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B=2 system in chiral soliton model

APFB2011 August 25, Seoul. B=2 system in chiral soliton model. Byung-Yoon Park (Chungnam National University, Korea) V. Vento (Universidad de Valencia, Espa ña ) V. Mantovani, A. Drago (Università di Ferrara, Italia). Outline. Motivation Chiral soliton model B=2 system Discussion.

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B=2 system in chiral soliton model

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  1. APFB2011 August 25, Seoul B=2 systemin chiral soliton model Byung-Yoon Park (Chungnam National University, Korea) V. Vento (Universidad de Valencia, España) V. Mantovani, A. Drago (Università di Ferrara, Italia)

  2. Outline • Motivation • Chiral soliton model • B=2 system • Discussion

  3. B=4

  4. Skyrmemodelfor Finite Density & Temperature B.-Y. Park & V. Vento, Multifaceted Skyrmion, 2010

  5. Non-Topological Soliton Model Friedberg & Lee, 1977

  6. Quark Energy Band Phys. Rev. C 36(1987)

  7. No relative orientation!

  8. z 0 0 z 0 0 x y y x 0 0 y z 0 0 x

  9. No study on B=2 system ! & ?

  10. Toroidal B=2 skyrmion 1988, Braaten & Carson, 1995, Leese, Manton & Schroers

  11. Multi-Skyrmion system Rational Map Ansatz 1997 Houghton, Manton, Sutcliffe B=2 Torus B=3 Tetrahedron B=4 Cube B=5 with Dd2 sym B=6 with Dd4 sym B=7 Dodecahedron

  12. Multi-Skyrmion system (continued) B=8 with Dd6 sym. B=9 Tetrahedron B=17 Bucky Ball B=5 Octahedron B=11 Icosahedron

  13. Multi-skyrmion System (continued) Fullerine Structures 2001 Battye, Sutcliffe

  14. B=2 system in chiral soliton model

  15. ModelLagrangian

  16. Hedgehog Solution

  17. B=1 hedgehog solution

  18. Product Ansatz for B=2 system

  19. Configuration A V Vq Vp VU Vs

  20. Configuration B Vq V VU Vs Vp

  21. Configuration C Vq V VU Vs Vp

  22. Inter-soliton potential energy VB VA VC

  23. Summary • We have obtained an approximated solutions to B=2 system in the model. • They can be used - in searching the better solutions for the studies of the nuclear force, - in constructing the dense system.

  24. Future Work • Baryon-Baryon Interaction • Multi-Baryon Systems • Baryonic Matter

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