index specification can be omitted in a LOOP on an internal table. • The INDEX specification can also appear before the FROM specification. Note The counting of table entries begins with 1. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Deleting Internal Tables DELETE Statement DELETE itab. • The current entry of the internal table itab is deleted in a LOOP loop. • Return code value is set to 0. DELETE itab INDEX idx. • Deletes the idx entry from the internal table itab . • The return code value is set as follows: • SY-SUBRC = 0 The entry was deleted. • SY_SUBRC = 4 The entry does not exist. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Deleting Internal Tables DELETE Statement DELETE itab FROM idx1 TO idx2. • Deletes the line area from index idx1 to idx2 from internal table itab. At least one of the two parameters FROM idx1 or TO idx2 should be specified. • If parameter FROM is missing, the area from the start of the table to line idx2 is deleted. • If parameter TO is missing, the area from line idx1 to the end of the table is deleted. • Start index idx1 must be greater than 0. The return code value is set as follows: • SY-SUBRC = 0 At least one entry was deleted. • SY_SUBRC = 4 None of the entries were deleted. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Sorting Internal Tables SORT Statement SORT itab DESCENDING. SORT itab ASCENDING. SORT itab BY f1 f2 ... fi. • Sorts the entries of the internal table itab in ascending order. The default key is used as the sort key for internal tables. • Sorts itab by the sub-fields f1, f2 , ..., fi which form the sort key. These fields can be any type (even number fields or tables). • Unless you specify otherwise, the sort is in ascending order. You can also use additions 1 and 2 before BY if you want all sub-fields to apply. • To change the sort sequence for each individual field, specify DESCENDING or ASCENDING after each of the sub-fields f1 , f2 , ..., fi . www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
CLEAR/REFRESH • CLEAR ITAB. • If ITAB is an internal table without a header line, the entire table is deleted together with all its entries. • If, however, ITAB is an internal table with a header line, only the subfields in the table header entry are reset to their initial values. • To delete the entire internal table together with all its entries, you can use CLEAR ITAB[ ] or REFRESH ITAB. • NOTE: • CLEAR f. • Clears the field contents www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Retrieving Internal Table attributes DESCRIBE Statement DESCRIBE TABLE itab. • Returns the attributes of the internal table itab. You must use at least one of the additions listed below. Additions : 1. ... LINES lin Places the number of filled lines of the table t in the field lin. 2. ... OCCURS n Transfers the size of the OCCURS parameter from the table definition to the variable n. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Control Break With Internal Tables • All these structures begin with AT and end with ENDAT. The sequence of statements which lies between them is then executed if a control break occurs. • AT NEW f. / AT END OF f. • f is a sub-field of an internal table processed with LOOP. • The sequence of statements which follow it is executed if the sub-field f or a sub-field in the current LOOP line defined (on the left) before f has a different value than in the preceding (AT NEW) or subsequent (AT END OF) table line. • AT FIRST. / AT LAST. • Executes the appropriate sequence of statements once during the first (AT FIRST) or last (AT LAST) loop pass. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Control Break With Internal Tables AT FIRST Statements are executed before any records are processed while looping at Internal table. Example : LOOP AT itab. AT FIRST. WRITE : SY-ULINE. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Control Break With Internal Tables AT LAST Statements are executed after all records are processed while looping at Internal table. Example : LOOP AT itab. AT LAST. WRITE : SY-ULINE. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. www.aspireit.net Call us 7058198728 / 8856033664
Report - Control Break With Internal Tables AT NEW <Field Name> Statements are executed at the beginning of a group of records containing the same value for <Field Name>.. Example : LOOP AT itab. AT NEW I_LIFNR. WRITE : SY-ULINE ENDAT. ENDLOOP.
Report - Control Break With Internal Tables AT END OF <Field Name> Statements are executed at the end of a group of records containing the same value for <Field Name>. Example : LOOP AT itab. AT END OF I_LIFNR. WRITE : SY-ULINE. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. Note : AT NEW and AT END OF make sense only for a sorted table.
Report - Summation SUM Statement SUM. • SUM calculates the control totals of all fields of type I , F and P and places them in the LOOP output area (header line of the internal table or an explicitly specified work area). • You can use the SUM statement both at the end and the beginning of a control group • Example: LOOP AT itab. AT LAST. SUM. WRITE : itab-fld1. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. Prints the sum of values of fld1 in all rows of itab. Fld1 should be a numeric type field
Report - Summation COLLECT Statement COLLECT [wa INTO] itab. • COLLECT is used to summate entries in an internal table. • COLLECT = APPEND, if no entries with the same key exists • = Adds the numeric values to their corresponding field values, if an entry with same key exists • Used to create summarized tables.
Report - Summation COLLECT Statement Example Timesheets per employee per day INT_EMPTMSHT – EMPNO(char), EDATE(date), HOURS(integer) Total time per employee for the whole period under consideration INT_TMSHTSUM – EMPNO(char),HOURS(integer)
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